

A Research on the Executing Policy of Henan Provincial Officials in Ming and Qing Dynasties

【作者】 张玉娟

【导师】 牛建强;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 中国古代史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 明清时期,省级行政机构经历了较大变革。明代督抚制度的确立打破了原有三司统辖,各有分职的地方权力格局,督抚成为地方最高级别的领导者,而三司则变成督抚下僚。明政府为牵制督抚力量,不断加强品级较低的巡按御史的权力,二者遂成为地方的实际掌权者,且彼此牵制。清代初期裁撤巡按御史,意味着督抚在地方上失去了分庭抗礼的掣肘力量,一方独大。而河道总督的专设又给地方注入了新的省官血液,同时改变了地方的权力结构。守道、巡道逐渐脱离布、按二司的事实又是省级机构的一大变革,布、按二司的权力被进一步削减,布政司成了名副其实的管粮部门。随着省级内部机构的裁设变动,两代省级官员的选任与考绩也发生了不同程度的变化。省级官员权力此消彼长的过程即是其职能变化的过程。总体而言,布政司主管民政、按察司掌握刑政的大方面不变,督抚的设置使二者在办理各自原本事务之时多了受制力量。尽管如此,二者仍然有与中央直接对话的权力。河南作为中原腹里的省份,有与他省共性之处,又有其自身的特点。上述省级官员权力的消长及职能的变化即是河南与其它各省共有的相同点。不同的是,各省根据各自省内的具体情况不同而有不同的施政内容。元、明、清朝代更替之际,河南遭遇严重兵燹,流民载道,田多荒芜,开垦荒地以安置流民和增加其财政收入是省级官员的当务之急。明、清建国走上正轨道路之后,兵乱虽已减少,流民问题却始终存在,河南南阳尤为突出。因此,开垦土地、安置流民是两代省级官员施政的必修课程。赋税的收支是各省官员的分内事务。每省都会涉及夏税、秋粮、耗羡、盐规的收支情况,而省级官员的任务是处理这些银粮收支中出现的问题,处理方法各不相同。河南宗室繁多,省级官员与其交流较为频繁,需要解决支发禄粮及其连带出现的问题。河南省级官员对各种问题的处理主要通过他们行使另一职能而进行,即司法职能。在其行使此项职能的过程中,省级官员对中央、府州县官员上传下达的作用体现地淋漓尽致。河南是黄河流经的主要省份之一。这就意味着治理黄河是河南省级官员的施政内容之一。因为,明清时期黄河在河南的决口异常频繁。他们需要不间断的抢修、护修河工,治理河灾。不仅如此,更重要的是他们还需时刻处理官吏、河兵、河夫人等造成的各种漏弊。治河方面,清代与明代的最大变化是后者开始专设河道总督,且设河东河道总督,专理河南、山东河务。这是省级官员体制的一大变动。雍正二年(1724年)闰四月,嵇曾筠以兵部左侍郎的身份被任命为河南副总河。这又是河南治河官的一次调整,一改过去总河对河南河务鞭长不及的弊端。由此,清代河南出现了两条互不统属的治河省官体系。一是以河东总督为首的地方行政体系;一是以河东河道总督为首的河官体系。两者均有管理河务的权力,在通力协作的基础上难免会有矛盾,可说是利弊并存。明代河南军事治安的特点主要表现在矿盗和流寇的剿抚上。河南南阳府、汝宁府、汝州地势多山,盗贼易藏,且其地又有矿产资源,为盗贼的聚集创造了地利条件。清代河南的不稳定因素主要体现在邪教猖獗方面。不管是矿盗、流贼、邪教都是地方百姓在生活所迫的情形下铤而走险的行为,省级官员要剿抚并用。对纠众倡乱者、谋反朝廷者以及危急地方安全者采取严厉的剿灭手段,而对被迫为盗为匪者仍是以抚为主。河南省级官员的另项职能是考核属员,对廉能者举,对不职者劾。但是,省级官员自身亦有廉能和不职之分,这就决定了其举荐与弹劾具有不公平的成分。不该举被举、不该劾被劾的情形会有出现。这恰恰反证了省级官员具体的施政并不是与制度的规定始终吻合。在教育方面,河南省级官员根据本地区具体的情形进行治理,修建贡院、学宫、书院等教育场所,完善宗室教育,通过祭祀的方式实现教化的普及。省级官员是沟通中央与府州县的桥梁,在其每一方面的职能中都能体现其对上、对下的互动。要达到上下良好的互动性,省级官员的贤能与否尤为重要。对上、对下的互动有直接影响省级官员施政的效率。无论中央与地方的权力如何消长,终归要回归于百姓,回归到社会。对省级官员而言,最重要的莫过于给百姓做出实事,解决社会存在的问题,即是给行政向对方排忧解难,为社会的稳定与发展做出应有的贡献。

【Abstract】 During the Ming and Qing dynasties, provincial administrations experienced greatchange. The establishment of the governor of the system in breaking the original threedivisions of governance and the branches office of local power patterns, the governor becamethe highest level of leader in place, while the three divisions became the governor underling.The Ming government contains the governor power, continuously strengthen the lower rankof inspector censor power. They became a place of actual ruler, and mutual restraint. Theinspector censor was demolished in the early years of Qing dynasty, it means the governor inthe land of lost as an equal handicap forces, centralized power on major issues. Managementof river governor was specially setted again into a new province, blood to the place, andchange the local power structure. Province sent officials gradually detached from the originalCivil institution and Legal institutions, according to the two divisions of the facts are theprovincial institutions as a revolution. The two powers were cut further. The Civil institutionwas worthy of the name of the tube grain branch. With the changes of provincial institutions,provincial officials in election and PAS also occurred in varying degrees of Ming and Qingdynasty. Provincial official power transfermence is the process of its function changes in theprocess. Overall, Civil institution in charge of civil justice, and Legal institutions mastercriminal laws and politics, the settings of governor added to their subject power when theyhandled affairs. Nevertheless, they still have powers of a direct dialogue with the Central.As the Central plains of Henan province with the belly, Not only has in common withother provinces, but also has its own characteristics. The provincial official influence thegrowth and functional change is the same point by Henan and other provinces. There isdifference between them, the provinces according to their respective province specificcircumstances are different from different policy content. Henan suffered a severe war,refugee action, the barren land, reclaim wasteland to resettle refugees and increased itsrevenue of provincial officials was a pressing matter of the moment in turnover time of Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasty. The establishment of national of Ming and Qing and gradualnormalization, warfare has decreased, but the refugee problem still exists, particularly inNanyang of Henan. Therefore, reclaimed land and placement of refugees are the twogenerations of provincial official policy is indispensable. Tax revenue is basic affairs of theprovincial officials. Each province involves food tax and a variety of miscellaneous levies,while the provincial officials are required to handle these silver grain balance of paymentsproblems, but treatment methods varied. There were many royal in Henan, provincial officialshave many opportunities to communicate with them and need to solve the problems ofgraining salary and related problems. Provincial officials of Henan on various issues ofprocessing mainly through their exercise other functions, namely the judicial functions. In theprocess of exercising of the functions, provincial officials upload function is an excellentembodiment.Henan is one of the main provinces through the Yellow River. This means that themanagement of the Yellow River is one task of the Henan Provincial Administration ofofficials. Since, the Yellow River in Henan frequently crevasse during the Ming and QingDynasties. They need a continuous repairment of guarding River and control of flood disaster.Not only that, the more important thing is they need to keep processing officials, soldiers,caused by varieties of leakage. Compared with Ming Dynasty, the biggest change of QingDynasty is that it began dedicated River governor and East River governor, specificallyadministrate Henan and Shandong affairs of the yellow river. This is a significant change inprovincial officials system. In April of Yong Zheng two years(1724), as second in commandof the board of war, Ji Zengjun was appointed to deputy chief River in Henan. This is thegovernment officials in the Yellow River once again, change malpractice of the past Rivergovernor of Henan. Thus, Henan appeared in the two independent River Provincial officersystem of the Qing Dynasty. One is east of governor headed the local administration system;one is River officer system led East River governor. Both of them have managed the Riverpower, in cooperation with the basis of unavoidably contradictory, it is advantages anddisadvantages. The military security features of Henan province of Ming dynasty were cutand comfort mine pirates and bandits. There are a large of mountain in Nanyang , Ru Ning and Ruzhou, thieves easily hidden, and there is mineral resources, as the mob gathered tocreate a geographical conditions. Henan’s unstable factors are mainly embodied in the aspectsof the cult of rampant in Qing dynasty. Whether it is mine steal, roving bandits, cut, they arethe local people in the life force of circumstances rush into danger behavior, provincialofficials need to destroy and appease. It take a severe cut means to rectify the chaotic person,rebellion and effects of local security, while being forced to steal for the bandit is still mainlyto ask. Provincial officials of Henan in other functions were assessed to staff and torecommend talent and impeachment not duty. However, provincial officials also ownanti-corruption and position, which decides its recommendation and impeachment have anunfair composition. The cases which the lift is raised and not the impeach have appeared to be.This disproofed that provincial official specific policy was not always consistent with rules. Interms of education, Henan provincial officials according to the specific situation ofgovernance, to build the school, college, and the place of education, improve the imperial claneducation, through ritual means of education popularization.Provincial officials bridged in communication with the central and state governmentCounty, their each of its functions can reflect the upload. To reach the good interactive ofupper and lower, sage provincial officials were particularly important. The interaction have adirect impact on the efficiency of provincial officials administration. Both the central andlocal power need to change, it will serve the masses of the people and to return to the society.To Provincial officials, the most important thing is to make the real people, solve socialproblems, which is to exclude the difficulty and anxiety administrative to each other and docontributions to social stability and development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

