Research on the Reform of Production Mode of Agriculture in Contemporary China
【作者】 邵培杰;
【导师】 于金富;
【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 政治经济学, 2012, 博士
【摘要】 改革开放三十多年来,农业、农村、农民问题不仅没有得到解决,还愈来愈成为中国经济社会发展和社会稳定的突出问题之一。从某种意义上来说,它直接关系到中国社会主义建设事业的兴衰成败。“三农问题”中农业问题是基础性问题,也是核心问题,而农业问题从本质上来说就是农业生产方式问题。这是由于现阶段落后的农业生产方式从劳动方式、经济体制、生产要素所有制和生产关系等四个方面阻碍了农业发展,农业发展缓慢或停滞又直接影响农村社会发展和农民增收,还进一步制约了工业化、城镇化进程。站在马克思主义政治经济学的立场上,采用马克思主义创始人生产方式理论全面研究和分析农业生产方式变革问题,不仅有利于保证中国发展的社会主义方向,而且还对丰富和发展生产方式理论具有重要的理论意义,也对指导农业生产方式变革具有重大的现实意义。本文第一章、第二章是理论部分。第一章学术界关于农业生产方式变革研究的主要成果,首先,对马克思主义创始人的农业思想,其中包括小农生产方式及其改造理论、资本主义农业生产方式理论、社会主义农业生产方式理论进行了系统地归纳;其次,分别对我国经济学界对变革农业生产方式与发展现代农业的理论研究成果和西方经济学关于农业经济发展的主要理论成果进行了综述,进而比较了马克思主义政治经济学与西方经济学对农业问题的异同之处,认为马克思主义政治经济学与制度经济学、发展经济学等都高度重视农业的地位和工业对农业的反哺作用,研究对象也都集中在经济体制或制度变革方面,但在研究方法上却存在根本性的差异,对政治与经济之间的关系的重视程度也有所不同。第二章马克思主义创始人农业生产方式理论,主要分为三个部分:一是马克思主义创始人的生产方式一般理论,首先界定了生产方式的基本涵义,即生产的条件与形式,包括生产的技术条件、生产的社会条件和生产的社会形式,进而阐述了生产方式的基本特性和主要特征,即客观性、社会性和历史性,指出了生产方式在社会经济生活中具有决定性的作用,同时也指出了生产力、生产方式与生产关系之间的内在的、必然的联系,对马克思对资本主义生产方式的内在矛盾与发展规律的深入分析进行了归纳。二是马克思主义创始人的小农生产方式理论,提出小农生产方式实质上就是一种小生产方式,它的落后性主要体现在它阻碍了社会生产力发展,导致了小农生活贫困,同时也成为了封建主义滋生的土壤,它必然被社会化的大农业所取代发展趋势。三是马克思主义创始人的资本主义生产方式理论,指出了它产生是资本主义工业生产方式形成的重要后果,农业生产社会化和市场化、科学化的生产技术条件、企业化的组织形式、资本主义性质的社会关系是它的基本特征,指出了它的弊端。四是马克思主义创始人的社会主义农业生产方式理论,首先指出了它的一般特征,即农业生产资料的社会所有制、“自由人联合体”的生产组织形式、农业与工业统筹发展的基本特点;其次指出了发达国家向社会主义农业生产方式过渡的基本途径,即全面实行土地国有化和合作社经营;再次也指出了经济落后国家建立社会主义农业生产方式的基本形式,即采取合作化的形式对小农生产方式进行社会主义改造。本文第三章、第四章和第五章是实证研究部分。第三章我国农业生产方式的历史沿革,首先,论述了我国农业的起源以及原始农业向传统农业的转变过程,进而分析指出了我国古代传统农业生产方式和生产关系的基本特征,即精耕习作的传统农业生产技术、小农分散经营的组织形式、封建的生产资料所有制和以封建地租与人身依附的封建关系。其次,对近代中国农业生产方式和生产关系的基本特征进行了论述,即传统耕作技术与家庭经营占绝对地位的生产技术条件、正在走向瓦解的农村自然经济体制和封建土地所有制以及封建主义、帝国主义和官僚资本主义残酷剥削下的农村生产关系。再次,简要论述了国民经济恢复时期农业的主要特征以及传统社会主义生产方式的形成过程,分析阐述了传统社会主义农业生产方式的主要特征,即农业生产条件方面,农业机械化发展缓慢,传统农业生产技术占主要地位,人民公社体制的全面确立;经济体制方面,农产品统购统销政策与国家农业计划经济体制;所有制形式方面,农村实行的是单一的所有制结构与行政化的公有制形式;劳动形式方面,采取了完全以行政命令来指挥的农民集体劳动;生产关系方面,实行了“一大二公”、“政社合一”人民公社管理体制和平均主义的分配制度。第四章中国现阶段农业生产方式的变革实践和现实特征,论述了中国改革开放以来农村的变革实践,包括家庭承包经营制度的推行、农业机械化的推广、农村市场经济体制的发展、农地产权制度和社会关系的变革等,分析提出了现阶段农业生产方式的现实特征,即农业机械化与传统耕作方式并存的技术条件、农户小生产方式的生产组织形式、低水平的农村市场化、土地的集体所有制、农民的个体劳动、劳动者自主管理与地方行政干预的管理体制以及劳动者自劳自得与地方劳役税费并存的分配格局,进一步明确指出了目前存在的主要问题是家庭承包经营责任制制约了生产技术进步、土地规模化经营、农业剩余劳动力的转移、农业向产业化和市场化发展以及集体土地所有制与农户使用权相分离抑制了农民经营和投资的积极性。第五章国外现代农业生产方式模式的基本特征,比较研究了以美国为代表的规模化、机械化、高技术化模式,以日本、以色列为代表的资源节约和资本密集型模式和以法国为代表的生产集约加机械技术的复合型模式等三种不同的现代农业发展模式,总结归纳了这三种模式的主要特点,即政府和农业经济合作组织的重要推动作用、发展可持续、专业化、规模化、产业化和市场化的现代农业、建立农业科技推广体系等。本文第六章是对策建议部分。第六章中国现阶段全面推进农业生产方式变革的原则、目标与对策,首先提出我国推进农业生产方式变革的基本原则就是既要体现社会主义农业生产方式的本质特征,又要创新其实现形式;其次明确了我国农业生产方式变革的目标模式,即构建具有中国特色的现代农业劳动方式、市场化的农业经济体制、多样化的农业生产要素所有制结构和形成新型的农村生产关系;再次提出变革的主要对策和建议。
【Abstract】 Since the reform and opening-up policy launched, it has been thirty years. The problems ofagriculture, countryside and farmers have not yet been solved, and even it is becoming one ofthe prominent problems to the development and stability of Chinese economy and society.The problem about agriculture of the "Three issues about Agriculture, Countryside andFarmers" is a fundamental and core issue, moreover, this problem is a problem about mode ofproduction if we look at the nature of the problem about agriculture. It is because thedevelopment of agriculture is being hindering by the laggard mode of production in the fieldsof mode of labor, structure of economy, ownership of production factors and relations ofproduction. The slow development of agriculture directly impacts the social development ofcountryside and the increasing income of farmers, even restricts the industrialization and theurbanization. So based on the Marxist political economics, using the Marxism founder’sagricultural production mode theory to comprehensively research and analyze the issues ofthe innovation of the mode of production will make sense to directing the Chinesedevelopment in socialism, developing the theory of the production mode and leading theinnovation of the production mode.Chapter1and2are the part about theoryChapter1is about the results and findings by the research in the innovation of the mode ofproduction. Firstly it systematically summaries the arguments and mind of agriculture by thefounder of Marxism including production by family and its transformation theory, Thecapitalist mode of production agriculture theory, Socialistic agricultural production modetheory. Secondly it briefly states and compares the results and findings of the theories ofinnovating the mode of production and developing the modern agriculture by domesticeconomist with the results and findings in Microeconomics in agriculture development. Itargues that the Marxist political economics, institutional economics and developmenteconomics pay high attention on the status of agriculture and the feedback effect to agriculture by industry and their targets of study are mainly about the economic system andthe system change. However it has differences in nature as they have different methodologiesof study and different degree of attentions in the relationship between politics and economy.Chapter2is about Marxism founder’s agricultural production mode theory. It contains threeparts: firstly it is regarding to the common theory of Marxism founder’s production mode,which defines the production mode. Production mode is the conditions and modalities ofproduction including the technical conditions of production, social conditions of productionand social modality of production. It illustrates the basic and primary characteristics ofproduction mode, which are objectivity, sociality, and historic significance. It points out theproduction mode plays and decisive role in social economy and also states the certain innerrelationship of the productivity, production mode and production relations. It concludesMarxism’s analysis of the inner contradictions and the rule of development of capitalism.Secondly it discusses Marxism founder’s production mode of small-scale peasant economytheory. It points out the small-scale peasant production mode is actually a mode ofsmall-scale production, which hinders the development of social productivity and leads tosmall peasants’ poverty and feudalism, therefore, it must be substituted by socializedlarge-scale agricultural production. The third part is about Marxism founder’s productionmode of capitalism theory. It says this theory is caused by the emergence of the industrialproduction mode of capitalism. Socialized agricultural production, scientific productionconditions, enterprise organization, capitalism’s social relations are the fundamentalcharacteristics of the theory. It also states the advantages. The fourth part is Marxismfounder’s socialism agricultural production mode theory. It firstly states the theory’s commonfeatures, which are actually the basic features of social ownership of agricultural means ofproduction, forms of organization and production of the "commonwealth free mancommunity" and well planning of agriculture and industry. It also illustrates the basic meanshow developed countries make the transition to the socialism agricultural production mode,which means the comprehensively nationalized land and cooperation. It states thefundamental way to founding socialism agricultural production mode in poor countries,which is generally by transforming the small-scale peasant production mode by collectivization.Chapter3,4and5are the empirical research part of this paper.Chapter3is mainly about the evolution history of agricultural production mode of ourcountry. Firstly, it is intended to elaborate the origin of agriculture in China and thetransformation process from primitive agriculture to traditional agriculture, and then throughfurther analysis, to indicate the basic characteristics of the traditional agricultural productionmode and relations in ancient China, i.e. traditional agricultural production techniquecharacterized of intensive and meticulous farming, Separate management of small-scalepeasant economy and feudal ownership of the means of production as well as feudal relationsbased on the feudal land rent and individuals. Secondly, it provides with the elaboration of thebasic characteristics of agricultural production mode and relations of modern China, i.e.production technique condition dominated by traditional farming technique and familymanagement, rural natural economic system and feudal land ownership that are demolishing,and the rural production relations brutally exploited by feudalism, imperialism and bureaucratcapitalism. Lastly, this thesis briefly elaborates the principal features of agriculture during thenational economy recovery period and the forming process of traditional socialism productionmode. By detailed analysis, the paper gives a full elaboration of the main characteristics oftraditional socialism agricultural production mode, i.e. slow development of agriculturalmechanization, primary position of traditional agricultural production technique and thefull-round establishment of people’s commune system in terms of agricultural productioncondition; state monopoly over purchase and marketing of agricultural products and nationalagricultural planned economic system in terms of economic system; in respect of forms ofownership, singular pattern of ownership and administrative public ownership are adopted inthe rural area; in terms of labor form, farmers work collectively under administrative ordersonly; in the area of production relations, people’s commune management and egalitariandistribution system with characteristics of "large scale and high collectiveness" and"integration of government administration with commune management" are adopted.Chapter4is about reform practice and features of agricultural production mode in reality atcurrent stage in China, expounding the reform practices since China’s reform and opening up, which involves carrying out household contract management system, agriculturemechanization, growth of rural market economy system as well as reform of farmlandproperty rights system and social relations etc.. This part presents with the features ofagriculture production mode at the current stage in reality, i.e. the technique condition ofcoexistence for agricultural mechanization and conventional farming, production organizationform of farmers’ small-scale production activity, low-level rural marketization, collectivelandownership, farmers’ individual labor, management system combined labourers’independent management with local administrative intervention, and distribution pattern ofcoexistence for self-sufficiency via self-working and local labor taxes, in such way, furtherpointing out the major problem existing at present is that household contract managementresponsibility system restricts the progress of production technology, scale management ofland, the transfer of rural surplus labor force, and agriculture development shifting toindustrialization and marketization. Moreover, the separation of collective landownershipfrom farmers’ right of use restrains the farmers’ activeness in management and investment.Chapter5, the basic characteristics of production mode patterns for modern agriculture inforeign countries, is intended to comparatively study the three different modern agriculturaldevelopment patterns--the mode with large scale, high mechanization and technologyrepresented by the USA, resource-saving and capital-intensive pattern represented by Japanand Israel, and synthesized mode combined intensive production with mechanical technique--and summarize the major characteristics of these three patterns, which include the importantpositive role of government and agricultural economic collaborative organization, sustainabledevelopment, modern agriculture of specialization, large scale, industrialization andmarketization, the establishment of agricultural science and technology promotion systemetc..Chapter6is a part to provide with some countermeasures and suggestions.Chapter6, the principles, objectives and countermeasures in pushing forwardcomprehensively reform of agricultural production mode at the current stage in China, bringsup first the viewpoint that the fundamental principle in carrying forward agriculturalproduction mode is to come up with innovative idea in realizing reform while embodying the substantive characteristics of socialism agricultural production mode; then, the objectivemodel for the reform of agricultural production mode in our country is clearly defined, thatis to construct modern agricultural way of working with distinct Chinese characteristics,agricultural economy market system, diversified ownership structures of agriculturalproduction factors and novel rural production relations; at last, some main countermeasuresand suggestions for the reform are proposed again.
- 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
- 【分类号】F320
- 【被引频次】7
- 【下载频次】1932