

Research on Equipment of Rapid Prototyping for Ceramic Parts and Materials Forming Based on Laminated Quick-Setting Princinple

【作者】 高东强

【导师】 王秀峰;

【作者基本信息】 陕西科技大学 , 材料学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 陶瓷材料具有耐高温、耐腐蚀、强度高、硬度大、抗氧化等优点,陶瓷材料的直接成型已经成为快速成型技术的研究热点和发展方向之一。由于陶瓷件的快速成型技术在国内外尚处于起步阶段,现有工艺及设备大都存在造价高、材料性能要求高、制件质量差等缺点,目前仍未有专门用于陶瓷件生产的快速成型设备。为解决以上难题,陕西科技大学提出了层合速凝成型陶瓷件的技术,本课题就是以该理论为基础,并结合陶瓷材料和石蜡的特性,设计出一种新的陶瓷件快速成型装置,该装置适用于以陶瓷为成型材料,石蜡为支撑及粘结材料的快速成型制造。将该装置与啄木鸟DX3017型雕刻机进行配合工作,加工出的产品理化性能优异,品种丰富,得到了国内行业专家、政府领导和消费者的一致好评。该设备的成功研制对陶瓷产品快速生产具有十分重要的应用价值。该陶瓷件快速成型机的加工过程是建立在层合速凝成型的基础上,其加工步骤为:首先用Pro/E建立零件的三维实体模型,然后利用分层软件对该模型进行分层处理,从而把该三维实体切成一片片的二维截面轮廓,随后把这些信息传送到机床,指引成型运动。前期工作完成之后,分别在盛放陶瓷浆料以及石蜡浆料的料斗内加注材料,开启加热装置同时启动搅拌装置。然后在铺料台上铺一层石蜡,待石蜡凝固后,由计算机发出指令控制刻刀在石蜡板上刻出零件截面形状,并由吹风装置吹走石蜡碎屑,清空镂空部分,再铺一层陶瓷浆料,用刮板将多余的浆料刮走,镂空部分被陶瓷浆料填充。重复上述步骤,逐层叠加,形成实体。最后取出实体,进行排蜡、烧结,即可得到陶瓷件。本课题主要取得了以下创造性成果:1.以层合速凝技术为理论基础,结合陶瓷快速成型的工作原理,对陶瓷快速成型设备的机械部分进行了设计、计算和选取,最终确定了该设备的机械系统结构。2.利用目前国内应用较广的大型三维软件Pro/E对所设计的机械系统部分进行了建模及装配,并通过该软件的三维仿真模块对其实际的运动规律进行了模拟,验证了该设计的合理性。并且利用了大型有限元分析软件ANSYS对铺料台在加工过程中的变形进行分析,根据分析的结果对铺料台结构进行优化,优化后的铺料台结构在满足运动规律的前提下工作精度大大提高。3.设计完成了陶瓷件快速成型机"IPC+PMAC"的控制系统。在比较分析几种开放式数控系统的基础上,结合陶瓷件快速成型机的控制要求,提出"IPC+PMAC"的控制方案,配以交流伺服控制系统,搭建了陶瓷件快速成型机的控制系统。对系统电气驱动部件如主轴变频器、交流伺服驱动器、交流伺服电机等进行了计算选取,设计完成了硬件系统连接图。交流伺服系统的控制性能很大程度上影响了零件的加工精度,因此,本文建立了交流伺服控制系统的数学模型,在经典控制理论的基础上,运用Matlab/SIMULINK对进给交流伺服控制系统进行了PID仿真分析,得出了系统的响应曲线,并分析得出了系统的稳态误差。为了使系统得到更好的性能,利用PEWIN软件对系统进行了调试仿真。4.搭建了陶瓷件快速成型机的数控系统软件部分,采用模块化的设计思路,对程序的上载和下载,系统的PMAC插补模块,PMAC的PLC,和数据采集分别作了分析。5.结合现有的控制系统硬件,设计了另一种采用西门子S7-200PLC对陶瓷快速成型机的进行控制的控制方案,并成功地实现了该设备的运动控制要求。至此该陶瓷快速成型机的样机已经成功研制完成,从调试运行的实验结果分析可得,整个系统的管理和控制任务能比较顺利地完成,达到了预期的效果。6.利用快速成型设备按照层合速凝技术原理制备了95Al203陶瓷凸轮件及性能测试样品并进行了性能测试。SEM显微结构表明:断面颗粒较均匀,晶粒尺寸在4μm左右,晶粒呈短柱状。层间间隙已经消失,样品烧结为一体,且具有一定的增韧效果。一体成型的95氧化铝陶瓷样品SEM显微结构表明,晶粒分布较均匀,晶粒呈短柱状,晶粒尺寸为3μ m左右;通过相关性能测试,快速成型设备制备的样品性能与一体成型的95氧化铝陶瓷样品的性能基本一样,差别较小;因此快速成型制备陶瓷部件方法是可行的。在对样机进行加工实验的过程中也发现了不少不足之处:样机运行过程中的安全性和稳定性有待提高;样机加工的效率有待优化;与雕刻机的配合功能有待完善,数据传输有待改进等等。

【Abstract】 In these days, molding materials is getting more mature increasingly. For ceramic materials’good qualities, such as high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, high strength, and great hardness, ceramic direct molding has become one of the research focus and developments in rapid prototyping technology. The rapid prototyping technology (RP) of ceramic parts is still at starting stage at home and abroad, and most of the existing technology and equipments have defects, including high cost, material with high quality performance and products being poor quality, there has not been a rapid prototyping device dedicated to ceramic parts production. However, to solve the above problems, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology proposed the technology of laminated speed cemented to product ceramic parts. The topic was based on the theory, and combined with the characteristics of ceramic materials and paraffin to design a new kind rapid prototyping device for ceramic parts. The device is suitable for rapid prototyping manufacturing that takes ceramic as the molding materials and paraffin wax as support and bonding materials. The device coordinated with the woodpecker carving machine DX3017to process the products with excellent physical and chemical properties, and species richness, which achieved the great agreement from the domestic industry experts, government leaders and consumers. The successful development of the device has filled the domestic blank, and reached the international advanced technical level, which is with great value in industrial applications.The process of ceramic parts rapid prototyping machine was on the basis of laminated cemented speed modeling, the processing steps were as follow:Firstly, three-dimensional solid model of the parts was established with Pro/E, and then was stratified by layered software so that it became pieces of two-dimensional cross-sectional profile, all of the data was transmitted to the machine tools to guide modeling movement. Secondly, the ceramic slurry and paraffin slurry were filled in hoopers respectively, and then the heating device and the stirring device were turned on simultaneously. Thidly, a layer of paraffin was paved on the paving plattform, after paraffin solidified, the computer issued a directive to control graver carving the part’s section shape in paraffin board, and the paraffin wax debris was blown away by the blowing device to empty hollow part out. A layer of ceramic slurry was paved on it, and the excess slurry was scraped away by scraper, the hollow part was filled with ceramic slurry. Repeating the above steps, and overlapping layer by layer, an entity was formed. Finally the entity was taken out for wax removal and sintering to obtain the ceramic parts.The creative achievements in the paper are as follow:Based on laminated quick-setting and combined with rapid prototyping principle, the whole mechanical structure of the rapid prototyping equipment for ceramic parts was designed, calculated and picked up, so that it was determined at last.The three-dimensional models of the michaical structure were established to assemble in Pro/E, and the motor parameters of the device were set to realize the device’s three-dimensional simulation. The real course of the campaign was seen through the simulation, and it can check whether the design is reasonable on the baisis of analysis. Finite element analysis software ANSYS was used to analyze the deformation of paving platform in the process. Through the analysis, it was found that a certain degree of deformation was occurred on the platform, which would influence ceramic parts machining accuracy at some degree. On the basis of the analysis, the platform’s structural was improved, and analyzed again to meet the design requirements.The control system of the rapid prototyping equipment for ceramic parts adopted the plan of "IPC+PMAC". Compaired with several kinds of open CNC systems and based on the control requirements of ceramic parts rapid prototyping machine, the control program of "IPC+PMAC" was proposed, togethering with AC servo control system, the control system of ceramic parts rapid prototyping was set up. The electrical drive components of the system were calculated to pick up, including spindle inverters, AC servo drives, AC servo motor. And the connection diagram of the hardware system was completed. The control performance of AC servo system was affected the machining accuracy greatly, therefore, this paper establishes a mathematical model of the AC servo control system, on the basis of classical control theory, the Matlab/SIMULINK was adopted to do PID simulation analysis for feed AC servo control system, and the system response curve&the steady-state error were obtained,. In order to get better performance PEWIN software was used to make debugging simulatin for system.The numerical control system software portion of the ceramic parts rapid prototyping machine was build, a modular design ideas was used to analyse the program upload and download, system PMAC interpolation module, the PMAC’s PLC and data acquisition.Combined with the existing control system hardware, an alternative control scheme was proposed:adopting Siemens S7-200PLC to design the control system of the device. The control scheme was easy to realize the control requirements and successfully achieved the processing motion. The ceramic rapid prototyping machine prototype has been successfully developed, from the results of debugging and running the experimental, it was available to find that the management and control tasks of the entire system can work well and stable, and calibration with great machining accuracy, which all have meet the requirements and achieved the desired results.95Al2O3ceramic cams were processed by the rapid prototyping device and the sample’s performance was tested. SEM microstructure showed that:section particles were uniform grain size was about in4μm and short column. Layer gap has disappeared, the sample sintered as a whole, and with toughening effect. SEM microstructure of one forming of the95Al2O3ceramic sample showed that: the grain distributed uniformly and took on in short column, was about in3μm; after related performance tests, the sample prepared by rapid prototyping equipment performance slightly worse than one forming of the95Al2O3ceramic sample, however the difference was hardly. Therefore, using rapid prototyping equipment to process ceramic components is available.There are a lot of inadequacies in the process of re-processing for the prototype experiment:the security and stability of the prototype machine need to be improved; processing efficiency needs to be optimized; the function of working with engraving machine need to be improved, data transmission needs to be improved and so on.


