

Expectancy Value, Learning Purpose and Learning Behavior:the Study on Motivation in Learning Chinese As a Second Language

【作者】 刘艳

【导师】 徐大明;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 对外汉语教学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 汉语作为第二语言学习的动机是汉语教学界十分关注的问题,日前研究更多地是在学习目的层面上开展,学者们对学习目的的类型进行了较多的描写,而忽略了对学习目的来源的解释。语言经济学提出二语学习的本质是人力资本的投资过程,经济激励是语言学习的根本动力。这一理论促进了对汉语学习动机的深入思考:学习目的并不是汉语学习的深层动机,汉语学习动机的研究应着眼于汉语的价值。因此本文提出了“汉语期望价值是汉语学习深层动机”的理论假设,在心理学期望价值的理论框架下展开对汉语作为第二语言学习动机的实证研究,通过揭示学习动机变量的内部结构,构拟出汉语作为第二语言学习的动机模型。通过对人力资本、语言资源观、布迪厄“资本形式”论以及言语社区理论的整合,本文提出“语言资本”理论的框架:语言资本包括经济资本、社会资本和文化资本三种形式。在此框架下对汉语价值的构成进行了阐释:汉语的经济资本、社会资本和文化资本构成了汉语学习的期望价值。通过对调查数据的因子分析,本文归纳了汉语学习的三个期望价值变量:经济期望价值、社会期望价值、文化期望价值;四个日的变量:生活目的、了解中国日的、工作目的、接受教育日的;以及汉语学习行为的两个努力程度变量:坚持性、主动性和四个学习方式变量:输入学习、操练学习、课程学习和辅导学习。对138份汉语学习者问卷数据的统计发现,学习者的汉语期望价值往往并不止一种,具有复合价值导向的学习者人数超过了调查总数的一半;其中,社会期望价值是学习者学习汉语的最重要导向,经济价值导向次之。学习者的学习目的也同样表现出了多样的特点,具有复合目的的学习者人数占调查总数的一半;其中,了解中国目的是学习汉语的最主要目的。对汉语学习者个体差异的分析结果表明,汉语水平对学习者汉语期望价值、学习目的和学习行为有重要影响,最集中的反映就是“高原期”现象:中级水平的学习者在汉语期望价值、学习目的和学习努力程度方面总体表现出了低于其它水平学习者的倾向。研究还发现了,海外环境和中国环境下的汉语学习者在汉语期望价值、学习目的和学习行为上有着较大差异。对12名留学生的个案研究验证了问卷调查的结果。研究发现,期望价值和学习目的对学习行为都产生作用,但期望价值的作用值显著高于学习目的。5.2%的坚持性来自于经济期望价值的作用,33.9%的主动性来自于社会期望价值和经济期望价值的共同作用;学习日的对坚持性和主动性变量没有显著作用。12.5%的输入学习和19.2%的课程学习来自于社会期望价值、45%的操练学习来自于经济期望价值的作用;学习目的对学习方式的作用力仅表现为:了解中国日的可以增加2.3%的输入学习、工作目的口J以增加3.6%的操练学习、接受教育日的可以增加3.5%的课程学习变量变化。期望价值对学习行为的影响力显著高于学习目的这一结果验证了本文的理论假设:期望价值是影响汉语学习的深层动机。在定量分析的基础上,本文构拟了汉语作为第二语言学习的动机模型,直观地表示了汉语期望价值和学习目的之间的相互作用以及两者共同指向学习行为的作用关系。期望价值对学习日的的作用力表现为:经济期望价值决定2.1%的生活目的和47.6%的工作目的;社会期望价值和文化期望价值共同决定32.8%的了解中国目的和44.9%的接受教育目的。学习日的对期望价值的作用力为:工作目的决定47.6%的经济期望价值;接受教育目的、工作目的、了解中国目的共同决定42%的社会期望价值和34.7%的文化期望价值。通过对不同价值导向学习者学习目的和学习倾向的分析,本文发现:经济价值导向学习者倾向于工作目的,偏爱操练学习方式;社会价值导向学习者倾向于了解中国目的,偏爱输入学习和课程学习方式;文化价值导向学习者倾向于接受教育月的,偏爱课程学习方式。“期望价值是汉语学习深层动机”的提出,为构建体现学习者深层需求的领域汉语教学体系提供了依据。领域汉语教学基于汉语的期望价值而提出,包括经济领域汉语、社会领域汉语和文化领域汉语三个部分。在领域汉语教材编排上,本文提出了基于学习日的的任务型教学设计方案,并对领域汉语教学方法的实施进行了探讨。

【Abstract】 Motivation in learning Chinese as a second language is a very important subject in applied linguistics. Most of the studies focus on the types of purpose but ignore the deep motivation of learning. That is, where the purpose is from. According to language economists, language learning is a process of human capital investment and economic incentive is the deep motivation of language learning. Within the framework of Expectancy-Value theory of language economics and the theoretical construct of sociolinguistics, this study adopts the research methods of questionnaire and interview to examine the hypothesis that the expectancy value learners assign to Chinese is the deep motivation of learning Chinese as a second language.This study illustrates that language capital including economic capital, social capital and cultural capital constitutes learners’expectancy value of Chinese in the learning process. Through factor analysis this study finds three variables of expectancy:economic expectancy, social expectancy, cultural expectancy; four variables of purpose:living, knowing China, working, receiving education; two variables of efforts:persistency, initiative; and four variables of learning style: inputting, drilling, course, and tutor.The research has following findings:1. Regarding expectancy, social expectancy guiding is most important compared with others and Economic expectancy ranks second. Within four purposes, knowing Chinese is the most salient purpose for learning. The research also finds that half of learners assign more than one kind of expectancy value to their Chinese learning and are driven by over one purpose.2. Learners’Chinese proficiency and learning surroundings has much effect on learners’Chinese expectancy, learning purpose and behavior. Intermediate learners often experience a plateau period and their expectancy, purpose and efforts are generally lower than other learners. The review shows that China surroundings are more favorable to learning Chinese than oversea surrounding.3. The quantitative analysis in this study helps to establish a theoretical framework of learning Chinese as a second language. The study finds that learners with economic expectancy tend to have working purpose and learning Chinese by drilling style; learners with social expectancy tend to have knowing China purpose and learning Chinese by inputting and course style; learners with cultural expectancy tend to have receiving education purpose and learning Chinese by course style.To conclude, Chinese expectancy is the deep motivation of learning Chinese as a second language. Based on this conclusion, we put forward the teaching concept of CSD (Chinese for Special Domain). CSD has three domain Chinese:economic domain, social domain and cultural domain.There are following innovations in this study:1. This interdisciplinary study integrates the concept "language capital" in language economics with applied linguistics studies;2. It adopts the Expectancy-Value theory and explores Chinese expectancy’s effect on learning purpose and behavior;3. It puts forward the concept of CSD which reflects learners’needs more incisively than CSP (Chinese for Special Purposes).

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】H195
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1869

