

The Study on Integrated Assessment Method of Ecological Quality Status and Its Application in Coastal Waters

【作者】 吴海燕

【导师】 薛禹群; 张景飞;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 水文学及水资源, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 由于填海造地、海洋资源的不合理开发利用、渔业养殖、污染物排放等人为活动的影响,近岸海域生态环境正遭受着日趋严峻的污染和损害,包括物理化学变化、生境衰退、生态多样性变化等。综合评价近岸海域生态质量状况(Ecological quality status, EcoQS),为研究区受到的人为扰动和污染强度的分级评价提供依据,在对退化的生态系统进行有效修复和管理的相关决策中起着重要的作用。本研究在对国内外近岸海域EcoQS的综合评价方法进行综述和探讨的基础上,对欧盟“水管理框架’’(Water Framework Directive, WFD)中基于" One-out all-out (OOAO)"原则(即所有要素中的最低等级作为综合评价的等级)的EcoQS综合评价方法进行了修正,并建立了基于模糊数学理论的近岸海域EcoQS综合评价方法。选择福建省近岸海域的东山湾、同安湾、泉州湾、兴化湾和罗源湾作为案例,对这两种方法进行了应用研究。论文的主要内容包括:(1)我国近岸海域生态质量状况以及国内外EcoQS综合评价研究进展。分析了我国近岸海域生态质量现状以及生态退化原因,阐述了近岸海域EcoQS的基本概念以及综合评价的理论基础和方法,在此基础上综述了国内外近岸海域EcoQS综合评价研究进展,并对典型的近岸海域EcoQS综合评价方法进行了介绍,提出了我国近岸海域EcoQS综合评价面临的问题以及本研究的技术路线。(2)研究区各要素生态质量状况分析。对福建省近岸海域具有代表性的受到不同程度人为扰动的五个海湾:东山湾、同安湾(厦门港)、泉州湾、兴化湾和罗源湾的自然概况、物理化学状况、化学状况以及生态状况进行了分析,为综合评价指标的选取和评价结果的验证提供依据。(3)基于"OOAO"原则的近岸海域EcoQS综合评价方法及应用研究。以WFD中近岸海域EcoQS综合评价体系为参照,结合我国的近岸海域监测项目以及收集到的资料,对该指标体系进行了调整,同时建立了同安湾和罗源湾专属的生态要素和物理化学要素参考基准值,基于"OOAO"原则对研究区的EcoQS进行了综合评价。应用结果表明EcoQS评价等级都不高,东山湾、同安湾和泉州湾所有站点的EcoQS等级都在中级以下,生态系统受到明显的污染以及人为扰动的影响,已经退化。罗源湾和兴化湾的EcoQS等级在良-中的水平,各站点受人为扰动和污染的程度不同而有差别,生态系统处于退化的边缘。(4)基于模糊数学的近岸海域EcoQS综合评价方法及应用研究。基于国外近岸海域EcoQS综合评价方法,结合我国海洋环境质量评价的研究现状,从生物要素以及水质和沉积物的物理化学要素中筛选出11个指标构成近岸海域EcoQS综合评价指标体系,综合考虑国内外的评价标准,确定了优、良、中、差、劣5个生态质量状况等级的评价标准,采用层次分析和模糊数学的方法构建近岸海域EcoQS综合评价方法,对研究区的EcoQS进行了综合评价。应用结果表明EcoQS评价等级总体较高(80%以上站位在等级良以上),等级梯度明显(从劣到优),其中同安湾和泉州湾部分站点的EcoQS等级在中级以下,甚至“差”和“劣”,生态系统受到显著的污染以及人为扰动的影响,已经退化,东山湾、兴化湾和罗源湾的EcoQS等级在优-良的水平,生态状况良好。(5)结论和讨论两种方法的评价结果总体上等级梯度明显,说明两种方法能够区分研究区受到的污染和扰动程度的大小。通过与人为环境压力分布的一致性分析以及污染物浓度分布的相关分析,对评价结果的合理性和可靠性进行验证,同时对两种方法进行了校验。结果表明基于"OOAO"原则的评价结果合理的站位比例为78.7%,对人为环境压力较高的站位评价基本合理,而模糊综合评价结果合理的站位比例为54.3%,对人为环境压力较低的站位,合理性比例略高。在此基础上提出了这两种方法在我国的应用需要注意的问题以及建立我国近岸海域EcoQS综合评价方法的建议。

【Abstract】 Due to the effection of human activities such as land reclaimation, unreasonable exploration of marine resource, aquaculture and pollutants discharge, et al., the coastal ecological environment was subjected to increasing pollution and damage, including physi-chemical change, habitat destruction and ecological diversity viriation, et al. Assessing the Ecological quality status (EcoQS) comprehensively offers positive bases for evaluating and ranking the severity of disturbance and pollution of coastal waters, and plays an important role in the course of related decision-making regarding effective remediation and management of the deteriorated ecosystem. In this study, after the EcoQS integrated assessment methods of coastal waters abroad and domestic being reviewed and discussed, the EcoQS integrated assessment method which based on’OOAO’principle proposed by WFD was modified for being used in China, and a new EcoQS integrated assessment method based on fuzzy mathematic theory was constructed. Five bays including Dongshan Bay, Tong’an Bay, Quanzhou Bay, Xinghua Bay and Luoyuan Bay in Fujian coastal water were selected as examples for application of the two methods.The research contents of this study include:(1) The EcoQS of Chinese coastal waters and the advances in EcoQS integrated assessment.The EcoQS of Chinese coastal waters and the reasons caused its deterioration were analysed first. Then the basic concept of EcoQS and the theoretical basis of its integrated assessment in coastal waters were outlined. Further the advances in EcoQS integrated assessment domestic and abroad were reviewed and the typical EcoQS integrated assessment methods were introduced. At last, the existing problems in EcoQS integrated assessment in China and the technical route of this study were proposed.(2) Analysis the quality of each element in study area.The natural general conditions, physicochemical and chemical status, ecological status and anthropogenic disturbances information of the five representative bays were analysed to provide references for the index selection in integrated assessment and the test of evaluation results in further study.(3) Study on the coastal EcoQS integrative assessment method based on’OOAO principle’ and its application.Based on the monitoring items of coastal water in China and the data collected, the EcoQS evaluation index system for coastal waters in The European Water Framework Directive (WFD) was adjusted. According to historical data collected, the typespecific reference conditions of physicochemical and biological elements of Tong’an Bay and Luoyuan Bay were established. The EcoQS of study area was assessed based on’OOAO principle’, i.e., the worst status of the element used in the assessment determines the final status of a water body. The results showed the assessed EcoQS grades were not high, all the satations in Dongshan Bay, Tong’an Bay and Quanzhou Bay were assigned lower than "Moderate", which meant the ecosystem was obvious polluted and affected by human disturbances and has deteriorated. Stations in Luoyuan Bay and Xinghua Bay were ranked from "Good" to "Moderate", which meant the ecosystem was on the threshold of deterioration.(4) Study on the coastal EcoQS integrative assessment method based on fuzzy mathematic thoery and its application.Based on the EcoQS integrated assessment methods for coastal waters abroad as well as the domestic related research status,11indices were selected from the biotic and physicochemical elements of water and sediment to built an integrated EcoQS assessment index system, and, with the comprehensive consideration of domestic and international evaluation standards,5levels of EcoQS classified as "high, good, moderate, poor, and bad" were determined. Then, an EcoQS integrated assessment method for coastal waters was established by using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and fuzzy mathematics method, and was applied in study area. Results showed that more than80%stations were ranked higher than "Good" and the gradient of EcoQS was also obvious from "Bad" to "High". Seveal stations in Tong’an Bay and Quanzhou Bay were lower than "Moderate", even "Poor" or "Bad", which meant the ecosystem was markedly polluted and affected by human disturbances and has deteriorated. The EcoQS of Dongshan Bay, Xinghua Bay and Luoyuan Bay were on a good condition from "High" to "Good".(5) Results and discussion.For each methodology, an obvious EcoQS grade gradient was observed on the whole, which indicated the methodology could distinguish the degree of pollution and anthropogenic disturbances to some extent. The rationality and objectivity of evaluation results were tested by the anthropogenic disturbances information and the correlations analysis between the EcoQS grade and pollutant concentrations of study area. Validation indicated78.7%of stations were classified as rational assessment results by method based on "OOAO" principle and results for stations subjected to higher anthropogenic pressures were all rational. For FIAM, the propotion was54.3%and much higher for stations subjected to lower anthropogenic pressures. Last, on the base of the former study, the problems should be taken into account when the two methods were applied in other coastal waters, and the suggestions for the construction of EcoQS integrated assessment method in coastal water in China were proposed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

