

The Writers’Appeal during Transition Period

【作者】 罗长青

【导师】 黄发有;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 当20世纪80年代的“记忆”被贴上“激情”的时尚标签,进入文化传播领域成为大众消费的精神快餐,“沉默的大多数”还有没有机会叙述不同的记忆?在批评界已经取得广泛共识的那些,20世纪80年代文学创作与意识形态之间存在“蜜月”关系的说法,这究竟是否符合“文革”后文学创作实际?作为中国当代文学成就论争的命题之一,20世纪80年代的文学究竟应该被当成是“遗产”还是“负债”?诸如此类的问题,不仅促使作者将20世纪70年代后期至80年代中期的文学创作当成研究对象,而且选择了“过渡时期”的作家“创作诉求”作为学位论文的标题。“过渡”当然是指20世纪70年代后期至80年代中期从“文革”到“改革”的转变。“创作诉求”则是指作家通过文学创作期望传达的观念、想法和意愿,以及传达这些观念、想法和意愿的方式。从创作思想而言,创作诉求表现为对“人民性”的重视;从创作内容而言,作家诉求表现为对“现实生活”的强调;从创作手段来看,创作诉求又体现在“创作手法”的革新。论文重点关注的是,被文学史忽视或遮蔽的作家或作品,以及那些人们熟悉作品的多样性解读。虽然涉及到作家重评、作品重析、思潮重估等诸多方面,但论文一直围绕“创作诉求”这个主题,考察文学作品的现实关怀,以及发掘作家是如何“介入生活”:(1)这篇论文介绍了刘宾雁、王若望和遇罗锦这样一类正在逐渐淡出文学史叙述视野的作家这并不是为这些作家及其作品树碑立传,而是结合作家社会阅历、性格命运和个性气质等多方面的因素,从社会文化现象的角度勾勒这些作家对社会变革的渴望以及个性自由的推崇。(2)像高行健、王蒙、茹志鹃这样的作家,以及北岛、芒克、多多、顾城这样的诗人,文学史对他们的创作情况有过较多的介绍,但这篇论文考察的并不是文学史介绍的“技巧实验”、“形式创新”或“美学原则”,而是这些形式创新之作直面现实勇气以及介入现实的批判能力。(3)论文还花费了大量篇幅分析了典型创作手法,其中包括婚姻家庭叙事中的控诉、历史叙述当中的影射和悲剧性作品的“喜剧性结局”。这些创作手法也同样体现了作家“铁肩担道义”的社会责任感和“创新求变”的探索精神。真正的问题在于,批评家是否能秉持现实主义的批评态度发现它们的存在。(4)在20世纪70年代后期至80年代中期的文学创作中,人道主义曾经是一种具有现实介入和生活干预能力的批判理论。先前作家运用人道主义理论从事文学探索的艰难努力,理应成为后来人们值得借鉴的经验或教训。尽管学位论文并没有以“遗产”与“负债”判断作为研究对象,但是,对20世纪70年代后期至80年代中期作家“创作诉求”的分析,毫无疑问能够证明,这个历史时期的文学创作并不一定会成为“负债”,它也完全有可能成为人们的“遗产”。这不是说这个历史时期的文学创作成就高于先前或者后来某个历史时期,也不是说这个历史时期的文学创作达到了某种意义的“高度”,而是说这个历史时期文学的批判精神是值得继承的。在整体性“歌颂改革”背景中,也仍然有作家倡导“干预生活”的创作理念。在形式艺术“创新”的热潮当中,也同时存在着关注“现实生活”的努力。在家庭或者历史题材作品的叙述当中,也还是有作家深入揭示现实矛盾的“创作诉求。作家在表现社会变革与个性自由方面所作的艰难努力,这完全可以并且也应该成为当下以及今后文学发展的精神财富。现实主义不仅是作家的创作方法,也同样是批评家所持的态度。作为批评态度的现实主义,这是一种试图考察作家现实关怀的兴趣,以及尝试发掘文学作品与现实生活复杂联系的热忱。无关乎作家从事文学创作的时代,同时也无关乎批评家所处的时代,批评家所持的现实主义态度一定能够让他,从各式各样的文学作品以及花样迭出的创作手法当中,剖析出各个时代文学作品的现实关怀。

【Abstract】 As the memory of the1980s have been labeled as passion, and consummated as spiritual snack by the masses in cultural transmission field, does the "silent majority" have the opportunity to describe different memory of the1980s? The argument that the relationship between literary creation and ideology is very harmonious in1980s has been reached a broad consensus in literary critical circle. Whether is in line with the reality of literary creation after the "Cultural Revolution"? As one proposition of debate about achievement of contemporary Chinese literary, literary creation in1980s should be treated as "heritage" or "liabilities"?Questions like these prompt the author not only choose the literary creation from the late1970s to the mid-1980s as the research object, but also select the "writers’appeal during the transition period" as the title of the dissertation. Of course, transition refers to the period from late1970s to the mid-1980s in which Chinese government transmitted their policy from "Cultural Revolution" to "Reform". Writers’ appeal refers to not only ideas, wishes and concepts which writers expect to convey in their writings but also the methods of conveying them. From the view of creative thought, content and method, writers’appeal demands for People Character, Realistic Solicitude and Writing Technique InnovationThe dissertation pay more attention to writers and works ignored or obscured by the literary history as well as the diverse interpretation of literature. Although the dissertation deals with many aspects of literature, such as the reassessment of writers, reanalysis of works and reevaluation of creative trends and etc, the introduction is still centered on the theme of the writers’ appeal about realistic solicitude and how literary works impact daily life.(1) This dissertation introduces a group of writers who gradually faded out the history of literature, such as Liu Binyan, Wang Ruowang and Yu LuoJin. By combining writers’ social experience, character, temperament and personality, this dissertation is to outline writers’desire on social change and individual freedom from the perspective of social and cultural phenomena while not to make some memorization and survey for those writers and their works.(2) History work about literature has put more attention to writers such as Gao Xingjian, Wang Meng, Ru Zhijuan, and poet such as Bei Dao, Mang Ke, Duo Duo, Gu Cheng. This paper’s concern is not "the experiment of skills","the form of innovation" or "creation of new aesthetic principle" which be introduced in the literature history but the courage to face the reality and the ability of realistic solicitude in those writers’works.(3) This dissertation also spares a lot of space to analyze the typical creative approaches which include complaints for reality in narration about marriage and family, insinuations in narration of historical story and the complex meaning of comedic ending in tragic works. These creative approaches not only reflect writers’desire to take social responsibilities but also their spirits in exploration and innovation. The real problem is that whether critics could hold the critical attitude of realism to explore their existence.(4) In the literature from the late1970s to the mid-1980s, humanitarianism is a powerful critical theory for realistic intervention. The previous writers have made great efforts to explore literature through humanitarianism theory, which deserves to be learned for people in the later generations.Although this dissertation neither select "heritage" nor "liabilities" as the subject, the analysis of the writers’appeal from the late1970s to the mid-1980s undoubtedly proves that the literature creation in this historical period is not "liabilities" but "legacy". It does not mean that the literary achievement of this period is greater than previous or later, or the achievement of this period has reached a certain degree. It means that the critical spirit of literature in this period should be treated and analyzed seriously. In the background of "praise of reform", there are still writers advocating for realistic solicitude. In the boom of writing innovation, there are still writers making great efforts to real life. In works about family or history, there is still narration for revealing contradiction in life. Difficult efforts made by the previous writers in the performance of social change and individual freedom can and should become the spiritual wealth for present and future literary development.Realism is not only a creative method for writer but also a critic attitude for critics. The critics’attitude of realism is an enthusiasm to examine the complex relations in literature and real life, and then to explore authors’realistic solicitude in their works. Neither the era which writers lived in nor who the critics are, The attitude of realism let critics discover realistic solicitude in each era’s work no matter what the works’ patterns or what creative method of literature they are.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】I206.7
  • 【下载频次】703

