

The Relations between the Nationalities Reflected by the Exotic Elements Found on the Wall Paintings from the Tang Tombs

【作者】 程旭

【导师】 王希隆;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 中国少数民族史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 唐代考古资料的不断发现,为唐代民族关系的研究提供了全面丰富、翔实可靠的实物资料,为主要基于传统文献史料而进行的唐代民族关系研究注入了新鲜的血液。文章以考古发掘的唐墓壁画资料为切入点来研究唐代民族关系史,在梳理前人研究成果的基础上,将已发掘出土的唐墓壁画资料与有关唐代民族关系的史料加以整合,通过3章16节的篇幅支撑起唐墓壁画与民族关系史交叉研究的叙述框架与逻辑推理过程,建立起从唐墓壁画视角考察唐代民族关系史的研究体系,在综合图像学、历史学、考古学、民族学、新社会史学等多学科研究方法的基础上,搭建起独特的“叙事大厦”。首先,在系统总结唐墓壁画分布、出土与研究情况的基础上,从神灵世界、皇家礼仪、世俗生活、建筑、艺术、民族往来以及星象等方面,对唐墓壁画的内容进行分类、归纳和系统研究。其次,在系统整理唐墓壁画题材类别的基础上从胡人(使者、仪卫、贡人、胡客)、胡物(器物、动物)、胡乐胡舞、胡服胡饰、胡食胡饮、马球运动、百戏以及宗教题材与因素等方面,详细剖析唐墓壁画中各类周边民族文化因素的渊源、流徙与变异轨迹,及其对所流布地区的影响,并对其中涉及的相关问题进行了必要的论述。最后,在分析唐代民族关系演变背景的基础上,将唐墓壁画中的周边民族文化因素与各阶段的民族关系实践联系起来综合考察,对唐代民族关系思想与实践的动态演变脉络,唐朝中央政府与周边国家(政权、族群)的非对等关系,唐代朝贡、互市等政策的特点对唐代民族关系思想进一步演变的重要影响,以及唐代民族交往所带来的多向文化辐射及其影响等主要问题着重加以讨论。唐墓壁画中出现的周边民族文化因素,既是唐代胡风胡化兴盛的图像反映,又是唐代各民族交流、融合、共同发展的历史再现,在唐代民族关系研究中有较大的研究空间。文章对研究中涉及的唐文化向周边地区的辐射、唐代胡风胡化的时尚以及唐代胡人墓葬与汉人墓葬的比较研究等问题涉及尚浅,有待深化。

【Abstract】 The consistent archaeological discoveries of the Tang dynasty provided comprehensive and reliable materials for the studies of nationality relationship of the Tang dynasty. This thesis uses the archaeological materials of the mural paintings from the Tang tombs to study the history of the nationality relationships of the Tang dynasty. Based upon the published works of the pioneering scholars, the author combines the unearthed materials of the mural paintings and the historical resources on the research of the complicated national relationships of the Tang dynasty by3chapters and16sections. He makes attempts to build a logical research system of Tang nationality relationships through the angle of the Tang mural paintings by combining subjects of history, sociology, archaeology, iconography, ethnology and so on.First, this thesis classifies and analysis the contents of the Tang mural paintings from the aspects of imperial rituals, secular lives, art, architecture, deities, nationality relationships and astrology, based on the scientific study of the Tang mural paintings. Secondly, this thesis also gives a detailed analysis of the origin, migration, variation and the influence of the exotic elements based upon the mural painting subjects like non-Chinese figures, exotic objects, exotic fashions, exotic food and drinks, exotic entertainment, polo ball sport, acrobatics and some religious factors etc. Last but not least, based on the analysis of the evolvement background of the Tang nationality relationship, this thesis does comprehensive researches of the exotic cultural factors and the practice of national relationship in different political stages. This thesis also pays attention to the trends of both the thought and the practice of the Tang national relationships, the unequal relationships between the central government and the foreign countries, the national relationships influenced by the policies of paying tribute to the Tang imperial court, and the multi-cultural influences brought by the communications among the Tang nationalities. The cultural factors of the neighboring regions in the Tang dynasty showed in the Tang mural paintings are both the visual reflection of Tang exotic elements and the historical evidence of communication and development among different regions. The outspreading Tang culture, the exotic fashion in the Tang dynasty and the comparison researches of the Tang tombs belonged to both the Han and other nationalities referred in this thesis are still need deeper researches.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】K242;K879.41
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1681
  • 攻读期成果

