

A Study of the Tibeto-Burman Place Names in Ancicnt mDo sMad

【作者】 刘铁程

【导师】 宗咯·漾正冈布;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 民族学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 公元七世纪前,汉文史料将华夏西部的藏缅语族群称为“羌”、“戎”、“氐”等,述及这一地区时多中明其古为羌戎地。地名的立名遵循“名从主人”的原则,汉文史料中保存有大量的藏缅语源地名。本文所设定的研究区域,在藏文化地理中称为多思麦(mdo smad)。在汉文史料中,称为雍州、凉州、河湟、河陇等等。本地区历史地名的所属语言,以藏缅语为底层,汉语、阿尔泰语、印欧语也有深厚的沉淀。本文以《禹贡》、《水经注》、正史涉羌材料等为主要史料,参以藏文文献,利用历史文献学、历史地理学、历史语言学等方法,释读、考订中古前以藏缅语为中心的汉字译音地名语料。在《禹贡》雍州部分,弱水、朱圉山、鸟鼠山、渠搜、昆仑等华夏古史及传说中的重要地理名词都有其藏缅语源。多思麦(mdo smad)地区的祁连山、阿尼玛卿山、青海湖,以及黄河上游的大部分支流,在汉文史料中也有源远流长的汉字译音地名记录。同时,藏缅语与汉语、阿尔泰语、印欧语的语言接触现象,也在地名释名中得以揭示。系统梳理以藏缅语为中心的历史地名,可以进一步提高汉文史料的使用价值,为藏缅语族群(羌戎等)研究提供新的史料素材,进而探讨早期华夏与羌戎等族群的文化交流。经过考释的汉字译音藏缅语词汇也可以为汉语上古音和原始藏缅语研究提供新的语料素材。

【Abstract】 Mdo smad (?) or A mdo(?) is one of the three traditional cultural regions of Tibet, which located in the Sino-Tibetan Borderlands, Northeast Tibetan Plateau. Tibetan Plateau is the homeland for Tibeto-Burman people, old Chinese historical sources called them Ch’iang (羌) or Rong (戎), and so on. Before Tibetan Empire unified the Tibetan Plateau politically, old Chinese materials are the only lasting records for mdo smad. According to the princle of "name after the master", the old Chinese materials should record a large number of Tibeto-Burman place names. This dissertation is a study of the Tibeto-Burman place names in ancient mdo smad, which based on the old Chinese and Tibetan sources. Meantime, we also pay attention to the languages contacts between Chinese/Tibeto-Burman/Altaic/Indo-European in the historical period.The old Chinese sources include Yu-Gong(《禹贡》)/Shui-Jing-Zhu(《水经注》) and the authorized history about Ch’iang. For instance, Ruo-Shui((弱水)is the pronunciation of Tibetan word (?)(nag chu), means black or clean water; Zhu-Yu-Shan(朱圉山)is the pronunciation of Tibetan word (?)(rdo rnga), means stone drum; Qu-Sou(渠搜)has relation with (?)(khri shor rgyal mo), the old Tibetan name of Kokonor, and so on. The methods of Historical Literature/Historical Geography and Historical Linguistics are comprehensively used in the textual research.We believe this study could discover new value of the old Chinese materials, improve the study of western Ch’iang, and promote the understanding for the cultural exchange between early Hua-Xia(华夏)and Tibeto-Burman people.

【关键词】 多思麦历史地理藏缅语释名
【Key words】 mdo smadHistorical GeographyTibeto-Burmanplace name
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

