

DEM Database Management System Development and It’s Application in Geological Mapping

【作者】 丁伟翠

【导师】 李廷栋; 范本贤; 丁孝忠;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质科学院 , 构造地质学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文依托“中国区域地质志”项目,以航天测绘所采集的SRTM DEM(数字高程模型)数据为基础,通过对中国陆地范围的全国数据进行了无缝拼接及数据的投影转换等一系列操作,提出了基于组件式GIS建立全国1:50万栅格DEM数据库管理系统的设计方案,系统基于C#+ArcGIS Engine10扁程开发,并综合使用ArcGIS、MapGIS、Global Mapper、CoreDraw等专业GIS及制图软件与实际地质图件相结合,实现了DEM数据库管理系统的开发,并对部分功能进行了相应拓展。该DEM数据管理系统可以广泛应用于地质制图中,实现自定义区域数据提取,还可以快速进行坡度、坡向、剖面线等地学分析,例如湖南省、海南省等相对典型区域进行了该系统中提取的DEM数据在地质制图中的具体应用研究,而且将DEM数据库管理系统的设计思路和实现方法拓展应用于月球地质制图实验研究中,均取得了良好的效果。取得的主要进展和认识包括以下几个方面:(1)结合多种GIS软件,进行全国DEM数据空白区域的填补与数据的拼接工作,并有效实现不同来源、不同椭球体、不同高程基准、不同投影的DEM数据的无缝拼接,DEM栅格数据与矢量地理基础数据、地质资料数据等的地图匹配。(2)首次在全国陆地范围内建立了应用于地质制图的1:50万网格DEM数据库管理系统,该系统不但能分幅检索,还能按行政区划界线和任意多边形检索,具有能任意转换地图投影和比例尺等功能,能更大范围地服务于地学研究单位和社会生产单位。(3)将等高线法、分层设色法和地貌晕渲法等制图技术有效的结合起来应用于地质制图中,主要采用DEM HillShade地貌晕渲的方法进行三维可视化的表达的同时实现了静态可视化与交互式动态可视化两种图件表现方式,既可以将整个地形区以二维或者三维图形图像形式显示成一幅图,又可以实现数据库中的地形数据交互式浏览。(4)DEM数据管理系统改变了我国中小比例尺地质图件空间数据库结构和图面的表现形式,图面上除了传统地质图件中地理底图外,可以选择性匹配DEM影像底图图层,叠加地质体的颜色和花纹,产生三维立体效果,图面的立体感和层次感明显增强,很大程度上提高了地质图件表达的信息量,更加丰富地质图件的表现形式,促进我国地质制图的技术水平向前进了一大步。(5)DEM数据库及其管理系统,在与相应的地质图匹配时,可以检验第四系的界线、断层线的位置精度,当与DEM影像不协调时,可以适当移动界线的空间位置,从而提高地质图件表达的位置精度。(6)将DEM数据库管理系统的设计思路的实现方法拓展到了月球DEM数据库建立,同样取得了令人满意的效果,既证实思路与设计具有很好的兼容性与可扩展性,同时也对其他行星地质编图提供了技术支撑。全国DEM数据库管理系统的建立和在在典型区域应用取得了良好的效果,改变了传统的地质图件的表达形式,提高了图件精度,有利于地质成矿、灾害区划、土地利用等规律的总结和探寻,具有很强的推广和应用价值.

【Abstract】 "Regional Geology Records of China" project started from2008, it requires the Quaternary geomorphology geological map use DEM as base map for the3D display. This article relying on the "Regional Geology Records of China" project, took base on the SRTM DEM (Digital Elevation Model) data, through conducted seamless splicing, projection transformation and other series of operations on the China land area, proposed the China’s1:500,000DEM database management system design based on the ComGIS. The system is based on C/S structure, developed with C#+ArcGIS Engine, integrated with ArcGIS, MapGIS, Global Mapper and other professional GIS and graphics software platform, realized the DEM database management system, and made some corresponding functions development on the system. The DEM data management system can be used for any regional data extraction, and then took Hunan Province, Hainan Island and other relative typical regions as the examples for the DEM data extracted from the system and DEM rendering geological map making, it also can provide fast slope, direction, section lines and other geoscience’s analysis and so on. Then applied the DEM database management system design ideas and methods to the lunar geological mapping experimental studies, and have achieved good results. The main progress and understanding includes the following several aspects:(1) On the use of several GIS software, filled the black area and solved the inconsistent problem among the DEM data, vector geographic data and geological data from different origin, different ellipsoid, different elevation datum, different projection and ellipsoid parameters. The system could seamless mosaic, rendering, projection transformation and other operations on the DEM raster data, and effective implementation the automatic map matching of the three data.(2) Established the first1:500000grid DEM database management system in the all china land area used for the geological mapping. In the system, the data can not only retrieved by the map frame number, but also by the Administrative Region (province, city, county) and arbitrary polygon area retrieval, it also has the function to convert map projection and scale, can serve earth science research units and social production unit to the greater scope.(3) Combined use of the contour method, the tinting method and shading method mapping techniques, and effective used them in the geological mapping. Mainly uses the DEM hill-shading method for the3D visualization expression and then realized two map show ways by static visualization and interactive dynamic visual, it can display the whole terrain area in the form of a map with two or three-dimensional graphic image style, and also can realize the interactive browse of the terrain data in the database.(4) DEM data management system changes China’s geological map spatial database structure and the surface form in the medium and small scale, in addition to the traditional geographic base map in the geological map surface, it can be matched by the DEM image map layer selectively, then overlapped the geological texture and produced the three-dimensional effect. This method turns the2D geological map to3D space, makes the map exhibiting a clear3D geological structure for pressing the actual features of topography, makes the map having stereo and hierarchy perception in ensuring the basis of professional, and enhances the map information, promotes the development of the traditional geological mapping.(5) DEM database and its management system can test the accuracy of boundaries of Quaternary, fault line location and so on when it mach with the corresponding geological graph, if there has any not coordinate between them, we can move the boundary position appropriately in space, so as to improve the position accuracy of the geological map expression.(6) It has strong popularization value, and at the same time the system design and realization method is extended to the lunar DEM database product and lunar DEM geological map produce, also achieved satisfactory results, which confirmed the thinking and the design has good compatibility and expansibility, but also provided some certain reference to other planetary geology map.The national DEM database management system and the application in the typical area achieved good results, it has changed the traditional geological map expression form, improves the accuracy of geological maps. And the system is useful for the rule summary and exploration of the geological mineralization, geological hazard zoning, and land use. Also it has strong promotion and the application value.


