

Inite Volume Element Methods Based on Constrained Nonconforming Rotated Q1Elements

【作者】 戚婧

【导师】 李永海;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 计算数学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文从带约束非协调旋转Q1元(即CN RQ1元)出发,先后构造了求解Stokesl司题的CNRQ1-P0元有限体积元法和求解平面弹性问题的CNRQ1元有限体积元法.对于求解Stokes问题的CNRQ1-P0元有限体积元格式,我们选取了原始剖分上的带约束的非协调旋转Q1元为速度的试探函数空间(Uh),对偶剖分上的分片常数空间为速度的检验函数空间(Vh),宏单元上的分片常数为压力的近似函数空间(Ph).在分析了此方法的正定性和稳定性之后,我们证明了速度的H1误差和L2误差估计,压力的L2误差以及速度的H1误差和L2误差的超收敛性.同时给出了支持理论结果的数值算例.对于求解平面弹性问题的CNRQ1元有限体积元法,我们选取了原始剖分上的带约束的非协调旋转Q1元为位移的试探函数空间(Uh),对偶剖分上的分片常数空间为位移的检验函数空间(Vh).同时我们证明了位移向量的能量模误差,以及能量模误差的超收敛性.最后,我们针对不同的Lame参数λ给出了数值算例结果,验证了我们理论的可靠性.

【Abstract】 Finite volume method (FVM) is an important numerical discretization technique for solving partial differential equations, especially for those arising from physical conserva-tion laws including mass, momentum and energy. In general, FVM has both simplic-ity in implementation and local conservation property, so it has enjoyed great popular-ity in many fields, such as computational fluid dynamics, computational aerodynamics, petroleum engineering and so on. About some recent development of FVM, readers can refer to the monographs [46,49,61,79,88,92,93,112,118] for details.In2003, Park and Sheen [98] have introduced a P1-nonconforming quadrilateral element which has only three degrees of freedom on each quadrilateral. Later, Man and Shi [93] proposed the P1-nonconforming quadrilateral FVM for the elliptic problem by using a dual partition of overlapping type. Following the line of the finite element in [98], In2005, Hu and Shi [73] presented a constrained nonconforming rotated Q1(CNRQ1) element and applied it to the second order elliptic problem. In [73], the authors also point out that the CNRQ1element and the P1-nonconforming element are equivalent on a rectangle since the constraint and the continuity are the same, however, the two elements are different on a general quadrilateral. Afterwards, Hu, Man and Shi [72] and Mao and Chen [94] investigated and analyzed the CNRQ1-P0finite element method for the Stokes problem on rectangular meshes. The application of the CNRQ1element to the nearly incompressible planar elasticity problem can be referred to [72,95]. Meanwhile, Mao and Chen [94] and Liu and Yan [90] discussed the supconvergence of the finite element scheme for the Stokes problem on rectangular meshes.The main work of this paper is as follows:1. Finite volume element method for the Stokes problems.Let Ω be a bounded, convex and open polygon of R2with boundary (?)Q. We consider the following Stokes equations with the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition-△u+▽p=f, in Ω (9) divu=0, in Ω,(10) u=0, on (?)Ω,(11) where u=(u1,u2) represents the velocity vector, p is the pressure, and f indicates a prescribed body force.Let Th={K} which is called primal partition be a strictly convex and quadrilateral partition of Ω. The dual partition is nonoverlapping barycenter quadrilateral partition. Choose CNRQ1function space Uh as the trial function space and the piecewise constant space Vh as the test function space for the velocity. For the pressure, we select the piecewise constant space(Ph) on the macro-elements as discrete space. The FVEM for the Stokes problem (2.1)-(2.3) investigated in this paper is:find a pair (uh,ph)∈Uh×Ph, such that ah(uh,vh)+bh(vh,ph)=(f,vh),(?)vh∈Vh,(12) b’h(uh,qh)=0,(?)qh∈Ph.(13)(1). Stability.Suppose the primal partition is quasi-uniform and regular. Each quadrilateral in Th satisfies quasi-parallel quadrilateral condition. Then, we obtain the following results:Lemma1. For sufficiently small h, there exists a constant C0>0, we have ah(uh,Γhuh)≥C0|uh|1,h2,(?)uh∈Uh.Lemma2. The pair (Uh,Ph) satisfies an uniform inf-sup condition, i.e., there holds(2). Error estimates.We prove the errors in the H1norm and L2norm for the velocity, the error in the L2norm for the pressure, and the superconvergence of the velocity in the broken H1norm and the pressure in the L2norm.. Theorem1. Let the pair (u,p)∈(H01(Ω)∩H2(Ω))2×(L02(Ω)∩H1(Ω)) be the solution of (9)-(11); and (uh,Ph)∈Gh×be the solution of (12)-(13). There exists a positive constant C independent of h such that|u-uh|1,h+||p-Ph||0≤Ch(||u||2+||p||1).Theorem2. Let (u,p)∈(H01(Ω)∩H2(Ω))2×(L02(Ω)∩H1(Ω)) and (uh,ph)∈Uh×P be the solutions of (9)-(11) and (12)-(13), respectively. If f∈H1(Ω)2, then||u-uh|0≤Ch2(||u||2+||p||1+||f||1).Theorem3. Let (u,p)∈(H01(Ω)∩H3(Ω))2×(L02(Ω)∩H1(Ω)) and (uh,ph)∈Uh×Ph be the solutions of (9)-(11) and (12)-(13), respectively. There exists a positive constant C independent of h such that|Πhu-uh|1,h+||Jhp-Ph||0≤Ch2(||u||3+||p||2).(15)Let Π2hvh∈Q2(T) and J2/1be the postprocessing interpolation operators: where ψi,i=1,2,…,8be the associated basis functions of the biquadratic element space Q2(τ), Q1(τ) is the bilinear function on the element τ. Then we have:Theorem4. Suppose all condition of the thmm above are valid,|Π2huh-u|1+||J2hPh-p||o≤Ch2(||u||3+||p||2).1. Finite volume element method for the linear elasticity problem.Consider the pure displacement boundary value problem for the equations of plain strain linear isotropic elasticity: where u denotes the displacements, f the body forces and μ,λ are Lame parameters.Let Th={K} which is called primal partition be a strictly convex and quadrilateral partition of Ω. The dual partition is nonoverlapping barycenter quadrilateral partition. Choose CNRQ1function space Uh as the trial function space and the piecewise constant space Vh as the test function space for the displacements. The FVEM for the linear elasticity problem is:Suppose the primal partition is quasi-uniform and regular. Each quadrilateral in Th satisfies quasi-parallel quadrilateral condition.Then,we can obtain the following results to prove the FVEM is locking-free.(1).Error estimate in energy norm. Theorem5.Suppose Uh∈Uh and u∈H01(Ь)∩H2(Ω) are solutions of finite uolume element scheme(19)and the equations(18),respectively,then||u-uh||h≤Ch||f||0Ω(2).Superconvergence in the energy norm.Theorem6.Suppose Uh∈Uh and u∈H01(Ω)∩H3(Ω) are solutions of finite uolume element scheme(19)and the equations(18),respectively,then||Πu-uh||h≤Ch2(||u||3,Ω+λ||divu||2,Ω).

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

