

The Study on Gravity Data Processing Methods in Potash Exploration

【作者】 高铁

【导师】 吴燕冈;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 地球探测与信息技术, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 钾盐是农作物增产的主要肥料成分,也是国民经济诸多行业不可替代的重要化工原料。全球钾矿储量很不均衡,主要分布在北美、欧洲、中东和亚洲的泰国等15个国家。中国钾资源总体贫乏,已探明钾矿的工业储量仅占世界的0.47%,2010年以后钾盐缺口已增加到1000万吨以上。中国是世界钾盐进口的主要国家之一,占全球进口总量的18.6%,占国内消费量的80~90%。建立起我国强有力的钾肥资源保障体系,以保证农业可持续发展具有深远的战略意义。由于钾盐资源储量相对不足和钾盐消费的急速增长,我国不得不进入国际钾盐市场,但是世界较有潜力的钾盐矿区基本被几个寡头垄断,所能进入的主要是前苏联和东南亚的个别国家。老挝有丰富的矿藏,其政府制定了一系列地矿勘测、矿藏开发和矿业发展计划及招商项目,寄希望于国际社会的支持,并已引起高度关注。2006年开始国内已经陆续有多家公司与老挝政府签订了钾盐矿勘探合同,并取得了令人瞩目的成就。2008年老挝国家主席朱马里访华期间与我国达成了“资源换资产、全面推进双边经贸合作”的共识,为中国企业率先“登陆”国际舞台提供了政策依据。因此,老挝矿业发展前景看好。2006~2012年吉林大学地球探测科学与技术学院承担了四项老挝钾盐矿勘探任务。作者有幸三次奔赴现场,全程参加了各个勘探环节,积累了一定的工作经验,选择该项研究具有一定的基础。作者使用2006年在老挝甘蒙他曲实测的数据,并着眼于重力数据处理方法特别是小波分析在寻找钾盐矿中的应用研究,希望能为缓解我国钾盐矿的对外依赖程度做出自己应有的贡献。具体工作与成果如下:(1)建立了三个不同的重力异常模型,利用二维离散小波/小波包变换分别对它们的区域场和局部场进行分离。试验结果表明:用相同的模型,选择不同的小波进行重力场分离具有良好的效果,不同小波分析之间差异较小;小波包分解比小波分解更精确,但小波分解能够直接确定低频成分,而小波包分解需要建立与实际地质情况更相符的模型来确定低频系数。(2)对多种规则地质体引起的重力异常进行了区域场和局部场分解,作出了各种小波系在所给模型重力场分解中的精度评价,通过对比找出了最佳小波及其分解尺度。试验结果表明:在小波分析中Coiflets小波系的精度较高,而在小波包分解中Daubechies小波系的精度较高。(3)基于对理论模型的研究,选择相应的二维小波包对老挝钾盐勘探区的实测重力数据进行了区域场和局部异常的分离,并与测井资料做了对比解释。(4)对研究区重力资料作了解析延拓、方向导数、视密度反演、欧拉反褶积等常规数据处理和三维分布特征分析,并与小波分析的结果作了对比,总结了各方法的优势和局限性,且在数据的二次处理过程中,发现了一个新的找矿靶区。(5)将钻探结果与地球物理、地球化学、地质等资料进行对比,进一步验证了重力勘探在寻找钾盐矿中的效果最好。(6)对钾盐矿勘探工作中的重力数据处理方法进行了总结,指出了存在的问题和不足,提出了继续研究的建议。

【Abstract】 Potash is the crop yield nutrient, is also the national economy industries irreplaceableimportant chemical raw materials. Global potash reserves is not balanced, mainly in NorthAmerica, Europe, the Middle East and Asia, Thailand and other15countries. China’sPotassium Resources indigence, has proven reserves of potassium mineral industry onlyaccounts for0.47%of the world, since2010, has increased to more than10000000tons ofgap. China is one of the major countries of world potash imports accounted for about18.6%oftotal imports, domestic consumption, accounting for80~90%. Establish our country strongpotash resources guarantee system, in order to ensure the sustainable development ofagriculture has far-reaching strategic significance.The potash resources reserves is relatively insufficient and potassium consumption ofrapid growth, China has to enter the international potassium market, but the world has morepotential sylvite area basically is a few oligarch monopoly, can enter the main is the formerSoviet Union and the individual countries in Southeast asia. Laos has rich mineral resources,the government has formulated a series of mineral exploration, mineral development andmining industry development planning and investment projects, in the hope that the support ofthe international community, and has attracted a lot of attention. Beginning in2006, has beena domestic companies and the government of Laos signed potash exploration contracts, andobtained the achievement attract people’s attention. In2008the Lao President Jumari duringhis visit to China and China reached a "resource for assets, promote bilateral economic andtrade cooperation" consensus, for Chinese enterprises to take the lead in" landing"international stage provides policy basis. Therefore, Lao mining development prospects.2006-2012Jilin University assumed four Laos sylvite mine exploration mission. Theauthor has favour three went to the scene, participate in the whole of the exploration process,accumulated certain experience, the study has certain base. The authors use in Laos in2006Gammon not measured data, and focus on gravity data processing method, especiallywavelet analysis in search for potash application study, hope to be able to reduce ourdependence on external potassium salt mine to make their due contribution. Specific work andresults are as follows:(1) The establishment of three different gravity anomaly model, the use oftwo-dimensional discrete wavelet/wavelet packet transform respectively to their regionalfield and local field separation. The test results show that: with the same model, selecting different wavelet gravity field separation with good effect, little difference between differentwavelet analysis; wavelet packet decomposition than wavelet decomposition is more precise,but can directly determine the low frequency component of wavelet decomposition andwavelet packet decomposition, need to build more accord with actual geological conditionsthe model to determine the frequency coefficient of.(2) To a variety of rules geological body caused by gravity abnormality by regional fieldand local field decomposition, make a variety of wavelet coefficients in the model of gravityfield in the decomposition of accuracy evaluation, through the comparison of the optimalwavelet and scale. The test results show that: the wavelet analysis Coiflets wavelet serieshigh precision, and the wavelet packet decomposition of Daubechies wavelet series highprecision.(3) Based on the model, corresponding to the selected wavelet packet to Laos sylviteexploration of the measured gravity data of regional field and local anomaly separation, andwith well logging data to do comparative interpretation.(4) In the study area and the analytic continuation of gravity data, direction derivative,apparent density inversion, Euler deconvolution and conventional data processing andthree-dimensional distribution characteristic analysis and wavelet analysis, and the resultswere compared, summed up the advantages and limitations of each method, and the data ofthe two process, found a new prospecting target area.(5) The results of drilling and geophysical, geochemical, geological data are compared,further validation of gravity prospecting in searching for the best effect of potash mine.(6) To potash in the exploration of gravity data processing method were summarized,pointed out the problem of existence and inadequacy, put forward suggestions for continuedresearch.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

