

Road Traffic Safety Comprehensive Evaluation and Simulation of Urban and Rural Ecotone of Central Cities

【作者】 李岩

【导师】 李显生;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 交通环境与安全技术, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 道路交通安全问题是现在与未来人类社会面临的重大问题之一。中国经济的高速发展使城乡交通非常活跃,道路交通安全矛盾日益突出。中心城市的规模不断扩张,城市化水平日渐提高,带动了城乡经济的发展,生产和生活对交通出行的需求近年来快速增长,尤其是城乡交错带交通量大幅提升。城乡交错带道路是连接城市道路与公路的过渡路段,兼有城市道路和公路的特征,即使是同一路段也具有不同的道路交通环境。由于城乡交错带道路条件和交通管理滞后于交通需求,导致这里的交通事故频发,特别是重大交通事故增长趋势较强。城乡交错带差异化道路交通环境与二元化特征使道路交通安全问题变得更加复杂。国内外研究者对城市道路交通安全和公路交通安全研究较多,但对城乡交错带交通安全的系统研究很少。本文针对中心城市城乡交错带道路交通安全问题,以道路条件为基础,利用试验和模拟仿真等手段,掌握车辆在城乡交错带道路行驶的加速度和速度特性,探讨对城乡交错带交通安全影响的关键因素及其作用机理,建立了基于道路条件安全评价指标体系,通过建立车辆加速度干扰模型和速度波动模型,研究加速度干扰和车速离散性与安全性的关系,研究成果将为科学评价中心城市城乡交错带道路交通安全性提供理论支持,对预防和降低该道路交通事故具有现实意义。本文主要内容包括以下几个方面。第一,阐述本论文研究的背景和意义,对国内外道路交通安全、交通事故、城乡交错带交通问题的研究进展及取得的主要成果进行综述,明确论文研究的目标和主要内容,及其研究的技术路线。第二,从驾驶员、车辆、道路条件及环境多方面,对城乡交错带道路交通安全性要素进行全面分析,探讨各要素与安全性的作用机理,结合已有理论研究成果与实地调查,论述城乡交错带道路交通安全特性,为后续研究奠定基础。第三,根据城乡交错带道路特征,利用定性分析与定量分析结合的方法,以道路基本条件、道路基础设施、道路交通管理、接入口、交叉口五类指标建立了交通安全性两级评价指标体系,综合应用德尔菲法、网络层次法和熵值法,通过极限超矩阵获得道路安全性指标总权重。以哈尔滨市城乡交错带某路段为实例进行评价分析,并将评价结果与实地调查结论比较验证。第四,采用光纤陀螺仪进行实验,选择车辆三向加速度干扰作为评价道路安全性的指标。基于加速度干扰概念,建立了不同道路线形的加速度干扰模型和三向加速度干扰模型。选取城乡交错带典型路段,测得不同路段车辆行驶参数,以实验结论对加速度模型进行有效性验证。第五,使用交通仿真软件对城乡交错带道路车速、流量、密度进行模拟仿真,并利用仿真结果,对车速离散性与道路交通安全性进行分析,通过建立车流速度波动模型,对速度波动与安全性进行研究,并采用灰关联熵法建立模型,确定各车型与车速离散性关联度。

【Abstract】 The problem of road traffic safety is one of the major issues of present and futureof human society is facing. With China’s rapid economic development, urban andrural transportation are more active and road traffic safety has become an increasinglyprominent. The scale of the central city expansion, the level of urbanization increased,driven by urban and rural economic development, production and living demand inrecent years the rapid growth of traffic traveling, urban and rural ecotone trafficvolume dramatically in particular. The urban and rural ecotone road to connect thetransition sections of the city roads and highways, both the characteristics of urbanroads and highways, even the same sections of different traffic environment. Urbanand rural ecotone road conditions and traffic management lags behind the trafficdemand, resulting in the kind of road traffic accidents frequent, especially seriousaccidents growth trend.The differentiated traffic environment and dual characters of urban and ruralecotone with road traffic safety problems become more complex. More studies ofdomestic and foreign researchers on the road of urban traffic safety and highwaytraffic safety, but less on the road of urban and rural ecotone.In this dissertation the central cities of urban and rural ecotone road traffic safety,according to road conditions, the characteristics of the different behavior of the driverin this section of road traffic, through means of test and simulation, to master thevehicles acceleration and speed characteristics interlaced with roads in urban and ruralecotone, and investigate the traffic safety impact of the urban and rural ecotone keyfactors in its mechanism of action, build road conditions of road safety evaluationindex system, through constructing vehicle acceleration interference model andvelocity fluctuation model, studying the relationship between acceleration interferenceand speed discrete, research for the scientific evaluation of the central cities urban andrural ecotone road traffic safety to provide theoretical support, and prevention and toreduce the road traffic accidents is of positive significance.The main content of this dissertation include the following aspects.Firstly, to explain the background and significance of this dissertation, domesticand foreign traffic safety, traffic accidents, traffic problems of urban and rural ecotoneof research program and the main results achieved were reviewed, to ensure the goal of the dissertation and the main content and the technology roadmap for research.Secondly, from the drivers, vehicles, road conditions and environmental aspects,to conduct a comprehensive analysis of road safety elements of the urban and ruralecotone, combined with the existing theoretical research and survey, discusses theurban and rural ecotone traffic safety features, and to lay the foundation for furtherresearch.Thirdly, according to urban and rural ecotone road features, the use of qualitativeanalysis and quantitative analysis of the method of combining, road conditions, roadinfrastructure, road traffic management, access port, the intersection of five indexes toestablish two layers traffic safety evaluation index system, comprehensive applicationof the Delphi method, network-level method and entropy method, to gain the roadsafety indexes of the total weight limit by super matrix. The road of urban and ruralecotone in Harbin as an example, for evaluating the safety of the road and verifythem.Fourth, the use of fiber gyroscope experiment, choice of vehicles three-directionacceleration interference as the evaluation of road safety indexes. Based on theconcept of acceleration interference, to construct different road linear accelerationinterference model and three-direction acceleration interference model, selected urbanand rural ecotone typical segments, measured at different segments of the vehicleparameters, to gain experimental results and verify the acceleration model.Fifth, using of traffic simulation software on road speed, vehicle flow, trafficdensity, and based on the simulation results for speed discrete and road traffic safetyanalysis. Using of velocity fluctuation coefficient, to build the models to analyze therelationship between velocity fluctuation and the safety. To make use of gray relationentropy method to model, and determining the various vehicle types with speeddiscreteness relationship.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

