

Study on Treating Eutrophicated Water by the Bio-rack Wetland

【作者】 王骥

【导师】 张兰英; 卢少勇;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 环境工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 由于太湖流域各行政区域的发展和污染程度不同,导致了各区域的差异,为更好的开展环太湖流域水质调查研究及后续污染控制方案的制定,综合考虑环保部门、水利部门等对太湖流域的划分,结合行政区划,将与太湖直接相连的河流所在区域划分为4个污染控制区。本文针对太湖流域4个污染控制区域内20条出入河流进行水质时空分布特点调查并以代表性目标河流——横塘河为研究对象,研究河流水质年际变化规律,以期为湖泊保护提供数据支持。为了达到消除富营养化威胁、净化水源地的目的,在了解河流水质变化规律的基础上,首次开展生物湿地床技术处理富营养化水体的试验研究,论文分别就生物湿地床植物筛选、植物根系微生物多样性、工艺参数优化、与传统湿地系统长期运行效果比较及污染物动力学模型分析进行了研究。论文的主要内容与结论如下:1)2009年8月及2010年1月,分别对环太湖20条主要出入湖河流进行了全程监测。调查结果表明,除CODMn外,在冬夏两季内,各污染物指标变化显著,冬季整体出现增大的趋势;从不同区域营养成份含量看,流域河流污染整体呈现出北部重污染控制区>湖西重污染控制区>浙西污染控制区>东部污染控制区的趋势,方差分析结果表明,北部重污染控制区氮磷含量显著(p<0.05)高于浙西污染控制区和东部污染控制区,而与湖西重污染控制区无显著差别。2)2009年6月至2010年5月间,采集宜兴市周铁镇洋溪村附近横塘河河段的水样,对河道水质的年变化规律进行了定点分析。结果表明:(1)除8月份外,全年总氮(TN)含量劣于Ⅴ类,其他水质指标在Ⅲ类和Ⅴ类水质之间;(2)河水中TN以溶解态为主,NH3-N含量与TN有相同的变化趋势,总磷(TP)则以颗粒态为主。CODMn在6-8月间,浓度较高,叶绿素a在8月达到最大,CODMn和叶绿素a表现为高温季节高于低温季节,与水体中TN浓度呈相反趋势。(3)除TP外,各水质指标间显著相关。3)分别采用再力花、菖蒲、茭白和鸢尾构建湿地床,以考察生物湿地床中不同植物对污染河水的净化效果,研究结果表明:生物湿地床对总氮、氨氮、总磷去除率显著高于空白系统,对CODMn去除率无显著差别。再力花湿地床与其它湿地床相比,具有较高的营养物去除率,P的去除效果尤其显著(p<0.01)。营养物去除率与植物细根生物量(d≤3mm)相关,与出水DO含量负相关,与植物生物量无相关性,CODMn去除率与生物量不相关。氮磷平衡结果表明,在试验过程中,四个湿地床对氮磷去除量分别在61.03-73.27g/m2和4.14-5.20g/m2之间,植物氮磷吸收量分别占去除总量的34.9%–43.81%和62.05%–74.81%。硝化反硝化和植物吸收是去除氮的主要途径,而植物吸收是去除磷的有效手段。4)2010年10月,当再力花湿地床系统稳定后,随机选取再力花幼根、黄根、黑根若干,进行微生物多样性分析,研究结果表明,三种根系中,细菌种类、数量和多样性都存在明显差别,对微生物群落的中部分优势种群进行了细菌16SrDNA V3区特征片段DGGE分离、条带收割、克隆、测序后,BLAST比对结果表明,幼根中优势菌种与假交替单胞菌属(Pseudoalteromonas sp.)同源性较高,而在黄根和黑根中多为Tolumonas sp.属、链霉菌属(Streptomyces sp.)、密执安棍状杆菌属(Clavibacter sp.)、斯蒂克兰德梭菌属(Clostridium sp.)、Mesoflavibacter属、缺陷短波单胞菌属(Brevundimonas sp.)、紫色色杆菌属(Chromobacterium sp.)。这些优势微生物在生物湿地床系统去除污染物的过程中起到了重要的作用。5)构建五组生物湿地床系统,采用再力花为试验植物,在自然条件下,利用连续进水方式,对生物湿地床工艺参数进行优化,研究结果表明:当水力负荷0.54m3/m2·d、水深40cm,植物种植密度100株/m2的条件下,生物湿地床可有效削减污染物含量。6)在2011年3月—2012年2月间,以再力花为试验植物,分别构建生物湿地床与传统人工湿地,以对比研究两类型人工湿地净化富营养化水体中的效果。研究结果表明:在生物湿地床系统中,再力花能够适应无土栽培的环境,且冬季收割后,在次年温度适宜时,仍然能够生长,无需更换植物。生物湿地床与传统湿地污染物质月均去除率分别为TN:27.09%-59.10%和37.64%-48.45%;NH3-N:37.37%-59.70%和29.53%-46.43%;TP:61.01%-75.87%和57.31%-82.15%;CODMn:9.39%-25.48%和22.39%-46.80%,除7、8月份外,生物湿地床营养物去除率显著(p<0.05)高于传统人工湿地,而CODMn去除率显著(p<0.05)低于传统湿地。同时,生物湿地床出水溶解氧含量显著(P<0.05)高于传统湿地。7)针对生物湿地床系统对污染物的去除速率具有随着运行时间变化的特点,根据反应器动力学理论研究得出生物湿地床系统的CODMn、TN、NH3-N和TP去除动力学方程。由动力学方程可知,四种污染物的去除反应表现得较为复杂。

【Abstract】 The development of the different administrative regions of the Taihu Lake Basin,and the degree of pollution, lead to a different approach to the various regions. Takinginto account the division of the Taihu Lake Basin by the environmental protectiondepartment and the department of water resources, as well as a combination ofadministrative divisions, the rivers, which are directly connected with the Taihu Lake,flowing through the region is divided into four pollution control districts. It is for thebetter development in Taihu Lake Basin water quality survey research and subsequentpollution control plan formulation. In this paper, the water quality spatial andtemporal distribution characteristics of20rivers in the four pollution control area ofthe Taihu Lake Basin were investigated. And it takes the representation of the targetrivers-the Hengtang River as the research object to study river water qualityinter-annual variation,so as to provide data to support lake protection. In order toachieve the purpose of the elimination of the threat of eutrophication and purify thewater source, this is the first to carry out biological wetland bed technology to dealwith eutrophication of water test according to the basis of the variation of river waterquality. In this paper, Biological wetland bed plants screened, Optimization ofProcess Parameters, Comparison of long-term operating results with the traditionalwetland system, Analysis of the dynamic model of pollutants and Microbial diversityof plant rootsr, espectively, were carried out.1) Based on four defined polluted regions of Taihu Lake basin, different waterquality indexes of20rivers around Taihu Lake were measured between June2009toMay2010, and the characteristics of the spatial-temporal variation were analyzed. Theresults showed that the rivers in the northern heavily polluted control region werepolluted more serious than those in other polluted regions. The overall pollutionintensity order was: northern heavily polluted control region> western heavilypolluted control region> polluted control region of western Zhejiang Province>eastern polluted control region. And northern heavily polluted control region wassignificantly higher (p<0.05) the pollution level than the polluted control region of western Zhejiang Province and eastern polluted control region, and no significantlydifference with western heavily polluted control region. The nutrient concentration ofriver water had significantly difference between winter and summer except CODMn.2) From June2010to May2011, the water samples of Hengtanghe River werecollected in Zhoutie town near the village of Yangxi, Yixing. The variation of riverwater quality was analyzed throughout the whole year. The results showed that:(1)the annual total nitrogen (TN) concentration was inferior to Class V water qualityexcept in August, while other indexes were superior to Class V water quality.(2)Dissolved total nitrogen (DTN) accounted for the main form in TN in the river, andNH3-N concentration had similar tendency with TN concentration, while TP wasmainly in the form of particulate phosphorus (PP). Permanganate index (CODMn) hada higher concentration during June and August compared to other months, and themaximum chlorophyll a (Chla) concentration was monitored in August. There weresignificantly higher CODMnand Chla concentrations in the hot season than that in thecold season, while the TN concentration exhibited the opposite tendency with CODMnand Chla.(3) There was a significant correlation among the water quality indexesexcept TP.3) A comparative study of the efficiency of contaminant removal between fourplant species in the bio-rack wetlands and between bio-rack system and controlsystem to evaluate the decontamination effects of four different wetland plants. Therewas generally a significant difference in the removal of total nitrogen (TN), ammonianitrogen (NH3-N) and total phosphorus (TP), but no significant difference in theremoval of permanganate index (CODMn) between bio-rack wetland and controlsystem. Bio-rack wetlands planted with Thalia dealbata had higher nutrient removalrates than wetlands planted with other species, and removal of TP was significanthigher (p<0.01) than others. Plant fine root (root diameter≤3mm) biomass rather thantotal plant biomass was related to nutrient removal efficiency. The study suggestedthat the nutrient removal rates are influenced by plant species, and high fine rootbiomass is an important factor in selecting highly effective wetland plants for thebio-rack system. According to the mass balance, the TN and TP removal were in therange of61.03--73.27g/m2and4.14--5.20g/m2in four bio-rack wetlands during the whole operational period. The N and P removal by plants uptake constituted34.9%--43.81%of the mass N removal and62.05%--74.81%the mass P removal,respectively. The study showed that nitrification/denitrification process and plantuptake process are major removal pathways for TN, while plant uptake is an effectiveremoval pathway for TP.4) The different roots were selected randomly from the bio-rack wetland planted withThalia dealbata in October2011, and the microbial diversity was analyzed. Theresults showed that there were obvious different in bacterial species, number andpopulation diversity among the different roots. Part of the microbial community ofdominant bacteria was analyzed through cloning, sequencing and phylogeneticanalysis, Pseudoalteromonas sp., Flavobacteria sp., Tolumonas sp., Streptomyces sp.,Clavibacter sp., Clostridium sp., Mesoflavibacter, Brevundimonas sp., andChromobacterium sp. were included in different roots and these dominantmicroorganisms planted key roles in the removal of pollutants in bio-rack wetlands.5) Bio-rack wetland was used to pretreat eutrophicated source water for the firsttime. Five bio-rack wetlands were conducted in the natural conditions. The optimalHLR is0.54m3/(m2·d) and the optimal water surface level is40cm, as well as thedensity of plants was100plant/m2when bio-rack wetland used as source waterpretreatment process, in which the contaminants were removed effectively.6) A comparative study of the efficiency of contaminant removal was conductedbetween the bio-rack wetland and the conventional constructed wetland from March2011to February2012. The results showed that the plants could be adaptable to givencircumstance with the low pollution loads and higher plant density. The monthly averageremoval rates in the bio-rack wetland and the constructed wetland were:27.09%-59.10%and37.64%-48.45%for total nitrogen (TN),37.37%-59.70%and29.53%-46.43%for ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N),61.01%-75.87%and57.31%-82.15%for total phosphorus (TP), and9.39%-25.48%and22.39%-46.80%for permanganate index (CODMn), respectively. The nutrient removal rates andeffluent DO concentration were significantly higher (p<0.05) in bio-rack wetland thanin constructed wetland during the operational period except in July and August,whileCODMnremoval rates were significantly lower(p<0.01) in bio-rack wetland than in constructed wetland.7) According to the actual instance,pollutants removal rate of bio-rack wetlandsystem was not steady。Based on reactor kinetics theory, the relation between CODMn,TN, NH3-N, TP removal rate of bio-rack wetland system and effluent concentrationwas studied, the results showed that degradation reaction of CODMn, TN, NH3-N, Twas complicated.

【关键词】 太湖河流富营养化生物湿地床
【Key words】 Taihu Lakerivereutrophicationnitrogenphosphorusbio-rack wetland
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

