

The3D Geological Model and Lithologic Stratigraphic Reservoir Prediction of Kongdian Formation, Kongnan Area in Huanghua Depression

【作者】 王建强

【导师】 薛林福;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 数字地质科学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 孔南地区位于黄骅坳陷南段沧东-南皮凹陷中,东西两侧以沧东、徐西断层为界,北至南堤,南至灯明寺,是黄骅坳陷内有利的含油气区带。研究区内潜山及构造油气藏勘探程度已较高,而岩性地层油气藏勘探程度较低。在前人研究的基础上,认识到研究区孔店期盆地结构特点不同于现今残留盆地结构特点,盆地遭受多期叠加,后期构造运动对盆地早期结构改造强烈;同时,孔店期盆地结构类型、物源与沉积体系、古地理格局及盆地演化过程等方面认识存在着很大的问题。上述问题严重制约着对孔南地区油气资源分布的再认识,严重影响着孔南地区岩性地层油气藏勘探进展。此次研究从研究区基础地质、构造特征着手,以层序地层学、沉积学、地球物理学等学科为指导,通过对黄骅坳陷孔南地区孔店组钻井岩芯、测井与录井资料、地震资料等资料综合分析,研究了黄骅坳陷孔南地区孔店组的层序地层学特征、沉积体系特征,在此基础上采用三维地质建模技术,建立了研究区三维地质构造模型,分析了研究区孔店组残留盆地结构类型,构造与沉积响应过程,孔南构造隆起带形成过程;并在三维构造模型基础上,采用确定性相建模技术,建立了研究区各层序三维沉积相模型,通过构造恢复、沉积相分析,恢复了研究区的各层序的古地理格局及演化过程。采用测井约束地震反演方法和频谱分析技术,对研究区砂体进行预测分析和储层含油气检测,找出有利砂体发育部位,结合有利的生储盖组合,预测各层序有利岩性地层油气藏,对油气勘探有重要的指导作用。取得了如下几点重要认识:(1)采用陆相盆地层序地层三分划分原则,将黄骅坳陷孔南地区孔店组孔一、二段可以划分为3个3级层序、8个4级层序、9个体系域和9个中期基准面旋回和16个半旋回。层序Ⅰ相当于孔二段及枣Ⅴ油组底部。层序Ⅱ相当于孔一段枣Ⅴ油组上部及枣Ⅳ油组底部。层序Ⅲ包括枣Ⅳ油组中上部及枣0油组,识别出了三种类型的中期基准面旋回充填样式,建立了孔店组层序地层模式。(2)在测井相、地震相、岩相等沉积相识别标志的基础上,对孔南地区孔店组进行了沉积相和沉积体系研究分析,查明层序Ⅰ为三角洲-滑塌浊积岩-深湖、半深湖沉积相组合;层序Ⅱ主要为冲积扇-辫状河-洪泛平原沉积相组合,层序Ⅲ主要为冲积扇-辫状河-洪泛平原-膏盐湖沉积相组合。(3)运用三维地质建模技术,采用基于面建模方法,建立了孔南地区孔店组三维地质模型,分析得出了孔店组残留盆地的两种盆地结构类型。在此基础上分析了沧东断层和徐西断层时间上和空间上对沉积的控制作用,研究认为沧东断层层序Ⅰ时期活动较弱,只有沧东段活动,层序Ⅱ、Ⅲ时期,整段开始活动,并且强度持续增强,层序Ⅲ时期到达最大,成为盆地的控盆断裂;徐西断层在层序Ⅰ时期活动较弱或者未活动,尚未明显控制其西侧上盘沉积物沉积,层序Ⅱ时期,徐西断层徐杨桥段开始有明显的拉张作用,层序Ⅲ时期徐西断层整条断层均有强烈的拉张作用,控制其西侧上盘沉积物沉积,成为盆地的控盆断裂。(4)孔店构造隆起带实际上是沧东断层、徐西断层活动派生的产物,是一种地层转折褶皱作用的结果,孔店构造带在层序Ⅱ沉积时期开始发育,层序Ⅲ沉积时期相对隆升,形成凸起。(5)三维构造模型基础上,采用确定性相建模技术,建立了研究区各层序三维沉积相模型,通过构造恢复、沉积相分析,恢复了研究区的各层序的古地理格局及演化过程,研究认为孔南地区孔店组湖盆演化经历了坳陷-断坳-断陷三个构造演化阶段,分别与三个层序地层发育时期互相对应。(6)孔南地区钻井较多,地震品质较好,开展了基于模型的测井约束反演,通过反演成果分析,揭示了研究区内岩性空间展布特征。在此基础上,结合钻井资料,进行刻画,绘制了各层序的砂体分布图,分析研究了各层序砂体分布规律,指出了砂体发育的有利位置。(7)频谱分解技术不仅能预测砂体厚度,在含油气性检测效果较好。谱分解结果显示研究区目标层位内孔一段枣Ⅱ、枣Ⅲ、枣Ⅴ及孔二段油气显示较好,符合实际钻井结果,说明时间-频率连续小波变换(TFCWT)谱分解法在该研究区内是有效的。(8)根据层序特征及沉积构型,认为研究区内发育的主要岩性地层圈闭包括上倾尖灭、不整合、三角洲前缘和滑塌浊积岩等6种主要类型,结合有利的生储盖组合,预测了岩性地层油气藏分布规律。本文创新点主要有:(1)运用三维建模技术,采用基于面建模方法,在构造分析、层序地层划分与对比及沉积相和沉积体系研究的基础上,建立了综合构造—层序地层和沉积的三维地质模型,揭示了构造、地层和沉积体的三维定向关系,得出沉降中心的迁移模式和规律,及盆地古地理格局。识别出孔南地区孔店组盆地演化过程中存在坳陷期、断坳转换期、断陷期三个演化阶段。(2)采用井震基准面旋回匹配分析方法,综合利用钻井资料和地震资料,明确了主要地震反射轴的层序地层学意义。(3)综合利用地震反演技术和频谱分解技术,对储层进行预测。采用时间-频率连续小波变换(TFCWT)谱分解法进行盆地含油气检测,谱分解结果显示符合实际钻井结果。基于地震沉积学沿层切片,采用分频率地层切片取法,达到了储层含油气性预测目的。

【Abstract】 Kongnan area was located in Cangdong and Nanpi Sag of the southern of Huang-hua Depression, The east and west sides is Cangdong fault and Xuxi fault; The northside is NanDi; The south side is DengMingsi. It was the favorable oil and gas zone ofHuanghua Depression. The buried hill and structural reservoir of the study area has hi-gh degree of exploration, but the lithologic and stratigraphic oil and gas has less degr-ee of exploration. On the basis of previous research, We has recognized the structuralfeatures of basin of the study area in Kongdian formation was different from the struct-ural features of the current residual basin, the basin suffered multiple stacking. Postte-ctonic movement was strong structural transformation of the early basin. At the sametime the the Kongdian basin structure type, source and depositional system, palaeogeo-graphy and basin evolution of the process, recognize the existence of a big problem.These problems have seriously restricted the reunderstanding of distribution of oil andgas resources of Kongnan area, and serious impact on the progress of explora-tion ofthe lithologic and stratigraphic reservoir.This study is to proceed from the basic geology of the study area, structural featu-res, and sequence stratigraphy, sedimentology, geophysics and other disciplines as aguide, Comprehensive analysis of the drilling cores, logs and logging data, seismic da-ta and other information on Kongnan area in Huanghua Depression, we studied the c-haracteristics of sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary system of Kongdian formati-on eriod of Kongnan area in Huanghua Depression. On this basis by three-dimension-al geological modeling techniques, we established three-dimensional geological struc-ture model of the research area, analyzed the residual basin structure type of Kongdia-n formation of the reserch area, and sedimentary response process, formation processof Kongnan tectonic uplift zone; And on the basis of three-dimensional structural mod-el, by faces deterministic modeling techniques, we established each sequence of three-dimensional deposition model of the research area, and by recoverying constructe an-d analyzing sedimentary facies, we restored paleogeographic framework and evoluti -on of each sequence in the research area. By well log constrained seismic inversionmethods and spectral analysis techniques, we was predictive analysis of the sand bodyand detection containing the oil and gas of reservoir of the research area, to identify fa-vorable development site of sand body, combined with a favorable combination of re-servoir, predicting each sequence of favorable stratigraphic reservoir, these were imp-ortant guiding role in oil and gas exploration. We have made an impotant understand-ing of the following points:(1) Utilizing sequence stratigraphy of continental basins third of the classificati-on principles, we divided Kongyi formation and Konger formation of Kongnan areaof Huanghua Depression into3third-order sequences and8fourth-order sequences,9system tracts,9medium-term base-level cycles and16half cycle. The sequence I is e-quivalent to Konger formation and the bottom of ZaoⅤ oil group. The sequence Ⅱisequivalent to the upper part of ZaoⅤ oil group of Kongyi formation and the bottom ofZaoⅣ oil group. The sequence Ⅲ is equivalent to the upper part of ZaoⅣ oil group a-nd Zao0oil group. We identified three types of filling pattern of medium-term base-l-evel cycles, and established the sequence stratigraphic model of Kongdian formation.(2) On the basis of sedimentary facies, seismic facies, lithofacies sedimentary offacies identification mark, we analyzed sedimentary facies and depositional systems o-n Kongdian formation of Kongnan area. We identified the sequence Ⅰ that it was co-mbination of slump turbidite delta-deep lake, semi-deep lake sedimentary facies, ident-ified the sequence Ⅱ that it was combination of alluvial fan-braided river–floodp-lain sedimentary facies, and identified the sequence Ⅲ that it was alluvial fan-braid-ed river-floodplain-cream Salt Lake sedimentary facies.(3) By three-dimensional geological modeling techniques, utilizing modeling me-thod based on surface, we established3D geological model of Kongnan area of Kong-dian formation, and analyzed and obtained of two basin structure type of residual bas-in of Kongdian formation. On the basis, we analyzed Cangdong fault and Xuxi faultcontrol of the deposition at time and space, the studies suggested that the activity of C-angdong fault was weak at the Sequence Ⅰperiod, and only the eastern section of Ca-ngdong fault was activity, the whole of Cangdong fault started activities at the Seque-nce Ⅱ and Sequence Ⅲ period, and the strength continued to improve, which reache-d the maximum at the Sequence Ⅲ period, becomed the controlling faults of the basi-n. The activity of Xuxi fault was weak or inactive at the sequence Ⅰ period, not yetobvious control on the west side of the plate sediment deposition, Xuyang section of Xuxi fault began to the role of the tensile at the sequence II period, the whole of Xuxifault had a strong the role of the tension at the sequence Ⅲ period, which controled onits west side of the plate sediment deposition, becomed the controlling faults of the ba-sin.(4) In fact, Kongdian uplift belt was a derived product of activity of Cangdong fa-ult and Xuxi fault, which was the result of a bend fold role formation. Kongdian upli-ft belt began to develop during the deposition of sequence II, and continued to upliftduring the deposition of sequence III, to form a bulge.(5) On the basis of three-dimensional structural model, utilizing the deterministicmodeling techniques, we established3D sedimentary facies model for the study area o-f each sequence, by constructing a recovery and the sedimentary facies analysis, andrestored paleogeographic framework and evolution of each sequence in the research ar-ea. The study thought that the evolution of lake basin of Kongdian formation at the K-ongdian period experienced a depression-fault sag-faulted three tectonic stages, co-rrespond, respectively with the developmental stages of three sequence stratigraphy.(6) There were more drilling and quality of seismic was better at the Kongnan ar-ea, we carried out model-based logging constrained inversion. Through the inversionresults of analysis, it revealed the spatial distribution characteristics of the lithology ofthe research area. On this basis, we combined with drilling data, and conducted charac-terization, drawing the maps of each sequence of the sand body. We analyzed the lawof the sand body of each sequence, and pointed out that the favorable position of the d-evelopment of the sand body.(7) Spectrum decomposition technique not only predicted the thickness of the sa-nd body, but also had better prediction of hydrocarbon potential. The results of the sp-ectral decomposition showed better of Oil and gas of ZaoⅡ, and ZaoⅢ, and ZaoⅤ o-f Kongyi formation, and Konger formation, that conformed to the actual drilling resu-lts.The result showed that time-frequency continuous wavelet transform (TFCWT) sp-ectral decomposition was an effective method in the research area.(8) According to sequence characteristics and sedimentary configuration, we tho-ught that the development of the mainly stratigraphic traps in the research area inclu-ded updip pinchout, unconformities, the delta front and slump turbidite and other mai-n types. Combined with the favorable combination of reservoir, we predicted the distr-ibution law of stratigraphic reservoir.The main innovation of this article: (1) Using three-dimensional modeling techniques, with modeling method based o-n surface, we bulided three-dimensional geological structure model of Kongnan area,analyzed the relationship between tectonic and sedimentary response, migration patter-ns and patterns of settlement center, and restored the basin palaeogeography. We divi-ded into three evolutionary process, that was the depression period, fault-depressiontransform period, faulting period.(2) Using well seismic base-level cycles matching analysis method, and compre-hensive utilization of drilling data and seismic data, we explicited specific seismic re-flection axes significance in sequence stratigraphy.(3) Using the Seismic inversion technology and spectrum decomposition techniq-ue, we predicted the reservoir. We conducted petroleum detection of basin, The resul-ts of spectral decomposition conformed to the actual drilling results. Based on seism-ic sedimentology along the layer slice, with sub-frequency stratigraphic slices emula-ted, we achieved the purpose of the prediction of hydrocarbon potential of reservoir.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

