

Research on the Value of Quaternary Groundwater Based on GIS

【作者】 陈超

【导师】 吴淦国; 魏连伟;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 资源产业经济, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 水是自然资源的重要组成部分,是所有生物的结构组成和生命活动的主要物质基础,对社会经济、生态环境起着不可替代的作用。通常我们所说的水资源,是指能提供给人类利用的淡水资源,而全球的淡水资源只占地球上水体总量的2.66%,这其中有近70%是分布在两极地区以及高山上的冰川,很难加以利用,因此,可供人类开发利用的淡水资源非常有限。随着社会经济的发展和人口的增加,人类在对水资源巨大需求的驱使下,不断地大规模开发利用水资源,导致水资源数量急剧减少。而长期以来,人们受水资源无价以及“取之不尽、用之不竭”的错误价值观影响,更是造成水资源浪费从而导致水资源短缺的重要原因之一。地下水资源是人类赖以生存的水资源的重要组成部分,北京市的地下水利用占北京市供水量的2/3,是国际上为数不多的以地下水作为城市主要供水水源的大都市。因此对北京而言,地下水资源不仅是首都发展的基础性资源,更是北京市发展的战略资源和重要保障。在北京市地下水资源短缺,超采现象日益严重的今天,如何正确认识北京市地下水资源的价值,从而为北京市水资源管理部门合理开发利用地下水资源提供科学的理论依据,为北京市制定合理的水价提供理论依据,从而使北京市地下水资源可持续发展正是本文要研究的内容。通过国内外关于水资源价值研究的成果发现,目前还没有学者对地下水资源价值进行系统的研究,因此,本文对北京市地下水资源的价值进行了系统地研究。在国内外关于水资源价值理论研究的基础上,结合地下水资源的特点、功能,以及影响地下水资源的因素,建立了地下水资源价值评价指标体系,并且得出,地下水资源是有价值的,不仅具有资源价值,还具有生态价值;地下水资源价值系统是一个复杂且模糊的系统。通过地水资源价值计算模型的研究对比,结合地下水资源价值系统的特性,选择模糊数学综合评价模型,对北京市地下水资源的价值进行计算。针对北京市的具体情况,结合地下水资源的价值,选取了水资源量、开采程度、水质、地区生产总值、人口密度作为评价因子,对北京市地下水资源价值进行了计算。结果表明,北京市2009年地下水资源的价值为190亿元,而基于水资源价值的水资源价格(资源水价)为8.35元/m~3,与北京市现行的4元/m~3的水价相比,还有上调的空间,如加上污水处理费以及供水成本作为水价,计算得出人均水费支出占其总支出的3.1%,达到了国际规定的人均水费支出在2%-3%的水平,也符合北京市的实际情况,因此,此价格可为北京市的水价改革提供参考价值。运用上述方法计算的地下水资源价值,只反映出北京地区地下水资源整体的价值情况,要想为北京市水资源管理部门提供合理开采利用地下水资源的科学的理论依据,必须对每个区县甚至是每一小块区域的地下水资源价值进行评价。基于地理信息系统(GIS)强大的空间分析功能,本文运用GIS的手段,提出了基于GIS的地下水资源价值综合评价模型,并对北京市地下水资源价值进行分区综合评价。同样选取了水资源量、水质、地下水开采程度、地区生产总值、人口密度作为评价因子,对每个评价因子单独进行评价,得到单因子评价图,利用arcgis强大的空间分析功能及本人编写的程序代码,将上述单因子评价图叠加,形成北京市地下水资源价值综合分区评价图,并可得到每一个分区的地下水资源价值。最后,综合以上评价和计算结果,对北京市水资源管理部门合理开采地下水提出建议,并对有待进一步研究的问题进行了展望。

【Abstract】 As the major material basis of all creature composition and lifeactivities, water is an important part of natural resources and plays anirreplaceable role in social economy and ecological environment. Waterresources, we usually refer to means the sweet water resource humanbeings can make use of; such global sweet water resource, almost 70% ofwhich is distributed in the polar regions and glaciers of high mountainsand is hardly made use of, and these is only 2.66% of the total wateramount of the earth. Thus fresh water resources available for exploitationby human beings is quite limited. With the social and economicdevelopment and huge demand for water resources, human being hasbeen exploiting water resources in a large scale, which consequentiallyleads to a sharp decline of it. For a long time, the wrong value that waterresource is free and inexhaustible is one of the important reasons forwater resource waste and thus resulting in water resources shortage.Groundwater resources is an important part of the water resourcehuman being relys on. With 2/3 of the water supply being from thegroundwater, Beijing is one of the few metropolitans in the world wherethe groundwater consists of the major part of water supply. For Beijing,the capital of China, groundwater resource is the basic resources, even thestrategic resources and an important guarantee for its development. Inconsideration of the shortage of ground water and its over-exploitation in today’s Beijing, how to understand groundwater in the correct manner,which renders a scientific theoretical foundation for the properexploitation of groundwater resource by Beijing water resourceadministration authorities and reasonable water pricing in Beijing, andthus how to ensure that the use of groundwater is in conformity withsustainable development, are the matters to be covered in this paper.Through the search of domestic and overseas research regarding theevaluation of water resources, it is found out that there is no scholar whohas conducted systematically research with regard to the value ofgroundwater resources, thus this paper covers a systematic research onthe evaluation of groundwater in Beijing. On the basis of the domesticand overseas research on the evaluation of water resources, and inconsideration of the characteristics, function and influencing factors of it,an value evaluation index system for groundwater resources is set up. It isconcluded that the ground water resources have its value, including bothresource value and ecological value; and that the evaluation system forgroundwater resources is a complex and vague one.Through the research and comparison of the computation model forgroundwater and in consideration of the feature of the evaluation systemfor groundwater resources, avague mathematics comprehensiveevaluation model is set up to calculate the value of groundwater resourcesin Beijing. For the specific conditions of Beijing and in consideration of the value of ground water resources, amount of water resources, degree ofwater exploration, water quality, GDP and population density are selectedas evaluation factors to evaluate the groundwater resource in Beijing. Theresult shows that in 2009 the total value of exploitable groundwater ofBeijing is 19 billion yuan, and the price of water resources (waterresources price) based on water resources value is 8.35 yuan/m3.Comparably, there is still space for price increase as the current waterprice is 4 yuan/ m3.If the fees for sewage disposal and water supply areconsidered, it can be calculated that the per capita water expense amountsto 3.1% of each citizen’s total spending, which reaches the water expenselevel of each citizen in developed countries and coincides with the actualsituation in Beijing. Thus this can be referred to for the water pricereform in Beijing.The value of groundwater computed with the above method can onlyreflect the value of groundwater resources as a whole in Beijing area. It isnecessary to evaluate the groundwater for each district and county oreven for each plot if a scientific theoretic foundation is intended to renderto the Beijing water resource administration authorities for scientificexploitation and utilization of the groundwater. With the help of thepowerful spatial analysis function of GIS (Geographic InformationSystem), a comprehensive evaluation model for groundwater ispropounded in this paper and a comprehensive evaluation for Beijing individual district is also conducted when GIS method is applied.Similarly, amount of water resource, water quality, groundwaterexploitation degree, GDP in this area and population density are selectedas evaluation factors and each factor is evaluated, thus one-factorevaluation map is formed. With the powerful spatial analysis of arcgisand program code written by me, the above mentioned one-factorevaluation maps are superimposed together and consequentially acomprehensive evaluation map of groundwater resource for individualdistrict in Beijing is formed. Furthermore, the value of groundwaterresource of each district in Beijing thus becomes available.Lastly, with the combination of above-mentioned evaluation andcomputed results, this paper renders some suggestions to Beijing waterresource administration authorities for proper and reasonable exploitation,and also outlooks problems to be further studied.

  • 【分类号】P641.8;P208
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】433
  • 攻读期成果

