

Research on Governance Pathway of Ecological Environment in Tianjin City under the Perspective of Low-carbon Economy

【作者】 姜仁良

【导师】 张洪涛; 文冬光;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 资源管理工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 城市的生态环境决定并制约着城市发展的质量及未来趋势。但是,城市的工业化和城市化的高速增长给城市的生态环境带来了巨大的压力。最大限度地降低资源能源消耗带来的生态环境成本,有效地提高城市生态环境治理的绩效,为城市可持续发展提供良好环境支撑是当前一项紧迫的任务。众所周知,生态环境治理是一项复杂的系统工程。解决城市生态环境治理中存在的问题不应该简单地理解为对污染的治理。环境问题说到底是发展问题,城市生态环境治理关键要协调好城市生态环境治理与经济发展的关系,最终要靠优化经济结构、转变经济发展方式。因此,本文从发展低碳经济的视角来探讨城市生态环境治理问题。低碳经济发展与城市生态环境治理具有密切的关联。研究基于低碳经济发展的城市生态环境治理及其相互作用规律的目的,在于为提升城市环境质量和品位、规范城市环境管理行为、提高生态环境承载力和创新低碳经济制度制定相关政策与措施提供理论指导,进而对完善城市生态治理模式具有重要的实践意义。天津市十分注重生态建设和环境保护,在城市生态化建设中取得了一定成绩。但是在经济社会快速发展的同时,天津城市生态环境仍面临一些不利因素,需要积极寻求对策应对经济发展中出现的环境问题。本论文通过对城市生态环境治理的相关理论进行深入分析和总结的基础上,综合运用规范研究和实证研究、系统分析与比较研究、定量分析与定性分析相结合的方法,以天津市为例探讨城市生态环境治理现状与治理模式定位;在参考其他相关城市生态环境质量评价指标体系的基础上,构建一套天津城市生态环境质量评价指标模型,并以历史数据为基础进行实证研究,得出相关结论,指出节能减排是改善城市生态环境质量的重要法宝;在上述研究基础上深入分析低碳经济发展作用于城市生态环境治理的内在逻辑,提出城市生态化建设与城市走低碳化道路遵循的基本理念和实质内容紧密关联;并对低碳生态城市建设的相关内容进行了深入透视,以中新天津生态城为例探讨了天津城市低碳生态化建设实践,最后提出以低碳经济发展带动天津城市生态环境治理改善的路径选择。

【Abstract】 The ecological environment of the city decides and restricts the quality and future trend of theurban development. However, the industrialization and rapid growth places great pressure to theecological environment of the city. Minimizing the ecological costs from resources and energyconsumption and effectively promoting the performance of the ecological environmentmanagement of the city to provide good environment supportability for the sustainabledevelopment of the city is the urgent task at present. As is known to all, the ecologicalenvironment management is a complicated systematic engineering. To solve the problems ofecological environment management can’t be simply understood as to control the pollution. Afterall, environmental problems are developmental problems. The key points of ecologicalenvironment management of the city are to coordinate the relationships between the city andeconomic growth. Finally, it shall optimize the economic structure and transform the mode ofeconomic development. Therefore, this article discusses the ecological environment managementof the city from the perspective of a low carbon economic development. Low carbon economicdevelopment is closely related with the ecological environment of city. The purpose of studyingon the ecological environment management and the disciplinary of the ecological environmentmanagement and interactions based on the low carbon economic development is to improve thequality and taste of the environmental quality of the city and to standardize the behaviors ofurban environmental management and improve the ecological bearing capacity and providetheoretical guidance to the related policies and measures, innovative low carbon economicsystem, thus it has great practical significance to complete the urban ecological governmentmodel.Tianjin pays much attention to the ecological construction and environmental protection, andhas obtained some achievements in the ecological construction of this city. However, theecological environment of Tianjin also encounters some unfavorable factors as the socialeconomy develops rapidly, it requires finding some countermeasures to deal with theenvironment problems which occur in the economic development positively. This thesis is on thebasis of deep research and summarizes by using correlation theory of urban ecologicalenvironment management, using the methods of normative research and empirical research,system analysis and comparative research, quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis comparatively, and then sets Tianjin as an example to discuss the location of urban ecologicalenvironment management status and management model; then refers to urban ecologicalenvironment quality assessment system of other related cities, establishes a set of ecologicalenvironment quality assessment index model which suits for Tianjin, and also makes anempirical research with historical data, finally brings out related conclusion and points out thatenergy saving is an effective weapon for improving urban environment quality; then with theabove researches, through deep analysis of the inner logic which low carbon economicdevelopment acts on the urban ecological management, comes up with closed interactionbetween basic ideas and real details that are abided by the urban ecological construction andurban low carbon; and grasps the essence of the related content of low carbon urban ecologicalconstruction, then sets food on Zhongxin Tianjin Ecological City to discuss the low carbonconstruction practicing in Tianjin, finally comes up with path selection for the managementimproving of Tianjin urban ecological environment which brought by low carbon economicdevelopment.


