

Methodological Study of Critical Acceleration Analysis of Slope Earthquake Stability

【作者】 赵体

【导师】 姚磊华; 孙进忠;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 地质工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 地震作用下的边坡稳定性是一个涉及多学科交叉的难题,是当前工程地质和工程地震学研究的热点之一。迄今为止,边坡地震稳定性评估大多是基于地震作用引起的边坡岩土介质动应力与介质抗力的比较,且基本上没有考虑边坡破坏失稳的概率。本文的研究基于对边坡地震稳定性评价的全新概念,旨在建立一套以地震参数为准则的岩土边坡地震动力稳定性分析评价体系,论文选取陕西省宝鸡市刘家泉黄土边坡展开研究,主要工作与特色之处如下:(1)进行现场地脉动实测,根据脉动实测结果分析了该边坡的微振动力特性,研究了地脉动的频谱结构与场地土结构、覆盖层厚度及高程的关系。(2)提出以地脉动实测点的解析波谱为目标函数,拟合实测地脉动频谱结构,进行边坡数值建模的新思路,给边坡数值建模增加了物理约束条件,通过微振数值模拟,建立了与边坡实际微振特性相符合的物理力学模型,同时得到了不同激振频率对应的边坡振型。(3)提出岩土边坡地震动力超载稳定性的概念,为建立以地震动强度参数为准则的岩土边坡地震动力超载稳定性评价方法奠定了理论基础。(4)考虑岩体介质本构关系与地震动力作用强度的匹配性,为保证分析模拟过程中边坡岩土单元动应力模拟结果的合理性,提出了分析岩土边坡地震动力响应、搜索边坡破坏临界状态和临界地震峰值加速度的地震动力荷载增强分析方法,形成了一套结合完全动力时程法的边坡地震稳定性分析新思路。(5)突破以作用力和边坡抗力比较为直接标准的传统边坡稳定性思维,根据地震动力超载稳定性的概念,提出了以边坡失稳临界地震峰值加速度与边坡所在区域设防地震峰值加速度比较为基础的岩土边坡地震稳定性评判准则,将边坡稳定性判断从边坡内部的力学过程转换到了外部的地震作用及其效应评判,对于边坡地震稳定性评价和边坡地震灾害评估都具有建设性意义。(6)研究了岩土边坡自振特性与边坡地震失稳的临界状态的相关性,建立了边坡振型与边坡破坏规律间的联系,初步形成了一套符合边坡地震动力响应物理过程和物理规律的分析方法。

【Abstract】 Slope stability owing to earthquake actions is a hard problem involving a seriesof different scientific fields, and is also a hot research point in engineering geologyand engineering seismology. So far, most evaluation works of slope earthquakestability are based on the comparison between dynamic stresses in slope mass causedby earthquake action and the anti-strength of the slope mass without consideration offailure probabilities of the slope. The purpose of this paper is to set up a suit ofevaluation methods for slope earthquake stability based on seismic parameters, andachieve the probabilistic assessment of earthquake failure modes of the slope. Thepaper takes the Liu Jia-quan loess slope in Baoji, Shaanxi Province, China as anexample, the main works and characters in this paper is concluded as follows:(1) According to the on-site micro-tremor test results, the characteristics ofmicro-dynamic responses of the slope is analyzed, as well as the relationship betweenspectrum structures of the micro-tremor, soil structures, covering layers thickness andelevation.(2) A new concept that based on fitting to micro-tremor spectrum is put forward,which can exert an effective constraint for numerical modeling and ambient vibrationsimulation, by this way, a reasonable physical mechanics model that matchinggeographic geological condition is set up. At the same time, Vibration-characteristicsunder different levels of frequencies are obtained.(3) The concept of dynamic overloading stability is put forward, which lay atheoretical foundation for the evaluation methods for slope earthquake stability thatbased on seismic parameters.(4) In consideration of the match of the constitutive relationship of the rock orsoil mass in a slope with actual earthquake action, an idea of searching for the criticalearthquake action of the slope at its present strength state by inputting the earthquakeaction from weak to strong is put forward, a new method considering fully dynamictime history method is formed.(5) In light of the concept of dynamic overloading method, break the traditional thinking of slope stability based on the comparison between inner stress and thestrength of the slope into a judgment of slope earthquake stability based on thecomparison between the critical earthquake peak acceleration and local fortificationearthquake peak acceleration, which have cconstructive values for the evaluation ofseismic stability of slopes and slope seismic hazard assessment.(6)The relationship between the self vibration characteristics of rock or soilmass in a slope and its critical failure state is researched, and the connection betweenthem is established. Thus, an analytical method in line with the slope seismic dynamicresponses of the physical processes and physical laws is initially established.


