

Eco-Industrial Park of Coal Resource Based Urben Pla nning research

【作者】 田晓艳

【导师】 岑况;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 资源产业经济, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 煤炭是我国资源结构中的主要资源,煤炭资源型城市的可持续发展对全国经济结构的转型升级有着重要作用,自2005年以来,我国政府出台了一系列政策措施鼓励煤炭型资源城市走循环经济之路,2010年,山西省被列为国家资源型经济转型综合配套改革试验区,“十二五”期间,山西省要走出一条资源型经济全面转型的新路子。在资源型城市转型的过程中,生态工业园作为循环经济发展的重要载体形式,受到地方政府的追捧,全国各地各种类型的生态工业园层出不穷,但是如何因地制宜的立足于地方经济和资源禀赋,使生态工业园的建设对促进地方经济结构转型升级,促进地方经济环境社会协调发展发挥应有作用成为了生态工业园建设规划的重点和难点。本文在研究资源型城市转型理论、可持续发展理论、循环经济理论、生态工业园建设理论、产业集聚理论和对国内外知名的生态工业园,特别是煤炭型生态工业园进行对标研究的基础上,以山西蒲县为例,阐述了煤炭型资源城市转型路径选择和生态工业园建设中产业链构建、经济效益分析、建设水平指标评价、空间布局和保障措施的思路和原则。蒲县的经济发展水平在临汾市较为落后,但是蒲县的煤炭资源丰富,境内煤炭资源普遍为优质炼焦配煤,“十一五”期间,蒲县的煤炭资源整合和产业集中度明显提高。为了实现蒲县“工业强县”的发展战略,建议蒲县对煤炭资源分层次,分煤种的利用方法,构建了以煤气化为主线,煤制甲醇、环氧乙烷、乙醇胺、聚羧酸盐减水剂、乙二醇醚、聚乙烯、丁辛醇、环氧丙烷、聚醚多元醇九大项目为支撑,同时发展煤炭洗选加工,精煤做为商品炼焦煤出售,矸石、中煤就地用于热电生产,粉煤灰进行综合利用发展硅铝合金和建材的生态产业链。此外,论述了园区拟产出产品的市场实现性和经济效益,构建了园区的经济发展水平,生态环境影响和企业管理水平评价体系,规范园区发展。在产业集群发展、因地制宜发展、生态环保、统筹兼顾的原则下进行产业空间布局,并提出了园区建设发展保障措施。

【Abstract】 Coal is the major resource in the resource structure in China, The sustainabledevelopment of coal resource based city has an important role on transformation andupgrading of the national economic structures. Since 2005, our government hasintroduced a series of policy measures to encourage coal resource cities take the roadof cyclic economy. In 2010, Shanxi province was listed as a national resource basedeconomy transformation comprehensive reform zone. During the national twelfth5-year planning period, Shanxi province will need find a new way of transformationof resource–based economy.In the process of transformation of resources based cities, as an important formof circular economy development, eco-industrial park is highly sought after by thelocal government, there emerged endless stream of various types of eco-industrialpark. But how to adapt to local conditions, and based on the local economy andresource endowments, not seeking building blindly, how eco-industrial parkconstruction can truly promote structural transformation and upgrading of localeconomy, promoting coordinated development of local social economic environmenthas become the emphases and difficulties of eco-industrial park construction plans.This study is based on the sustainable development of resource - based citiestransformation theory, theory of circular economy and eco-industrial parkconstruction theory and on the benchmark study of domestic and internationalwell-known eco-industrial parks, particularly coal based eco-industrial parks, takingPu County as an example, elaborated the path selection of the coal resource based citytransformation and ecological industry chain in the construction of industrial park, economic benefits analysis, evaluation of construction index, ideas and principles ofspatial layout and safeguards.Pu County’s level of economic development in Linfen city is relatively backward,but Pu County’s has abundant coal resources, and its coal resources in the territory isgenerally of high quality coking coal blending. During the eleventh“five yearsplanning”period, coal mines has been reduced to 25 the total number in Pu County,mine area has increased to261.89 square kilometers, reserves increased to 1.34 billiontons, total capacity increased to 19.86 million tons year, the coal resources integrationand the degree of industrial concentration has significant increased in Pu County. Inorder to achieve Pu County" powerful industrial County " development strategy,it isproposed to differentiate phases of coal resource, utilization of different kinds of coals.Constructed the gas into main line , coal system methanol , and ring oxygen ethylene ,and ethanol amine , and poly carboxylic acid salt reduction agent , and glycol ether ,and polyethylene , and Octyl alcohol , and ring oxygen propane , and poly ethermultiple alcohol nine large project for support , while development coal washingprocessing , clean coal do for commodity coking coal sold , waste stone , and in thecoal in - place for thermoelectric production , fly ash for comprehensive utilizationdevelopment Silicon aluminum alloy and building materials of ecological industrychain. Besides, it addressed the intended outputs of the Park of markets and economicbenefit, constructed the economic development of the construction of the Park,Eco -environmental impact and evaluation system of enterprise management to standardizethe development of the industrial park. Integrated industry spatial layout under thedevelopment of industrial cluster development, suiting measures to local conditions,the principle of ecological environmental protection


