

Research on Linking the Increase and Decrease of Urban and Rural Construction Land

【作者】 杨永磊

【导师】 崔彬;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 资源产业经济, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 我国目前处于城市化快速推进期,城市建设用地供需矛盾日益突出。一方面,城镇人口不断增加,城市建设用地面积急速扩张,另一方面,农村建设用地特别是宅基地粗放利用,浪费严重,结果导致我国保护18亿亩耕地红线的目标岌岌可危。面对我国实行的最严格的耕地保护制度,各地广泛建立了城乡建设用地增减挂钩机制,为统筹城乡发展,解决建设用地供需矛盾发挥了积极作用,但各地的做法普遍存在挂钩周转指标使用收益分配不合理,农民权益保护不足等问题,急需对此加以规范,增加农民分配比例,加大农民权益保护,充分发挥农民的主体作用,促进城乡建设用地增减挂钩健康、持续发展。论文针对目前城乡建设用地增减挂钩实践中普遍存在的忽视农民权益保护的问题,深入探讨其制度根源,通过赋予农民农地发展权,并将其贯穿城乡建设用地增减挂钩实践的始终,使农民获得大部分土地增值收益,从根本上保护农民土地权益。对于城乡建设用地增减挂钩机制的具体构建,首先,论文指出拆旧区最适合保护农民权益的宅基地整理模式应由农民集体组织实施。同时,为了在更大范围内充分发挥市场的资源配置作用,应逐步放松挂钩的范围限制,建立省域乃至全国的土地发展权市场;对于宅基地复垦出的连片耕地,可通过构建农地股份合作社使农地经营取得规模效应和示范效应;对于宅基地流转的限制应逐步放开,促进农业劳动力的城市化转移。其次,对于城镇建新地块,严格区分公益与非公益用地,农地征收仅针对严格界定的公益用地,且应当给予农民包括农地发展权价格在内的市场价格补偿,对于非公益用地,则通过市场机制的构建,通过土地供求关系决定的地租地价,保障农民获得充足补偿。再次,针对城乡建设用地增减挂钩的巨大资金瓶颈,构建可行的挂钩融资机制。突破制度约束,构建农地金融机制,增强农民自身融资能力,为以农民为主导的城乡建设用地增减挂钩机制提供融资基础;依托发展权收益,探索包括财政融资、间接融资、直接融资和项目融资等途径的挂钩融资渠道。最后,通过对S县的实地调研,对当地城乡建设用地增减挂钩的做法加以梳理与分析,与前文理论探讨相互印证。

【Abstract】 China is currently in the rapid urbanization development period, and the urbanconstruction land contradiction between supply and demand has become increasinglyprominent. On one hand, with the urban population increase cesaelessly, the urbanconstruction area expanded rapidly, on the other hand, inefficient use of the ruralconstruction land especially the homestead waste is universal. China’s cultivated land areahas been decreased to the baseline. In order to protect cultivated land and meet urbanconstruction land demand, local governments are implementing the policy of linking theincrease and decrease of urban and rural construction land. In the local practices,peasants’ interests are not protected, and most of the benefits belong to governments. Inorder to protect farmers’ interests, it is need to restructure the institution.The author analysed the institution of linking the increase and decrease of urban andrural construction land, put forward a proposal to endow peasants farmland developmentrights,and then restructure the institution based on peasants’ farmland development rights.For reconstructure the institution, this paper first explores the suitable homesteadconsolidation model for protect peasants’ interests in the demolition district. And theauthor pointed out that for market mechanism playing more important role, the range ofthe institution should be widen and provincial or national land develpoment rights transfermarket should be developed. For cultivating the farmland from the homesteadconsolidation effectively, the land coopertives will play an important role. And thelimitations on rural construction land transaction should be removed for stimulating thetransfer of agriculture labour forces.Secondly, for the new town plots, public and nonpublic use should be distinguishedstrictly. And farmland requisition should only be allowed for public land use, and thepeasants should be paid market price compensation which included the compensantion forfarmland development rights. The nonpublic land users should buy the farmland from thepeasants directly.Thirdly, linking the increase and decrease of urban and rural construction land needhuge capital, so feasible financing mechanism is needed. For enhancing peasants’ fiancingability, agricultural land finance should be established, and government financing, indirectfinancing, direct financing and project financing should also be developed.Finally, based on the survey of S county’s practice, the author proved that linking theincrease and decrease of urban and rural construction land should be restructured in order to protect peasants’ farmland development rights.


