

Experimental Study on Remediation of Groundwater/Soil Polluted by Petroleum Hydrocarbon in Dongying City

【作者】 高赞东

【导师】 万力;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 地下水科学与工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本研究目的是针对黄河三角洲中心城市--东营市油气开采区普遍存在的水土石油类污染问题,选择比较典型、有代表性地段,进行水土污染修复治理实验研究,以取得适宜区内石油类污染治理的最佳方法,为区域石油类水土污染恢复治理提供科学依据。东营市分布有中国第二大石油基地--胜利油田。经调查,油气区普遍存在较重的水土石油污染,主要问题是遗留在经常周围的落地油、油泥沙等。老油区土壤污染一般以油井为中心扩散在平均50m半径的范围,单井污染面积11.77亩;较新的油区油井污染范围基本限于井场内,面积3亩左右。估算全区油井污染面积约174200亩(261km2),占油井征地面积的275%。油气开采区地下水、地表水石油类污染也较普遍,一般分布在近污染源附近区域。本研究通过地面调查、水土样品测试、现场试验等工作,在河口采油厂和现河采油厂分别选取曝气、微生物修复、置换三种不同方法对石油污染水土进行试验治理研究。本次研究得到的主要结论如下:对于含油量相对较高的油泥砂,选用置换法处理,在技术要求上相对简单。但是置换出的油污土仍需后续处理,在操作过程中,回填土也要符合相应的质量标准,费用较高。如操作不慎,很有可能造成二次污染。对含油量不高的落地油污染土壤,曝气处理也可在一定程度上降低土壤中的石油含量,但处理效果不佳。由于此技术过程中土著微生物的降解能力往往不是很强,而污染物的自然氧化降解过程又较为缓慢,因此,其修复效果通常不如外加高效石油降解菌的处理效果。利用石油降解用菌剂,对石油污染水体,经两周处理后,水体的油含量下降明显。对含油量不高的石油污染土壤,经过四个半月的生物修复,土壤的含油量平均下降了89.8%,土壤中残余的石油污染物对环境的毒害作用也基本清除。综上,对石油污染土壤,在含油量不高的情况下使用生物菌液进行修复,可使其含油量大幅下降,最终可达标排放并基本恢复其生态特征。

【Abstract】 This study aims at groundwater/soil contamination caused by petroleum exploitationwhich widely existed in petroleum development region of Dongying City, the center city ofYellow River Delta. A typical and representative area is collected. Some groundwater and soilcontamination remedy tests are conducted in this area to acquire the best method of petroleumcontamination controlling, which will provide scientific basis to groundwater and soilcontamination controlling in petroleum development region.The study finds out the current situation of groundwater and soil contamination byground investigation, groundwater and soil sample test and field test. The technologicalcharacteristics of bioremediation process has been grasped through a series of small test andstudy which have been conducted in advance, including the bioremediation to residual sludgeand the microbial treatment to oily water in study site. In Hekou oil field and Xianhe oilfield, three different methods, aeration method, bioremediation method and replacementtechnique, are respectively applied to repair the contaminated groundwater and soil caused bypetroleum. Wanggang Water Injection Station and the contaminated areas around No.11-601well of Hekou oil field which locate in north-east of Hekou District are selected as the studysites.The main conclusions of this study are as follows:Three treatment methods are applied in this study. An area of 6552m2 contaminated bypetroleum around No.11-601 well in Hekou District was divided into two pieces, which weretreated separately with aeration method and bioremediation method. Apart from this, anotherpetroleum soil landfill area of 1610m2 around Wanggang Water Injection Station was treatedwith replacement technique, where 1210m3 of uncontaminated soil was backfilled in.The replacement technique was applied to the soil with high petroleum content. Thismethod is characterized by relatively simple techniques, convenient operations and a shortperiod to reach the treatment requirements. However, follow-up measures have to be carriedon the replaced oily soil to make it meet the standards of replaced soil. Large machinery isused during the whole process, which will result in a high cost. In addition, inadvertentoperation will likely cause secondary contamination which will cause damage to thesurrounding environment.To a certain extent, aeration method can decrease petroleum content in the contaminated soil with low petroleum content, but the effect is not ideal. With the help of environmentalfactors(such as UV and oxygen) and high temperature, aeration method can promote theoxidation, degradation and diffusion of contaminants, which will reduce the concentration ofcontaminants in soil. However, in this method the degradation ability of aboriginesmicroorganisms is weak and the natural degradation process of contaminants is slow. Theremediation effect of this method is not as effective as the method with additional applicationof high performance oil degradation microorganisms.In this study, with the application of oil degradation microorganisms, in two weeks thepetroleum content in target water has decreased from 349mg/L to 0.31mg/L and the CODvalue has decreased from 392 mg/L to 93.4mg/L. To contaminated soil with relatively low oilcontent, the oil content has reduced by 89.8% on average after four months and a halfbioremediation. Compared with aeration method, bioremediation makes the degradation ofpetroleum related contaminants to an even lower level. The petroleum content in soil can bereduced below 3000mg/kg, which reaches the standard of mineral oil content in agriculturalsludge. Wild plants grow in good condition in the restored soil, which proves that thepoisonous effect of the residual petroleum related contaminants has basically eliminated.To sum up, if the petroleum content in soil is not very high, the application ofbioremediation can dramatically decrease the petroleum content in soil and eventually reachthe discharging standard and recover the ecological feature of soil. Therefore, bioremediationtechnology is an economic and effective method on petroleum contaminated soil treatmentwith wide application prospects.


