

Research on the Influence of Culture,Education and Economy on Creativity

【作者】 田起宏

【导师】 雷涯邻;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 管理科学与工程, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 21世纪国际竞争日趋激烈,各国综合国力的竞争实质上是经济实力的竞争,而经济的发展在很大程度上取决于人才的创造力水平。本研究从中国的国情出发,以国家杰出青年基金的获得者为对象,研究文化、教育方式以及经济发展水平等因素对创造力的影响。本文在文献回顾的基础上,提出研究假设。通过问卷调研等方法进行数据采集,并利用统计软件对数据进行相关分析、方差分析、回归分析,从而对研究假设进行检验。本文主要的创新性研究成果如下:1、文化对创造力影响显著。国外学者主要从整体角度对不同国家的文化特征与创造力的关系展开研究,另外一些研究主要集中在个人主义-集体主义倾向对创造力的影响。本研究基于Hofstede构建的文化维度理论,在中国情境下深入探讨各个文化维度与创造力的关系,丰富了相关实证研究的内容。通过研究,我们发现被调查者中,个人主义观念越突出的人创造力水平越高,男性倾向越明显的人创造力水平越高。2、教育对创造力影响显著。学者们主要对不同教育方式下的创造力水平进行比较,本研究除了对中国情境中不同教育方式下的创造力水平进行研究外,还探讨教育方式、文化与创造力三者的关系,提出教育方式在文化与创造力之间起到中介作用。研究发现,在独立探索和启发升华两种学校教育方式下接受教育的被调查者的创造力高,这为中国教育制度的改革提供了相关数据参考。3、经济对创造力影响显著。学者们普遍认为经济资源以及财富聚集度是影响创造力的社会状况,他们对不同经济发展水平国家的创造力进行了对比研究。本研究对不同地区经济条件以及家庭经济情况与创造力的关系展开分析,并对经济、文化与创造力三者的关系进行探讨,提出经济在文化与创造力之间起到调节作用,突破了相关领域的理论研究。研究发现,家庭经济状况越好,文化的个人主义倾向越显著。家庭经济状况越不好,不确定性规避程度越强。地区经济越发达,不确定性规避程度越低。家庭经济在个人主义与创造力之间起到了调节作用。此外,我们还发现被调查者普遍具有较高的创造力水平,被调查者的性别、年龄差异未对创造力有显著影响,且大部分被调查者都参加过青少年科技活动以及对外交流活动。基于对数据的分析,本研究提出以下几点建议:应注重青少年创造力的培养,要构建有利于创造力发展的文化,应采用有利于创造力发展的教育方式,重视经济发展以促进创造力水平的提高。与此同时,本研究的研究样本较为单一,只选取了杰出青年作为研究对象,在问卷设计、量表选取方面还存在一定局限。

【Abstract】 The international competition is becoming more and more fierce since the 21th century, andthe competition of national comprehensive strength is really the competition of creativity .Thispaper studies the influence of culture,the level of economic development and the mode ofeducation on creativity taking the winners of national outstanding youth fund as examples anddepending on the national condition.This paper makes assumptions based on the references and contributions of the seniors, anduses questionnaires to collect data, then uses statistic software to analyse the data.Correlationanalysis, anova analysis and regression analysis are also used to verify the assumptions.Main creative achievements are as follows:1.Culture impacts on creativity significantly. Foreign scholars mainly study the relationshipbetween culture and creativity from an overall perspective, some studies focuse on the impact ofindividualism - collectivism on creativity.This paper conducts research on the relationship beteeneach cultural dimensions and creativity in the chinese context based on Hofstede’s culturaldimensions, thus enrich the content of empirical research. The study results reveal thatrespondents with obvious individualism have high creativity and so does respondents with mansupremacy.2.Education impacts on creativity significantly.Scholars mainly compare the creativity levelof different educational modes. This paper analyses the creativity level of chinese educationalmodes and also explore the relationship among educational modes,culture and creativity,proposing that educational methods plays an intermediary role between culture andcreativity.The study results show that respondents who received the independent or inspirededucational method have high creativity,which provides data reference for the reform of Chineseeducational system.3. Economy impacts on creativity significantly. Scholars generally belive that the economicresources and wealth aggregation affect creativity, they have a comparative research oncreativity of countries with different economic development levels. This paper analyzes therelationship among different regional economic conditions ,family economic situation andcreativity, and discusses the relationship of economy, culture and creativity, proposing that economic development level plays a regulatory role between culture and creativity, which breaksthe theoretical study of the related fields.The study results reveal that the better familialeconomic condition is, the obvious individualism is. The worse familial economic conditionis,the higher uncertainty avoidance is. The better regional economic condition is, the loweruncertainty avoidance is. Familial economic plays a mediating role between individualism andcreativity.We also find that the respondents have high creativity, different age and gender has noapparent differences in creativity. Besides,most of the respondents have participated in YouthScience and Technology Activities or foreign exchange activities.Based on the analysis of the data, this paper proposes the following suggestions: Weshould focus on the training of youth creativity, build a culture that is conducive tocreativity development, reform education methods to boost the development of creativity andpay attention to economic development to promote creativity development. In the meanwhile,the sample of this peper is relatively homogeneous and it only takes the outstanding youth asexamples.Besides, the designation of the questionnaire is also of some limitations.


