

A Study on the Adult Guardianship System in Canada

【作者】 朱雪林

【导师】 马新彦;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 民商法学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 在中国经济与社会快速发展的背景下,老龄化问题及欠缺行为能力成年人保障等问题日益突出。面对高龄老人,残障老人数量的增多及精神残障者数量逐年增长的社会现实,加之我国社会独特的“4-2-1”的家庭结构变化,传统家庭监护功能弱化等现实困境,如何建立有效的现实可行的成年监护制度成为一个迫切问题。加拿大素有“老年天堂”的美誉,其成年监护制度经历了从不全面到全面发展的过程,对我国成年监护制度的建立和完善有积极的借鉴和启示意义。今日之加拿大在历史上曾经为英国和法国的殖民地,不同的宗主国迫使加拿大在法律发展的进程中接受了来自世界两大法系的制度和理念。普通法和大陆法同时在加拿大民法的疆域内运作,在增加法律制定和适用上的复杂性的同时,也使加拿大吸收到两大法系各自的优点,在一定程度上形成了独具加拿大特色的法律,也在世界各国法律中占有了一席独特的位置。追溯历史的轨迹总是能更深刻的理解今天,文中首先从加拿大普通法和大陆法两个向度探究了加拿大成年监护制度的源头,英国的《国王权力法》和法国的《拿破仑民法典》为加拿大早期成年监护制度的确立奠定了坚实的基础。而继受于英法两国制度的早期加拿大成年监护制度由于其采用全面监护的方式,以全面他治替代自治,在最佳利益原则的掩盖下完全漠视被监护人,注重财产保护,而忽视人身保护,使人性迷失于以法律家长主义理念为主导的早期成年监护制度,从而导致加拿大的早期成年监护制度在其后的社会发展中饱受诟病。进入二十世纪后,随着加拿大人口的增长,加拿大社会于1951年即步入老龄社会的行列,而战后加拿大经济的腾飞奠定了加拿大养老保障制度的基础,加拿大在五六十年代颁布了一系列的养老保障法,随着政府和社会对老年问题的不断关注,以及精神医疗技术的发展,去机构化运动的影响,被监护人的人格尊严受到重视,成年监护制度立法理念发生了转变。以1978年的艾伯塔省《非独立成人法》为代表的加拿大成年监护制度开始采用部分监护的方式,否定了全面监护制度的单一化和僵化性,开始注重被监护人的人身保护,意识到被监护人能力的缺失或许不是完全的,他们也可能会有日常生活的能力,采用最小限度干预原则,保障被监护人的人身自由和尊严。同时,针对监护人缺位和滥用监护人权利等问题,构建公共监护体系,从国家的角度监督和保障监护制度的顺利实施。1982年加拿大宪法的颁布标志了加拿大成为了一个真正意义上的主权国家,宪法的重要组成部分,《自由与权利宪章》更让加拿大社会感受到了平等与自由的重要,个人自由意识受到普遍重视,普通法系英美各国的持续性代理权的广泛应用,大陆法系德法等国的禁治产人制度的相继废止,让加拿大看到了进行成年监护制度改革的必要和方向。二十世纪九十年代,安大略省的《代行决定法》和魁北克省《魁北克民法典》的颁布让加拿大的普通法和大陆法系的民法不约而同的选择了意定监护这一方式,从而为意思能力未来可能会欠缺的人提供了一个自由选择的机会,而能力鉴定体系的设立和公共保佐人制度的确立更为监护方式的选择和监护的实施提供了制度保障。意定监护制度对自我决定权的尊重使被监护人第一次有了选择监护方式的自由,自成年监护制度创设以来,被监护人的自由和尊严被提升到了又一个历史性的高度,人性在这里得到了释放。进入二十一世纪后,北美地区婴儿潮时期出生的人步入了老年行列,养老问题更加凸显,居家养老的大力推广,意定监护制度实践中带来的问题,促使成年监护制度寻求补充之前监护方式的不足,辅助监护制度应运而生。背离了之前各类监护的固定思维,辅助监护人不再是传统意义上代替被监护人决定的人。被监护人在被监护过程中依然留存有自我决定权,或者可与监护人共同做出决定,或者可在监护人帮助的前提下做出自己独立的决定。监护对象也从过去的无意思能力人扩大到帮助即可获得意思能力人,这一制度的创设让国际人权保障的正常化理念融入到了民法制度中,也让有监护需求的各类身心障碍的自然人沐浴在民法的光辉下。加拿大成年监护制度为中国构建相应制度提供了有益的参照模式。我国现有法律中对成年监护制度的规制仅限于1986颁布的《民法通则》和其后的《民通意见》,以及《残疾人保障法》《老年人权益保障法》等法律法规中,尚未形成全面的体系化成年监护的制度构建。无论是成年监护的立法理念,还是监护方式的选择上皆与世界成年监护制度的当代发展相距甚远。我国未来可借鉴加拿大成年监护制度的基本制度架构,更新我国监护法律理念,采用最佳利益原则和最小限度干预原则,突出自我决定权和正常化理念,扩大监护对象,构建公共监护体系。

【Abstract】 Under the background of China’s rapid economic and social development,problems like aging and the security of incompetent adults are becoming increasinglyprominent. Faced with the social reality of the annual increase of senior citizens,disabled elderly and mentally disabled people, coupled with practical dilemma like thechange of the unique“4-2-1 " family structure in our society and the weakening oftraditional family care functions, how to establish effective and realistic adultguardianship system has become a top priority. Canada, is known as "Paradise ofSenior Citizens", which adult guardianship system has developed from an inadequateone to an improved one, and provided China with positive inspiration for the futureestablishment of an adult guardianship system in China.Due to the fact that Canada had been colonized by the Great Britain and France,different sovereign states forced Canada to accept the institutions and concepts of twolegal systems in the world. Common law and continental law, which were enforcedwithin the field of Canada civil law, increased the complexity of legal formulation andapplication. Meanwhile, Canada gained the merits of two legal systems respectively,shaping the unique law with Canadian characteristics to some extent and makingCanadian legal system play an important part in the world.Reviewing the past is always giving us a more profound understanding of today.The origin of Canadian adult guardianship is studied in the first chapter of thisdissertation from the perspective of common law and civil law in Canada at first. It ispointed out that the Law of Parens Patriae in the UK and France’s Napoleon CivilCode contribute a solid foundation to the establishment of early Canadian adultguardianship system. Then, influenced by the two systems of England and France, the early Canadian adult guardianship used plenary guardianship, with full heteronomyinstead of autonomy, completely disregarding wards under the guidance of theprinciple of best interests, focusing on the protection of assets rather than physicalprotection which made the loss of humanity in the early system led by the concept oflaw paternalism. Hence, the early system is always criticized later during the processof adult guardianship systems. As Canadian population has been increasing, Canadaranked among the aging societies in 1951, and the foundation of the pension systemwas sufficed to be built on the ground of the economic boom in postwar Canada.Canada enacted a series of laws for senior-citizen security, with the increasingconcentrations on the aging of government and society, the improvement of technologyin mental medical treatment, the impact from American deinstitutionalizationmovement, the valued dignity of persons under guardianship, and the change of thelegislative concepts in the adult guardianship, a partial guardianship system wasadopted in the adult guardianship system,which typical example was Dependent AdultAct in Alberta in 1978, which denied the simplification and the ossification of thewhole guardianship system, and began to pay attention to the personal safety of thedependent adults; which came to realize the safeguarding ability of them that perhapsnot lack extremely that they may be competent in their daily life and developed theleast restrictive principle for the dignity and the freedom of them. In the meantime, inorder to solve the problems like the guardians’absence and the abuse of guardian’sright, the public guardianship system was established, therefore, the adult guardianshipsystem was ensured and legal regulations related to it were enforced smoothly underthe supervision of the public legal agencies.The promulgation of CanadianConstitution Law in 1982 marks Canada has been a truly sovereign state. Theimportant part of the Constitution, The Charter of Freedoms and Rights, madeCanadian society feel equality and freedom more important so that personal freedomwas stressed. The wide application of enduring power of attorney in theAnglo-American countries of common law system and the abolishment of thedeclaration of interdiction system of civil law system in countries like Germany and France made Canada notice the needs and direction of carrying out the reform of theadult guardianship systme. The promulgation of Substituted Decision Act of Ontarioand Civil Code of Quebec in 1990s brought intended guardianship into common lawand civil law to provide potential adult lacking competence with a chance to choose.And the establishment of the competency assessment system and the establishment ofthe Public Curator provided an institutional guarantee for choosing a mode ofguardianship and the application of supervision. The respect of self-determination inthe intended guardianship system brought the freedom of choosing the mode of theguardianship for the first time. Since the foundation of the adult guardianship system,the freedom and dignity of wards has been elevated to a historic height, the humanityhas been released. Baby-boomers in North America become aged people in thetwenty-first century. Guardianship for the aged becomes a serious problem. With thespreading of the aged home-support mode and the problem from the practice ofintended guardianship, adult guardianship is now engaged in finding out andsupplementing the shortcomings of previous guardianship, the result is that assistedguardianship arises. Different from other modes of guardianship, assisted guardians areno longer the conventional guardians who must make decision for represented adults.This guardianship allows represented adults who have self-determination rights andcan make decisions with guardians together or by themselves, or with the assistance ofguardians. The affected adults includes not only those adults who have no mentalcapacity,but also includes the adults who can have mental capacity with assistance. Theconcept of international human rights protection has been integrated into civil lawsystem as the result of its establishment and it also makes people happy who aresuffering from mental disorder, intellectual impairment or physical disability.Canadian Adult Guardianship System provides a useful reference model for China.Among the existing laws of China, Only do a few laws and regulations include theprovision of adult guardianship system, like General Principles of Civil Law enactedin 1986, Suggestions on Civil Opinion, Protection of Disabled Persons and Rights ofthe Elderly Security Law etc. The comprehensive and systematic Adult Guardianship System has not been established. Meanwhile, China has a long way to go, comparedwith the world’s contemporary development of Adult Guardianship System, inlegislative concepts and in selection of guardianship modes. The basic structure ofCanadian adult guardianship brings inspiration to the Chinese establishment of AdultGuardianship System, like changing legislative notions, using the principle of bestinterests and least restrictive, emphasizing self-determination and normalization ,enlarging scope of represented adults and building a public guardianship system tobuild our future adult guardianship system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】D971.1;DD913
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1073
  • 攻读期成果

