

On the Communication Phenomenon of Network Hot Words

【作者】 李铁锤

【导师】 孙发友;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 新闻学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 网络热词是近年来新出现的一种网络传播现象,大部分网络热词来源于对负面新闻事件或不正常社会现象的形象概括,并在这种带有黑色幽默和讽喻风格的概括中体现了舆论监督功能与民意所向,也潜臧着以草根网民为主的民众对主流社会及主流文化的亚文化反抗意识。网络热词的创造和传播路径皆全然不同于传统媒体时代的造词方式及传播模式,这种由技术带来的独特性,其意义不仅仅是技术上的变化,也带来一系列新闻传播以及舆论监督方式的变化;从一种传播现象上来讲,网络热词这种传播现象(也可以称网络文化现象)的现实主义色彩浓烈,已经脱离了最初网络语言仅仅为了好玩与标新立异等而翻空出奇的浅薄层次,其关注现实干预现实的特征和黑色幽默、讽喻、娱乐夹杂的词汇风格使网络热词具有深刻的政治、社会、文化等内涵,因此,网络热词这种新的网络传播现象值得深入对之研究。在结构上,本论文按照其概念界定、内容体现、生成来源、’传播路径、产生原因、评析定性这种先后逻辑来展开研究。为此,论文首先对网络热词本身进行概念界定和属性分类,接着以近几年来的200个网络热词为样本从不同的指标项对其内容进行具体分析,得出其内容上体现出的整体特征和反映出的实质问题,在这一章里并专门分析了网络热词与政治热词这两种具有鲜明可比性的热词,以便在比较中认识二者的实质及不同。对网络热词进行内容分析之后再分析其生成来源、构造方式以及传播路径,之后再重点分析网络热词的产生原因,这是论文的重点章节。论文认为网络热词盛行的根本原因在于:首先是网络提供了民意表达和网民监督的技术前提,之后由于新闻体制的因素造成了新闻媒体这一应有功能的退化,而政治文化及政治体制又规训了知识分子,使知识分子在社会批判上声音弱化并难以成为民意表达的代表者,这样,本应由媒体和知识分子承担的任务只能转移到草根网民自己身上,在丰厚的现实土壤和民意表达渠道受制约的双重因素下,网络热词这种曲意的表达方式应运而生,论文在最后一章对网络热词这种新的网络传播现象进行评析。通过研究,本论文认为:1)在具有中国特色的文化管制和新闻管制下,网络热词这种具有浓郁讽喻风格和黑色幽默色彩的网络传播现象的产生有其必然性;2)网络热词是一种来自草根网民的舆论监督与民意表达,也是一种草根文化,体现了民间话语权的苏醒与争取,对民间舆论场具有聚集合流作用;3)网络热词是一种对现实问题的曲意的民意表达,一种柔性的对主流文化主流政治的不满与抵抗,具有典型的亚文化抵抗风格;4)网络热词虽体现了普通民众对社会现实的不满与抗争,体现了公民的参与意识,但其毕竟是以娱乐为基调的讽喻式表达方式来对待严肃沉重的社会问题,在这一点上它只是一种网络讽喻文化,加之简短的词汇也限制了其民意表达等功用,因而,我们在欣然接受网络热词这一传播现象时,也应该清醒地认识到,不能在其身上寄托太多超出其本身功能的希望。

【Abstract】 Network hot words are the new communication phenomenon in recent years. Most of them come from the vivid generalization from the negative or abnormal social phenomenon. In the generalization with black humour and allegory, the network hot words show its function of supervision by public opinion and the needs of the public. Meanwhile, the resistant spirit from the grass-roots class to the mainstream society and mainstream culture also hides behind those network hot words.The creation and the communication paths of network hot words are totally different from that of words in traditional communication age. The peculiarity of technology not only means the changes of technology,but also means the changes of the ways of the communication and supervision by public opinion. From the view of the communication phenomenon, the netwok hot words have the the strong realism style and have gone far away from the shallow level of just looking for fun and making up novelty. Bothe Its charactristis of concering for and intervening realities and it’s word styles of black humour, allegory and entertainment make network hot words full of deep political,social and cultural connotation. So the communication phenomenon of network hot words are worthy of deep researching.In structure,the paper go with the logic order following:conception defination,resouce,communication path,reason,conclusion. Firstly, the paper makes the defination and classification. Secondly, pick out around 200 network hot words in recent years as the samples and analyze them arocrding to differnet standards, try to find their characteristics on whole and reflect the point the essence. In this part, specally anyalze two apparently analogical groups of the words:policitcal hot words and network hot words to detect the difference inbetween. Meanwhile, analyze the resource, structure, conmmunication path of network hot words. Thirdly, analyze the reason why network hot words come into being, this is the most important part of the paper. The reasons that network hot words are so popular are the following:first of all,network provides the technonolgy prerequisite for public expressions and pubilc supervisions. At the sametime, jounalism system degenerate the social function of new media, the political and cultural system which confines intellectuals weaken their discource power and makes them hardly turn into representative for the public expressions. So this resopsibility is being passed onto the grass-root cyber citizen. Under the dual influence of real social background and blockage of the public expression channels, network hot words come into beings. Last, draw the conclusions on the the communication phenomenon of network hot words.Through the paper, come the conclusions as foolowing:1) under Chinese characteristic mangment and control of culture and journalism, it is inevitable that the network hot words with strong black humour and allegory come into being,2) the network hot words come from supervision and expression by grass-root cyber citizen,meawhile it is a kind of grass-root culture. It shows wakefulness of and fight over the discource power of the expression. And it also converges the field of public opionions.3) the network hot words are the circumlocutory pubilc expression on the real socail problems. In another word, it is a inderect complaint and resistance to the mainstream politics. It is the sub-culture of typical resistant style.4) although network hot words show the complaint and resistance to the real society and participation consciousness from the pubilc, its entertaining expreesion style is not proper for expressing the serious social problems. Besides it,the short phraze is so limited for public expressions. In all, when we are willing to accepet the the communication phenomenon of network hot words, we could not account for too much from network hot words,which is beyond its function too far.


