

The Research of the Television Field’s Arrogation to the Academic Field

【作者】 陈红梅

【导师】 申凡;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 新闻学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪末的最后几年,知识分子介入电视的现象开始引起人们的关注,特别是21世纪之初,随着《百家讲坛》栏目造星运动的成功,关于知识分子与电视关系的探讨在学界也便如火如荼地展开,由此,“电视知识分子”作为知识分子群体中的一个新类型正式进入大众及学者的视野,支持者及反对者各自有之。本研究以皮埃尔·布尔迪厄的场域理论为视角,以华中科技大学、江苏师范大学两所省、部级高校、湖北电视台所有频道,以及曾经红火一时的《百家讲坛》栏目为研究基点,在布尔迪厄“电视场”的基础上,提出了“学术场”的概念,认为这二者是两个完全不同的场域,本有着各自的不同的场域特征、行为惯习,以及资本形式。然而在大众文化时代,电视场却在不断向学术场的靠近、介越,这种碰撞使学术场发生了一些变化,一些原本安于学术研究的一部分知识分子开始走上电视。这些知识分子之所以愿意与电视“合谋”,目的在于用学术资本换取社会资本和经济资本,这些是其在学术场域内难以获得的。电视场对学术场的介越,使一部分知识分子的传统人格发生部分改变,促使其社会角色的分流,并改变了知识分子获取象征资本的渠道。电视场介越学术场的路径主要包括:对场内不自主知识分子的寻找、对学术资本的借用、对“符号暴力”的巧妙使用、对电视学者的明星化打造等。电视场的介越行为主要体现在对学术场的总体影响和对学者的个人影响两个方面,就对学术场而言,它部分改变学术场内原有的评价标准、内部秩序和惯习学术语态;就对学者个人而言,它使部分学者转变原来的理论思维模式而成为“快思手”,使他们按“固定的思维”迎合受众,从而丧失了学者最宝贵的自主性。就这种介越行为的本质是:学术文化与时尚传媒的联姻、电视的商业逻辑与学术的文化逻辑的博弈,以及精英文化向大众文化的妥协。经过以上的分析,本研究认为,在大众文化时代,部分知识分子走上电视是时代所趋,这也符合布尔迪厄本人对知识分子与电视关系的思考。知识分子可以以文化普及型角色、专业服务型角色、理性批判型角色进行其电视化生存,当然,这需要有社会的理解以及相关制度的支持。本研究为学界探讨如何在传媒时代更好地发挥知识分子的社会作用提供理论参考。

【Abstract】 In the last years of the late20th century, intellectuals involved in the television phenomenon began to attract attention, especially the beginning of the21st century, with the success of the movement of making academic stars of the "100forum",the discussion of the relation between intellectuals and TV relations begun prosperously. thus, the TV intellectuals as a new type of intellectual community, to enter the field of vision of the public and scholars, to have their respective supporters and opponents.This paper take the perspective of Pierre Bourdieu’s field theory, with Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Jiangsu Normal University,the two University, and all the channels of Hubei television, as well as the "100forum" column once Created a great sensation as the starting point, on the foundation of Pierre Bourdieu’s "television field" theory, put forward the concept of academic field", that the two are two completely different field, with the respective different field characteristics, behavior habit, as well as the form of capital.How ever, in the era of mass culture, television field has been to the academic field,this collision cause the academic field to make some changes, some of the original content with academic intellectuals began to go on television. The reason why these intellectuals are willing to conspiracy with the TV is to use the academic resources for social capital and economic capital, which is difficult to obtain in the academic field.The arrogation of Television field to academic field make the intellectuals’s traditional personality change partly, promoting the branch of its social role, and changing the intellectuals’s channel of getting symbolic capital.The way of Television field’s arrogation to academic field mainly including:to seek the independent intellectuals, to borrow the academic capital,to use Ingeniously the" symbolic violence",to create television stars, etc..Television field’s arrogation behavior are mainly embodied in the academic field of the overall effects and scholars of the personal influence two aspects, on the academic field, it partly changes the original academic evaluation criteria, internal order and habitus ways of academic expression.On the individual scholars, it enables scholars to change the original mode of thinking and become" quickly thinker", that they cater to the audience by the "fixed thinking", and then lost the most precious independent characters. The essence of the arrogation behavior is:the alliance of academic culture and fashion media,the contestion of TV’s commercial logic and academic’s cultural logic, as well as compromise of the elite culture and the popular culture.Through the above analysis, this study believes that, in the era of mass culture, intellectuals’go on TV is the trend of the time, this also accords with Bourdieu’s thinking about the relationship between intellectuals and television. Intellectuals can role as cultural popularization type character, professional service type character, rational critical type character for their TV survival. of course, it need for the understanding of the society and institutional support. The research provide a theoretical reference for the discusses that how the intellectuals should better play in the media age.


