

On Ideas and Implementation Strategies of Research-Based Learning in Universities

【作者】 张利荣

【导师】 别敦荣;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 高等教育学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 大学研究性学习是一种重要的学习理念。大学是研究高深学问的地方,大学生学习的本质是研究,研究性学习是大学学习的基本表现形式,大学研究性学习是一种新的知识观、课程观与教学观,它的实施将是大学生学习方法的一次重大变革。大学研究性学习是指大学生在教师的指导下,以问题为载体,通过主动探究未知事物进行研究和学习,形成创新能力的一种学习活动。大学研究性学习作为一种大学学习的新理念和新方式,宗旨在于让大学生学会学习,从而达到提高学习效果和教学质量,造就创新性人才的目的。大学研究性学习的发展以认知理论为基础,反映了特定的教育目的和价值诉求。在哲学上,现代认知理论,尤其是建构主义学习理论的发展,为大学研究性学习提供了理论依据;在心理学上,研究性学习借鉴了人本主义心理学的研究成果;现代课程观和教学论为大学研究性学习提供了教育学的理论源泉。教育目的的根本问题是培养什么样人的问题,大学研究性学习的教育目的是:培养理性的人;培养完人;培养创新性人才。现代教学的重心正在逐渐从教师的“教”转移到学生的“学”,教和学统一在学生的认知活动中,受“以学生为中心”的教育观的指导,大学研究性学习的价值诉求表现为:尊重大学生的主体性;让大学生形成“研究式”的学习方式,养成问题意识;发展民主合作的师生关系。研究性学习的思想源远流长。大学研究性学习方式的发展经历了讨论法、习明纳、基于问题的学习、本科生科研项目等四个阶段,根据欧美发达国家的教学实践经验,广泛开展本科生研究和推广大学研究性学习,是本科教学改革的方向。在教育部大力推进高校教育教学改革、建设高等教育强国的政策指导下,我国一些重点大学展开了大学研究性学习的实践试点,研究性学习的活动模式可以大致地分为基础学科实验基地模式、“以项目为中心”的校企联合培养模式和学科专业课程模式等三种。我国大学研究性学习活动体现出如下特点:实行小班化研讨的教学组织形式;导师制与导生制相结合的教学模式;从优秀到卓越的人才培养目标;课堂教学与课外创新活动并存。我国大部分高校的课堂是以“教师为中心”的传统教育观来组织教学活动的。大学教学重视教师的教,不重视学生的学,也不关注对大学生进行学习方法策略的传授,更不重视解决大学生在学习过程中遇到的困难。通过问卷和访谈调查发现,第一,大学生对学习的满意度不高。虽然大学生认识到学习方法的重要性,但同时也表现出缺乏有效掌握运用学习方法的能力,不知道如何学习才能达到优良的学习效果;大学生的日常学习行为表现出较弱的以“教师为中心”的传统教育观念;另外,大学生对图书馆、网络资源等学习支持系统的利用也不够。第二大学生对大学研究性学习的认识不深入,参与度不高。不管是“985工程”高校还是普通高校,本科生的学习行为在探索未知、合作学习、自学、利用网络学习等方面虽然都表现出较强的倾向性,但实践中还有待进一步加强。大一新生在与教师交流思想、讨论问题、利用图书馆资源的能力等方面均弱于其他年级的学生但随着年级的升高有着显著的改观。通过调查分析和课堂观察,本研究认为影响大学研究性学习深入发展的现实因素主要来自传统的教学组织方式与教学方法、网络信息技术的利用不充分和学习支持系统的不完善等方面。大学研究性学习活动要求学习者掌握良好的学习策略,创新传统的学习方式。在大学研究性学习活动中,大学生的学习行为表现出如下的三个特征:研究性;学习自由;独立学习与合作学习相结合。研究性学习对大学生的素质提出了较高的要求,要求大学生在从事研究性学习的过程中充分发挥自身的主体性;具有问题意识和研究问题的能力;掌握基本的科研方法,养成批判性思维习惯,形成良好的思维品质。大学生进行研究性学习的形式主要包括个体独立学习和小组合作学习。大学教师是大学生开展研究性学习的高级帮助者。在大学生进行研究性学习的过程中,大学教师要发挥组织者和指导者的作用,根据学习者的身心特征和教学目标的具体要求,综合地灵活地采用多种策略组织教学。师生关系是教育的核心问题,大学研究性学习中的师生关系表现为是一种新型的师生关系,即是一种民主和谐、对话合作的师生关系。大学教师教学方法改革的方向、大学生学习方式的变革都与建构主义指导下教育技术的发展紧密相连。教育技术的迅猛发展给大学生学习方式的变革带来了机遇和挑战,教育技术为大学生研究性学习的开展提供了有力的技术支持和多样化的学习资源系统,它将会改变传统大学教师的知识权威角色,将会给传统的授受式课堂学习模式带来崭新的变化,为大学生的研究性学习活动的开展提供更多的资源便利和更宽广的知识视野。

【Abstract】 Research-based learning in universities is the important learning ideas. The university is a place where undergraduates study profound knowledge, and the nature of undergraduates’learning is research. Research-based learning is the basic learning way in university, and is a kind of new ideas of knowledge, curriculum and teaching, which will be the major change in learning method. Research-based learning is a kind of undergraduates’learning activity, under the guidance of college teachers, and undergraduates will form the innovative capacity through actively exploring the unknown thing. As new learning ideas and method, the purpose of research-based learning is to let undergraduates learn how to learn, so as to improve learning effect and teaching quality, and to creat innovative talents.Research-based learning in universities is based on cognitive theory, and reflects the specific educational purpose and value proposition.In philosophy, modern cognitive theory, especially constructivism learning theory, provides theoretical basis for research-based learning in university. In psychology, research-based learning learns from the humanistic psychology. Modern perspective on curriculum and teaching theory provides research-based learning with the theory source of pedagogy. The fundamental problem of education’s purpose is to cultivate what kind of person. The education’s purpose of research-based learning in universities is to develop rational, perfect person and innovative talents. The center of modern teaching is gradually transferred from "teaching" to "learning", and teaching and learning is unified with students’cognitive activities. Under the guidance of the education ideas of "student-centered", the value proposition of research-based learning in university as follows:to respect the subjectivity of students; to form "study" learning styles and develop the problem awareness, to develope democratic and cooperation relation of teacher & student.The development history of research-based learning is long. The development of research-based learning in university has gone through four stages of discussion, siminar, problem-based learning, undergraduate research projects. According to the teaching practical experience of the United States and developed countries in Europe, it is the direction of teaching reform to extensive undergraduate research. Under the policy guidance of vigorously promoting the reform of higher education teaching and construting the power country of higher education by the Ministry of Education, some research universities in China have tried to pratice research-based learning among undergraduates. Research-based learning’s activity forms can be broadly divided into three patterns:basic disciplines & experimental learning model, project-based colleges & enterprises training model, and interdisciplinary & courses model. The research-based learning activities reflect the following characteristics:the small-class discussion; combining tutor system and student supervisor system, personnel training objectives from good to excellent, classroom teaching & extra-curricular innovation activities.It can be found that most of teaching activities in university are effected by teacher-centered educational ideas through observating reality. In university the emphasis on college classroom is not learning but teaching, and does not attach importance to students’learning strategies and the students’difficulties in the learning process. It can be known by questionnaire and interview survey that, firstly, most undergraduates are not satisfied with their learning satiuation. Some students haved recognized the importance of learning methods, but they show the lack of learning methods and do not know how to learn. Moreover, the behaviors of college students do not show strongly teacher-centered traditional educational ideas. In addition, it is not enough to use libraries & network resources and other learning support system by students in university. Secondly, the students’understanding and their participation about research-based learning in university are not deep. Whether "985" universities or general universities, though undergraduates’learning behavior has shown a strong tendency to explore the unknown, to cooperative learning, to self-study, to online learning, these behaviors still should be strengthened in practice. Freshmen’s learning abilities are weaker than the other grades in exchanging ideas with teachers, discussing issues, using library resources, but these abilities have significantly improved with the higher grades. Through investigation’s analysis and classroom observation, the practical factors effecting research-based learning primarily are:traditional teaching organization style and teaching methods, the inadequate useness of network and the imperfect learning support system.Research-based learning in university requires the learners to master good learning strategies, and to innovate the traditional learning style. In research-based learning’s activities, the students’learning behaviors show the following three characteristics:research; learn freely; independent learning & cooperative learning. It puts forward higher requirements to undergradates that when they are engaged in research-based learning, they should burst out their subjectivity in the course of study, have problem awareness and problem-solving skills, have basic scientific research methods, develop the habits of critical thinking, form good quality of thinking. The learning ways of research-based learning include individual independent learning and group cooperative learning.The college teachers are the advanced helpers when undergradates are engaged in research-based learning. According to the specific physical and mental characteristics of learners and teaching goals, the teachers play the role of organizer and instructor, using a variety of comprehensive and flexible strategies to organizate teaching. The relationship of teacher & student is the core issue of education, which in research-based learning is a new type of democratic harmony, dialogue and cooperation relationship. The reform direction of teachers’teaching methods is closely linked to the development of educational technology by constructivist educational theory. The rapid development of educational technology has brought opportunities and challenges. Educational technology provides with strong technical support and a variety of learning resources system, which will change the teachers’role of traditional intellectual authority, will change the tradition classroom learning mode, will provide with more learning resources to broader students’knowledge horizons.


