

On the Internationalization Strategy of Agricultural Higher Education in Taiwan in a Globalized Age

【作者】 陈正辉

【导师】 别敦荣;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 高等教育学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 在知识经济时代,农科高等教育俨然已成为促进国家农业整体发展,响应农业国际化挑战的重要角色。同时,农科高等教育机构亦担负着国家农业发展与培育农科高级人才的重责大任。随着全球化趋势扩张的影响,台湾农科高等教育的办学理念,也开始从本土性转向国际性的联结,例如新增境外游学、境外设立分校、境外专班课程以及双联学位等跨境的国际合作。另者,因网络的普及化而出现远距教育的新模式,此种突破传统的讯息服务及知识交流的模式,提供了快速、创新、多元与极富弹性的高等教育活动,让高等教育逐渐迈向全球化的体系与蓝图之中。因而,农科高等教育的经营策略,亦须符合与满足此一大环境框架下的需求。农科高等教育国际化之策略规划,宜从农业发展、社会经济、农科高等教育经营现况等限制条件下出发,佐参先进国家的发展经验,配合本土特色具有国际竞争力的强项,从而建构合适的国际化策略,以应对全球化趋势与国际化竞争的冲击。台湾农科高等教育面对国际化之挑战,主要体现在农科高等教育的普及化,以及网络课程与远距教育的快速发展,亟需进行前瞻性的国际化策略规划。目前,农科高等教育扩增硕、博士在职专班,已经从过去的境内转向境外发展的国际化模式。同时,现行农科学生透过教师在教室课堂讲授课程为主的学习方式,已经改变为客制化课程的方向,即不再强迫每个农科学生共同学习同样的内容与进度。现有的农场实习课程,也开始朝向虚拟农场教室之发展。因此,未来的农科高等教育之国际化的规划,应该突破现行农科高等教育体制的运作模式,配合农科教师与农科学生之间互动的多元需要,随时随地提供因应国际化的新策略,例如农科高等教育国际化的师生交换、双联学位、境外学习以及境外授课等之完善的配套措施。就台湾农科高等教育核心价值的视域而言,农科高等教育之国际化,正面对着全球化趋势与国际化竞争的双重挑战,如何确保农科高等教育之核心价值的存在,并将全球化融入本土化中,这是农科高等教育存续本土化的竞争优势,例如共同校训与农科高等教育之本土精神等。从全球化变革趋势的角度来看,如何让农科高等教育及早因应国际化模式的改变,适时进行农科高等教育国际化策略的革新与优生化,诚是农科高等教育之国际化的成功机会。目前台湾农科高等教育之国际化现况,主要是各农学院依据教育部之国际化政策,配合计划补助与具体拟定各种国际化策略并加以实践。因此,各农学院显然缺乏针对自身特色与发展需求的国际化规划,基本问题还是存在于需要政府经费资源的充分支持,以获得推动国际化和兼顾院务发展的机会。近年来,国内外学者探究高等教育国际化策略之议题,主要是关注在一般高等育之大学评鉴、国际化成分检视、国际化策略构面与内涵等之研究,并且缺乏农科高等教育国际化策略之检讨。因而,进行台湾农科高等教育国际化策略之研究,可以补充一般高等教育对农科高等教育国际化策略领域之研究的不足,并可供为政府及各大学发展农科高等教育之国际化的佐参。台湾农科高等教育之国际化策略,参酌教育部国际化政策、各大学农学院国际化策略,以及相关一般高等教育国际化策略之学者研究,发现相关农科高等教育国际化策略检讨之策略项目,主要包括校园国际化、国际学术交流、国际学生交流、国际学习网络、国际教育合作、国际化课程、国际大学评鉴、台湾奖学金、国际双联学制、教育产业输出、学期国际服务、开放两岸交流、接待家庭系统等13项国际化策略。台湾农科高等教育国际化策略的探讨,即涵盖13项国际化策略成分的检视,通过诊断与评估的实证结果与重要发现,提供行政院有关部会与大学农学院各依自身所需条件,分别甄选国际化之强化策略,并适时的研议适当方案与配套措施,在通过执行力的有效过程后,获得足以因应全球化与国际化互动的挑战,而取得国际化之成功发展的初步机会。同时,为顾及农科高等教育具有本土化的特殊本质,并寻求客观反应国际化互动的对话与最佳交集,亦可参照现教育部国际化政策作为基础点,进行相关国际化之强化策略的开展,以形成在地全球化的优生化,并能适时地融合、修正、调整和创新国际化策略的规划项目,以逐步创造农科高等教国际化之达到世界级水平的竞争优势。

【Abstract】 In the knowledge economic age, the agricultural higher education plays a key role in promoting country agriculture development and answering the challenge of internationalization. Meanwhile, agricultural higher education institutions also shoulder the important responsibility of cultivating agricultural talents. With the effect of globalization, the idea of Taiwan agricultural higher education change from the localization to internationalization, such as, study abroad, branch school, region curriculum and joint degree and so on. Moreover, because of the application of internet, the new mode of distance education breakthrough traditional knowledge service and knowledge communication, which offers quick, innovative, multivariant and elastic higher education, marching forward the globalization. The government review of the rationalization distribution of resources, and promoting or evaluating advanced countries that their internationalization efforts, nation develop and internationalization will bring light into the possible uses for higher education of agricultural institution, to vision that between to agricultural, society and agricultural higher education, this trend is relevant a nation development in the long term.As time goes on, the globalization trend has become the primary development focus of the whole education system is enveloped in transform internationalization strategy of planning and must have the courage to innovate, especially in the agricultural higher education to universalizing in Taiwan. For example, the executive master’s and doctor’s program was growing very rapidly and expanding abroad, the operating models which made localized perspective to internationalization development. The reason is clearly, customerizational learning are advanced educational systems becoming an alternative to traditional classroom settings, let’s studies no longer learning in the same and common contents of traditional teachings. The fictitious farms have to find ways of making the existing practical training system work better, furthermore, the internationalization development of agricultural higher education that will need in the future. All the operating models are endeavoring innovative and shifting ways to execute teachers and students in order to fulfill interaction demands and offer diverse services, only by moving with trends and developments can sustainable survive.The internationalization development of agricultural higher education in Taiwan, face the challenge in interaction between globalization and internationalization, the core value is suitable to agricultural higher education of all colleges, just like any school motto or college spiritually, but agricultural colleges should pay close attention to the problems of the globalization trend has become the primary development goal, press for speedy response agricultural higher education development. Presently, the internationalization development of agricultural higher education in Taiwan, all colleges are according to the government’s internationalization policies, in practice, we need to continually summarize our varied management plan on the internationalization strategy, themselves lack of the care of international planning of exclusively characteristics and development opportunities, The main questions need to have the government’s support for the purpose of internationalization development.Currently, A great deal of the scholar’s topics focused on the internationalization strategy, most of which is involved in universities evaluation, view of internationalization elements, aspects of internationalization strategy. There’s a lack review of agricultural higher education. Therefore, study of internationalization strategy of agricultural higher education in Taiwan, can provide as a direction or reference for agricultural colleges, government and higher education institutions in promoting their internationalization efforts. The new evidence establishes the internationalization strategy of agricultural higher education, It is a systematic discover to strengthen strategy of competitive ability, there are includes campus internationalization, academic exchange, student exchange, learning network, education cooperation, internationalization curriculum, universities evaluation, Taiwan’s scholarship, education industries export, term services, cross-strait interflow and receive system, the amount to 13 items of internationalization strategies.Exploration of the internationalization strategies of agricultural higher education including 13 items strategies in Taiwan will be presented for the further development of Executive YUAN and colleges ministries and commissions and college in decision making and raise the competitive advantages rankings, conditional selection can create competitive advantages and meet the needs. Setting up a variety of internationalization strategies and supporting policies, the ultimate way out for Taiwan will be integrate the internationalization system and its own strengths to create a better development framework to internationalize its agricultural higher education, it is our hope to take a leading role in the world. The executive power is an essential rather than the only reason for a highly successful experiment, and that it improves the competitive ability to compete is out of question. Simultaneously, it is necessary to look at the issue from a localization charactering perspective, so as to responses the internationalization interaction and dialogues, and to find direction for the future development. We can accord to present internationalization policies of Ministry of Education, but also offer’s globalization a development opportunity. Against the backdrop, how to redesign strategies planning for the integration, adjustment, and innovation in cope with the developing trends and to leverage Taiwan’s competitive is central to the policy superiority.

  • 【分类号】G649.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】527

