

Research on Knowledge Innovation Synergy of Research Institution and University

【作者】 吴荣斌

【导师】 张金隆;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 企业管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 随着全球科技竞争日益加剧,知识创新体系自身的综合性与复杂性越来越高,科研机构不得不处理多学科相互交织、多种知识相互融合的复杂技术问题。科研机构和高校知识创新协同是适应技术变化环境、处理复杂技术问题、实现知识共享与创新、加快知识应用与扩散、以及提升创新能力的最佳策略。大量事实表明,推进我国科研机构与高校知识创新协同,已成为推动国家创新体系建设所亟需研究的课题。因此,以科研机构与高校知识创新协同为研究主题,进行了尝试性的研究工作。本研究在系统综述国内外相关研究成果的基础上,综合运用博弈经济学理论、知识管理理论与技术创新理论等理论,并用规范分析、实证分析和案例分析等研究方法,对科研机构与高校知识创新协同的特征与模式、模式选择、影响因素及差异性、以及运行效果进行了深入研究。基于以上研究论证工作,得出以下主要结论与观点:首先,科研机构与高校知识创新协同的模式归纳为科研项目合作协议及合作共建研究实验室(所)两种模式。经济学模型研究表明,与科研项目合作协议模式相比,科研机构与高校共建实验室(所)的知识创新协同模式经济效率相对较高,特别是在高知识溢出、知识溢出增加合作体整体收益之时。但并不能否定合作协议模式的现实广泛存在性。其次,吸收能力与整合能力对科研机构与高校知识创新协同具有积极作用,且在两种不同模式下具有差异性。知识识别能力对管理创新有显著正向影响;知识获取能力对成果创新、过程创新及管理创新有显著正向影响;内化能力与管理创新有显著正向影响;结合能力对成果创新和过程创新有显著正向影响;社会化能力对管理创新有显著正向影响。在科研项目合作协议模式下,吸收能力的影响较强,且识别、获取能力对知识创新均有显著影响,整合能力中仅有结合能力对成果创新、过程创新有显著影响;在共建实验室(所)模式下,整合能力的影响较强,知识获取能力对过程及管理创新有显著影响,内化、结合能力对成果及过程创新有影响,内化、社会化能力对管理创新有显著影响。最后,从研究水平与贡献、队伍建设与人才培养、开放交流与运行管理三维度构建知识创新协同模式的运行效果指标体系,以层次分析法为指标设置权重,以灰关联分析法进行效果评估,并借助实例演示为知识创新协同的运行效果评估提供一个较客观和公平的方式。

【Abstract】 With increasing global competition in Science & Technology, the system of Knowledge Innovation is more and more comprehensive and complexite. And Research Institution must do with the comprehensive and complexite knowledge. Knowledge Innovation Synergy (KIS) of Research Institution and University is the best strategy to adapt to the technical environmental change, to speed up the application and diffusion of knowledge and promote the innovation. A great deal of fact shows that advancing KIS of Research Institution and University has become the very important issue. Therefore, by taking KIS of Research Institution and University as the main research subject, this paper does a tentative research work.This paper reviews the international research results systematically, applies to game theory, knowledge management theory, and innovation theory synthetically, and with the research methods of normative analysis, contract analysis and case analysis, and has a comprehensive and in-depth research on KIS of Research Institution and University. Through theoretical exploration and quantitative analysis, some important conclusions are as follows.Firstly, two KIS modes have been generalized, including cooperative R&D agreements and joint research laboratory. The game model shows that joint research laboratory has the superior economic efficiency than cooperative R&D agreements, especially if knowledge spillovers increase total profits. Meanwhile, it doesn’t negate the reality of cooperative R&D agreements.Secondly, absorptive and combinative capacity has a positive effect on innovation performance of research institutions, and different dimensions have different impacts on different dimensions of knowledge innovation:identification capacity positively and significantly affects management innovation; acquisition capacity positively and significantly affects production, process, and management innovation; internalization capacity positively and significantly affects management innovation; combination capacity positively and significantly affects production and process innovation; socialization capacity positively and significantly affects management innovation. Then, in different synergy model, absorptive and combinative capacity has different impacts on knowledge innovation:in R&D agreements, the influence of absorptive capacity is superior; identification, acquisition capacity significantly affects knowledge innovation, while integration capacity significantly affects production and process innovation; in joint research laboratory, the influence of combinative capacity is superior; acquisition capacity significantly affects process and management innovation; internalization, integration capacity significantly affects production and process innovation; internalization, socialization capacity significantly affects management innovation.Finally, from three criterions including the level of research and contribution, team building and talent training, open communication and operation management, it constructs evaluation indicators system of Operation Performance of KIS modes. Analytic Hierarchical Process sets up weight for each indicators and Grey Relational Analysis conducts Operation Performance Evaluation. With an example demonstrating, it offers a more objective and fair evaluation model for conducting synergy modes’ Operation Performance.


