

A Study on Anonymous Book from the Perspective of Cultural Poetics

【作者】 张新珍

【导师】 何锡章;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 上世纪四十年代,无名氏凭借《北极风情画》、《塔里的女人》两部爱情小说登上中国现代文学文坛。随后他在艺术上不断追求创新超越自我,以宏观的文化视野来思考人类生存的困境,探寻人类终极性关怀,于五十年代在沉潜状态下最终完成了一部六卷本的长河性巨著《无名书》。上世纪九十年代以前由于政治、历史、地域以及资料搜集困难的原因,《无名书》的研究处于沉寂状态。近年来,《无名书》研究呈现多元化态势,但与其他作家作品研究相比而言,《无名书》的研究仍处于初步阶段。本论文力图用“文化诗学”的理念做导引,从文本细读入手,努力追求对《无名书》的文化理想和艺术技巧进行综合解读与诠释,并进而分析其作品艺术品格形成的内外部成因,希望能在《无名书》研究的道路上作出一些有益的尝试。论文由绪论、主体、结尾三个部分组成,共分为六个章节展开论述:第一章简略分析了西方“文化诗学”研究发展的历史脉络,同时回溯了它在中国的学术界的合法化进程,讨论了《无名书》“文化诗学”研究之可能性。第二章主要分析无名氏的文化追求以及小说观念的复杂成因,简单勾勒了他的个性因素、小说创作路程与文学史定位之间的关系,着重介绍他对文学现状的看法以及形成他文化小说的时代动因。第三章宏观分析《无名书》的文化主题,论述了不同的生命形态与所反射出的时代精神之间共生互动的关系,以及在实践未来人类文化理想时,意识形态、文学规范与作家主体精神之间的“角力”过程。第四章阐释《无名书》中主要意象的构思及创制,具体分析作品中意象的具体表现,力图把握他的哲学观、文化观在意象中的渗透,加深理解他“超越写实”主义的努力。第五章试图对《无名书》与“绘画”、“视听艺术”进行互文性解读。重点从人物形象“蔺素子”和唐镜青、景蓝的故事切入,凸现《无名书》对其他艺术门类的吸收和利用,从一个侧面了解他的文化艺术品格和小说“通俗化”、现代性的驳杂来源。在结语里,简单回顾四十年代小说的“精神追寻”特色,概括分析《无名书》的艺术得失,希望研究界重视《无名书》的学术研究。

【Abstract】 In the forties of last century, Wu Mingshi (无名氏) entered into the Chinese modern literature stage with two popular novels, namely, The Landscape in East Polar and Woman in Tower. His dormant talent was not demonstrated until he published a long historical masterpiece, Anonymous Book, a six volume novel in the 1950s. In this book, he tried to weave his thinking of human existence and ultimacy from a macro cultural perspective. Owing to political, historical and regional factors as well as the lack of access to related research literature, little research on Anonymous Book had been carried out before 1990s. Besides the factors listed above, it is assumed that, the grand theme, complex philosophy and various artistic skills of the book also pose challenges to researchers. Based on thorough text-reading of the book, with "Cultural Poetics" concept as its general theoretical framework, this dissertation conducts a comprehensive interpretation of cultural and artistic value of the book, and detailed analysis of the internal and external factors that correlate and contribute to the formation of its cultural and poetic values. It is hoped that the present pioneering and tentative research will lead to further research on this interesting book.The dissertation is composed of three parts, the introduction, the body part and the conclusion, and further divided into six chapters.The first chapter briefly analyzes the historical context of Cultural Poetics and its development, traces its legitimatization process in Chinese academia, and discusses the possibility of introducing Cultural Poetics in the present study.The second chapter analyzes Wu Mingshi’s cultural pursuit as well as the complicated shaping of his understanding and concept of novels. It briefly outlines his personality, and the relationship between his novel writing and the position he takes in the history of literature. The focus of this chapter is on his understating of contemporary literary genres as well as the motivations of his writing.The third chapter gives a comprehensive analysis of the cultural themes of Anonymous Book. These themes are mainly embodied in the coexistence and interaction of various life forms and the spirit reflected by these life forms of their times. Furthermore, the process of "wrestling" between ideology, literary norms and writer’s subject spirit to realize the ideal of human culture is discussed here.The fourth chapter interprets the major images conceived and created in Anonymous Book, and specifically analyzes the writer’s attempts to embody his philosophical and cultural reflections into images. The use of images contributes to the understanding of the writer’s effort to write "Beyond Reality".The fifth chapter conducts an intertextual analysis of Anonymous Book and other forms of arts, such as painting and audio-visual art. The main character Lin Suzi and the love story between Tang Jingqing and Jing Lan of the book highlights the author’s efforts to absorb and takes advantages of other art forms, demonstrating the writer’s unique cultural and artistic style, and the extensive sources of the popularization and modernity of this book.The conclusion gives a brief review of the characteristics of "The Spiritual Pursuit" of novel writing in the 1940 and summarizes the merits and demerit of Anonymous Book. It is hoped that the present research will become an inspiration for further research on the book in academia.

【关键词】 无名书文化诗学主题意象互文性
【Key words】 Anonymous BookCultural Poeticsthemeimageintertextuality

