

A Study on the Functions of Local Governments for Land-lost Farmers’ social Security

【作者】 杜丽霞

【导师】 李京文; 李华燊;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 社会保障, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 伴随着工业化和城市化的进程,必然会出现大量的失地农民,失地农民法定社会保障标准低,与其发展需求不相适应,尤其是失地农民作为一个特殊的弱势群体,需要政府优先关注和保障。地方政府有责任深入研究和探索当地失地农民所面临的生计、就业、发展等保障问题,充分发挥政府的能动作用,提高行政效率,以责任政府的高度处理好地区经济发展、征地补偿与失地农民社保的关系,利用经济和市场的手段为失地农民提供更好服务和较高社会保障。本文将广州开发区作为研究对象,分析了其在社会保障方面走过的历程、具体做法,总结了其在解决失地农民社会保障方面有独特的经验,阐述了其作为责任主体在失地农民社会保障方面发挥的积极作用。本文研究了土地征收与地方政府职能的关系,明析了地方政府无论从经济职能还是从社会职能的角度都有能力、义务和职责通过构建社会保障制度,为失地农民融入城市提供各种服务和社会保障。通过对失地农民社会保障制度的供需均衡分析,得出由于失地农民社会保障的需求与供给不均衡,需要通过改变失地农民社会保障的需求与供给。为此,地方政府可以促进保障制度的调整与创新,通过系列的诱致性变迁措施,将变迁的阻滞成本降低。政府要着力改善关系失地农民社会保障制度的变迁环境,促进变迁的发生。在市场经济环境下,市场化程度不断提高,将有利于借助市场的力量增强诱致性变迁的潜在利益效益,达到积极能动地创造条件诱导资源的有机结合,通过市场经济的运行实现一系列诱致性制度变迁,为失地农民提供有效的社会保障制度供给。土地的发展权承载着土地未来的最大收益潜力,在现行的征地制度下,非公共利益性质的征地行为侵害了失地农民的土地发展权,征地对于失地农民更多的是利益损失,用地单位和政府则享受了土地增值收益的大头。土地征收后如何保证失地农民生存权的实现是首要解决的问题,如果不能够解决和落实失地农民的生存权,则征地的正当性与合理性就会遭到质疑。从社会公平与正义的角度来看,失地农民为城市化做出了贡献,理应享受城市化发展的成果,即应该享有土地发展权。现实中,农民常常被排除在土地发展权之外,具有非正当性。征地补偿标准定得过低,土地增值收益主要集中在地方政府,地方政府通常将土地财政大部分用于城市建设开发,投在农民社会保障和农村公共设施方面的少,失地农民的利益和保障得不到充分体现。从而导致城乡发展水平不平衡差距拉大,因此,地方政府公共投资政策要进行调整。让失地农民分享土地发展权,要同时强调保持区域经济发展的活力,使地方政府更有能力扶持和带动失地农民共同发展,解决好农民的社会保障、生活保障和农民市民化等系列问题,让利益贡献主体获得社会发展成果的回报。因此,地方政府要更加积极地帮助农民享受土地发展权,通过区域经济发展让成果的受益者更具普遍性,唯此才能从根本上解决失地农民的社会保障和长远生活保障。

【Abstract】 With the rapid progress of industrialization and urbanization in China, it is a logical necessity that a large number of land-lost farmers appear. Now, the legal standard of social security of land-lost farms is low, which is incommensurate to their developing needs. It is the responsibility of the local government to make great effort to study and find the solution to the situation of social security of land-lost farmers, such as living, employment, development, and so on, and raise their administrative efficacy to provide with better service and higher security for land-lost farmers by means of economy and market. Taking Guangzhou Development District as the object of study, this paper summarizes its good experiences in and expounds its effect on solving the problem of social security of land-lost farmers as a subject of legal responsibility.This paper studies on the relationship between land expropriation and functions of local governments, and make it clear that the local government should supply with social security institutions for land-lost farmers to adapt to the urban life. It is the obligation and responsibility of the government according to both its economic function and social function to establish a good system of social security. By analyzing the supply and demand balance of security systems of land-lost farmers, this paper points out that it is insufficient of resettlement institutions of land-lost farmers at present. Local governments should positively create condition to result in the organic integration of all kinds of resources via a series of inducing institutional transformation in the development of market economy so as to offer effective system supply to land-lost farmers.The most important problem to solve urgently is how to ensure the realization of the right to subsistence of land-lost farmers after land expropriation. Otherwise, the legitimacy and validity of local governments will come under question. From the perspective of social equity and justice, land-lost peasants contribute so much to the urbanization that they should enjoy the achievements of the urbanization, i.e., have the rights of land development. But the truth is that they have been excluded from this right. This is illegitimate. The governments must help the land-lost farmers to realize their land development rights and make more and more people enjoy the prosperity of economy to the best of their ability through the growth of regional economy. Only by this can the problems of social security and long-term livelihood guarantee system of land-lost farmers be solved fundamentally.

  • 【分类号】D630;F323.89
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1818
  • 攻读期成果

