

Study on International Cooperation and Exchanges of Post-graduate Education

【作者】 查远莉

【导师】 杨东亮; 姚岚;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 社会医学与卫生事业管理, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 本研究以医学研究生合作培养为载体,立足于中德医学研究生合作培养基地建设,通过对研究生教育国际合作与交流在国际、中国、华中科技大学的发展现状与趋势分析,探讨研究生教育国际合作与交流在不同层次与范围的现状与问题;以中德合作培养医学研究生教育基地建设为依托,对中德医学研究生培养模式,中德双方师生的交流与互访等进行梳理,并对往届和2011年中德合作研究生暑期学校学员分别进行问卷调查,分析和研究中德合作培养研究生的教育实践对华中科技大学研究生教育的启示和启发,以期提高学校研究生培养质量。研究生教育国际合作与交流是研究生教育发展到一定程度的必然产物,是教育国际化的必然选择,也是发展研究生教育的有效途径。国际化实质是多元化,研究生教育国际化的实质就是研究生教育多元化,来自研究生教育的方方面面都要打破陈旧的传统观念和模式,在“地球村”环境中树立研究生教育观念的国际化,研究生和师资队伍来源及背景的多元化,促进研究生和教师的世界性流动;实现研究生教学、实习平台及科研环境的多元化;提升研究生教学内容的学科前沿化;建立、健全研究生课程培养体系与国际接轨的质量认证标准等等。研究生教育国际合作与交流,其目的就是要提高研究生培养质量,尤其是要培养能够适应全球化的趋势、具有国际化视野与行动能力的高层次、高素质人才。研究生教育国际化要求用国际视野来把握和发展研究生教育,促进教育资源在国际问进行配置。教育资料要求在国际间加速流动,其目的就是要培养具有国际意识、国际交往能力、国际竞争能力的人才;教育国际化,就是要在研究生教育过程中对教学理念、教学方法、教学模式、课程教学、教材讲义、师资队伍、研究生培养、资金来源等各方面以国际社会的标准来衡量和考评,培养具有国际视野、国际价值观和国际沟通能力的高素质人才。研究生教育国际化将促使大学办学更加开放,大学间的联系交流更加紧密,促使研究生教育与人才培养能够充分利用国际的学术环境和条件,在国际交流的学术氛围中得到发展。同时,世界一流大学只有以一流的生源、优秀的师资、先进水平的学科、高水平的科研、广泛的国际联系、一流的管理水平等才能吸引国外优秀学者。研究生教育是教育链的最高端,只有把最高层次的教育做好了,才能成为教育强国。随着世界经济的快速发展,经济全球化带给社会各界、各领域国际化程度的日益加深,也给中国的研究生教育带来了前所未有的机遇与挑战。如何抓住机遇,迎新挑战,探索适合于中国国情的研究生教育发展之路,是摆在中国政府及教育部门的重大课题,中国的研究生教育正处在一个迎头赶上的关键历史发展期。分析研究研究生教育的国际合作与交流,探索研究生教育规律,尝试开展有效的国际合作办学模式,学习和借鉴国外知名院校优秀的办学模式、课程设计、教材讲议等是提升我国研究生教育更好更快发展的历史性选择,更是促进我国研究生创新教育的有效途径,这于我国研究生教育的发展具有十分重要的现实意义。本文从研究生教育的国际化发展趋势着手,通过对研究生教育面临的机遇和挑战分析,阐述国际交流与合作的必然性和历史趋势,探索研究生教育发展国际交流与合作的历史使命。同时,从华中科技大学与德国两所知名院校合作举办的中德暑期学校为案例,分析中德合作研究生暑期学校教学中德方教师、中方学生的全英文教学模式对于研究生创新意识、创新思维、创新能力等各方面的影响,从问卷数据中分析中外研究生教育合作培养的有益经验。试图通过该项目的分析研究,寻找到改进研究生教育的有效途径和方法,以期为提高学校研究生培养质量提供可供借鉴的经验和做法。本研究的创新之处在于以中德合作举办研究生暑期学校为实证,探讨研究生教育国际合作与交流在具体的项目合作中的成效和积极意义;总结归纳了中国三十年来学位与研究生教育的成果与现状,对本校的研究生教育的发展与现状作了简要概述,以期对学校的研究生教育提供积极而有益的经验指导和建议。不足之处在于研究生教育是关乎国家发展和高层次人才培养的大事,是国家智力支持的重要保障,相关改革在不断的调整中,对其发展动向有不够及时和完善之处;同时本人在从事研究生教育管理过程中疏于理论归纳和总结,体现在论文中是理论方面稍有欠缺,思想有待进一步凝炼。

【Abstract】 This paper regards the medical graduate student cooperation training as the vehicle, and based on the construction of Sino-German medical graduate student cooperation training base. Surrounding the current situation of the graduate students education international cooperation and exchanges among the international, China, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), the paper analyzed the development and the problems in different levels. The mode of Sino German medical graduate student cooperation training and the exchanges between Sino-German teachers and students were also analyzed carefully. There is a questionnaire survey which research the students come from the Sino-German medical graduate cooperation summer school analyzed the practical inspiration from Sino-German graduate student cooperation to HUST graduate student training, aims to improve the quality of graduate student education.Nowadays, the international cooperation and exchange is getting more and more inevitable to the development of the graduate education, it is also the effective way to improve the education internationalization. The essence of the graduate education internationalization is the education diversity as same as the essence of the internationalization. All aspects from graduate education should break the traditional concept and mode. In the contemporary globalization environment, we are supposed to build an international eye side which concludes about the diversity of graduate students and faculty’s source and background, and improve the graduate students and teachers’ worldwide moving. At the same time, we should realize the diversity of teaching, practice and research environment of the graduate students, and establish the graduate course training system as well as up to the international quality standard and so on. The aim of the international graduate education is improving the quality of graduate students’training, especially training talents who can adapt to the trend of globalization have international, vision and action ability.Graduate education internationalization requires us to understand and develop graduate education with international view, and promote education resources effective distribution in the global. Education recourses require acceleratory move in the international areas and aim to develop the talents who with the international awareness, the communication ability and the international competition ability. The education internationalization is the process which measure and assess the graduate teaching concept, methods, mode, notes, teachers teams, postgraduate training, funding sources and so on based on the international community, develop the high quality students with international vision, values, and communication ability. The graduate education internationalization will promote the universities more open and communicate closed with other colleges. The graduate education will gain the comprehensive development in the academic communication atmosphere by the international graduate education. At the same time, the best universities in the world attract high quality scholars only by the best students, recourses, good teachers, a high level of scientific research, extensive international links, and excellent management levels. The graduate education is the top of the higher education, and we have to spent more energy developing the higher education due to become a powerful nation of education.As we know, the pace of world economy is developing at a very fast speed. The economic globalization makes the whole world into a country, and at the same time, it gives our Chinese postgraduate student a good chance as well was a great challenge. In China, we are in a very important phase for how to catch up with the high level of postgraduate student education. So we have to take the tide at the flood and find a good way that especially good and probable for Chinese postgraduate student education. In order to do it, we have to analyze the corporation and communication of international postgraduate education and the law of it, trying to create a new mode of international collaboration, learning the excellent experience of the famous feign universities. All of these are good approaches for improving our postgraduate student education, and these also carry a great significant for the developing it.Surrounding the internalization of postgraduate education, this paper analyzes the opportunity and challenge faced by the postgraduate education. It illustrates that international cooperation is of an inevitable and historical trend and that the exploration of the exchanges and cooperation existed in the postgraduate education is a historic mission. Meanwhile, it makes the Sino-German summer school for example, which was co-hosted by two well-known universities in German and HUST in China, and this paper addresses the English Immersion Methodology where the teachers of both sides and Chinese students dominate, especially its influence on the aspects like the innovative ideology, thinking pattern and capacity of the postgraduates. The analysis of the data indicates both the benefits and shortage extant. The study of this program aims to seek for effective solutions to improve the postgraduate education Even though it is but a leopard in the hole, this paper provides experience that can shed light upon the future.The innovation of this research is introducing the cooperative graduate students’ summer school of Sino-German as the instance, discussing the positive significance of graduate education international cooperation and exchanges in the specific project. Through summarizing the results and the present situation of graduate student degree and education in the last 30 years in China, we made a brief overview about the development and current situation of our school graduate education, and looking forward to provide positive and beneficial advice to the graduate education in our school. It still has some inadequate parts in this paper. Due to the graduate student education is related to the national development and high-level talents training, as well as an important guarantee of supporting the nation’s intelligence. Although we tried our best, the grasp of the development trend which constantly adjust still has some drawbacks. At the same time, during the management process of graduate student education, I’m not good at theory summed up, reflected in the paper is a slight lack of theory and the thought needs a further concentration.


