

Study on Interactive Relationship Between the Popularization of Science and Hot Events in Contemporary China

【作者】 张红方

【导师】 徐顽强;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 行政管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 当今时代,科普的重要性伴随着人类社会的发展日益凸显,世界各国无不将大力发展科普事业,提高公民科学素质作为提升各自综合国力的重要战略手段。社会热点事件与科学普及有着密不可分的内在关联。一些社会问题之所以成为社会热点事件,是与社会公众的科学素质分不开的。社会热点事件在相当大的程度上折射出公民科学素质。当前我国社会,一方面社会热点事件此起彼伏,日渐趋多,另一方面公民科学素质仍处于一个较低水平的层次,这一矛盾迫使科学普及亟需创新工作方式方法。针对一些与科学普及相关的社会热点事件来开展科普工作,就是一条重要而有效的途径,能起到事半功倍的效果。本论文主要内容包括以下四个方面:第一、社会热点事件与科学普及互动关系的定性分析。在社会热点事件重塑科学普及系统功能、科学普及嵌入社会热点事件的模式效应等章节中,分别从社会热点事件与科学普及的角度,阐述了社会热点事件能为科学普及提供“鲜活”的科普素材、优质的科普契机以及在广度和深度上提升科普效应;科学普及可通过“政治嵌入”、“关系嵌入”、“认知嵌入”等模式,全方位影响社会热点事件,包括调控社会热点事件的发生率、引导社会热点事件形成及演化进程、规范社会热点事件的效应扩散等内容。第二、社会热点事件与科学普及的互动机理。社会热点事件与科学普及的互动机理,是以科普教育供给和公众科普需求为基础,进而通过一定的程序和规范产生实际效用。互动机理的构建主要分三个步骤进行:一是构建社会热点事件与科学普及互动体系的框架,将相关主体及所涉领域进行明确;二是在此基础上,通过引入弹性的概念对公众知识水平在互动机理作用下的影响进行分析,从而获取科普教育供给和公众科普需求对社会热点事件引发的公众知识水平变动的敏感程度;三是通过分析科普教育供给和公众科普需求共同作用下所形成的科普均衡状态,对社会热点事件与科学普及互动机制的最终目标和实际成效提出设想。第三、社会热点事件与科学普及关联度的定量分析。通过调查问卷、访谈等方式收集“第一手”数据;其次,对样品数据进行随机抽查,并运用主成分分析法(PCA)及数据包络分析法(DEA),对科学普及与社会热点事件关联度进行较为科学的论证。其论证结论主要包括以下两个方面:一是社会热点事件蕴含丰富的科普信息,不仅是当代科普重要的“信息库”,而且相对于传统的科普资源有明显优势,一定程度上解决社会公众参与科普的被动性;二是科学普及可以促进社会热点事件正面效应的有序扩散,并有效抑制社会热点事件负面效应的不当扩散。第四、优化社会热点事件与科学普及互动关系的逻辑路径。结合脱域机制理论,分别从逻辑基础、重点领域和可行路径等三个方面,逐步演绎并提出优化二者互动关系的可操作路径。在研究方法上,本论文主要立足于公共管理、公共政策、科技中介组织管理及社会学等相关理论,科学运用文献分析法、演绎归纳法、案例分析法、比较分析法、定量分析法等,从而使研究内容及结论较为严谨和科学。本论文在研究领域和视角方面均较为新颖,对当前社会热点事件也进行较新的科学解读和诠释,在一定意义上为多维视角研究社会问题提供较为有益的借鉴。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, along with the development of human society, the importance of popularization of science arises remarkably. It has become strategetic commonsense that developing science popularizing affairs and promoting civilian science culture actively are indispensable for all the nations around the world. There are intrinsic relationship between social hot events and the popularization of science. The reason of some social problems becoming social hot events is related to the civilian science level. Then, social hot events can reflect civilian science level in most extent. In present China, the number of social hat events is largely increasing, while the civilian science level are low. The contradiction calls for creative methods in the popularization of science urgently. To begin the science popularizing affairs by taking advantage of the social hot events related to science popularization is a significant and efficient way.The content is divided into four parts:The first part is the qualitative analysis of the interactive relationship between social hot events and the popularization of science. This part includes the chapters talking about how the hot events reshape science popularization systematic function, and the effects of the mode that science popularization embedded into social hot events. From the point of view of social hot events and science popularization, those chapters elucidate the opinions that social hot events can provide fresh materials and good science opportunities for the science popularization, and improve science effect in extent and depth. Through "political embedding", "relationship embedding", "recognition embedding", science popularization makes a comprehensively impact on social hot events, which includes regulating the occurence rate of social hot events, guiding the conformation and evolutionary process of hot events, and specify the diffusion of hot events’ effect,etc.The second part is the interactive mechanism of social hot events and science popularization. The interactive mechanism aims to generate practical effect through specific process and regulations, according to the supply of science popularization education and public demand for science popularization. The generation of interactive mechanism involves three steps, at first, a frame about the interaction of social hot events and science popularization should be built, and the relative subjects and fields should be cleared. On the basis of it, using the concept of flexibility to analysis the influence the public knowledge level makes on interactive mechanism, and to discuss the sensitivity of the change of public knowledge level caused by the supply of science popularization education and public demand for science popularization. Then, by analyzing science popularization balance state which is formed through the combined action of science education supply and public science demands, the ideas of the ultimate goal and the actual effectiveness of interactive mechanisms on social hot events and science popularization should be proposed.The third part is the quantitative analysis of the correlation between social hot events and science popularization. The "first hand" data could be collected by the way of questionnaires and interviews, etc. Then, after the random spot—check on the sample data, the demonstration about the correlation between social hot events and science popularization will be made with the methods of PCA and DEA. The conclusion mainly includes two aspects:first, social hot events contains abundant of science information. It is not only the main "information base" of contemporary science popularization, but also to some extent solve the passivity of the public participation in science. Second, science popularization can contribute to the orderly spread of the positive effect of the social hot events, and effectively inhibit the inappropriate proliferation of the negative effects of the social hot events.The fourth part is the optimization for the logical path of the interactive relationship between social hot events and science popularization. From the point of view of logical basis, important fields, and feasible path,etc, the feasible path to optimize the interactive relationship would be advanced, combined with disembodying mechanism theory. This paper is mainly based on the theories of public administration, public policy, science and technology intermediary organizations management and sociology, and scientific use the methods of literature analysis, and interpretation of the induction, case analysis, comparative analysis, quantitative analysis etc, in order to obtain a more rigorous and scientific research findings and conclusions.This thesis is innovative in the research areas and perspectives, and make a newer elucidation to the current social hot events, which provides useful references for the research in multi—dimensional perspective.

  • 【分类号】G322;D669;F224
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】921
  • 攻读期成果

