

The Relationship Between the Mass Media and the Minority Political Life

【作者】 张斌

【导师】 张昆;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 新闻学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 当代社会,大众传媒以其广泛的覆盖面和强大的渗透力对少数民族乡村政治生活产生着重要影响。论文使用多点民族志为主要方法,辅以文献法、问卷法、事件—过程分析法、口述史方法等,对湘黔桂三省毗邻边区通道侗族自治县独坡八寨(乡)的上岩、坪寨两个侗族村寨和孟冲苗寨进行了一年多时间的民族志调查。通过全面考察发现,大众传媒与这三个少数民族村寨政治生活的关系是在特定的时空条件下发生的,脱离不开独坡八寨、通道侗族自治县,以及三省毗邻边区大区域历史和现实条件的影响。大众传媒对少数民族村寨政治生活的影响主要体现在:村寨的政治信息传播、村民的政治参与、村寨的治理、村寨政治精英的媒介素养和村寨青少年的政治社会化等方面;同时,大众传媒对与村民政治生活紧密联系的村寨政治文化,村寨政治关系也产生着重要影响。国家和省级大众传媒(主要是电视)方便快捷地为村民提供了宏观政策信息;而地方政府对国家政策的解读,以及自订的区域政策信息则往往是借助科层制的组织传播来贯彻,地方媒体起着重要的辅助作用。地方媒体在政策宣传与贯彻的过程中,探索形成了以“节庆传播”为特色的民族传播形式。信息的有效传播为村民政治参与创造了条件。村民对国家政治体系的动员型参与和主动型参与都呈现集体参与的特征,以区域的精英人物为代表。动员型参与与大众传媒议题设置具有很大的一致性;而主动型参与主要表现为:民族精英组织学会,创办刊物,影响政策制订往对民族有利方向发展。在大众传媒推动下,村民对民族政治体系参与积极活跃。而村民的日常政治生活参与,则主要是通过对民族文化活动的参与来实现的,大众传媒起了宣传推动和促进作用。村寨精英在村寨政治生活中起了重要的引领作用,对少数民族村寨政治精英的调查发现,无论是传统型,还是现代型,乃至潜在型村寨精英,都具有良好的媒介素养,比较积极,也非常善于利用大众传媒资源来开展工作。在对少数民族青少年政治社会化过程中大众传媒所起的作用调查发现,他们的政治信息获取渠道非常不畅,政治生活态度冷漠;而他们有限的大众传媒接触和使用更多地体现为对娱乐消费文化的享用。在村寨青少年政治社会化过程中,“自由天空”的支教老师们作为舆论领袖的二级和多级传播作用产生了积极的影响。在村寨治理中,村民利用所获取的大众传媒信息来作为与村干部博弈的工具,往往会给村干部的工作带来一些被动。但同时,村干部也会利用其所掌握的大众传媒资源优势,以及组织传播的独有资源,与村民展开信息对弈。当前的少数民族村寨治理需要充分发挥大众传媒作用,加强信息沟通工作。在大众传媒影响下,村民的视野更开阔,在全球的体认中形成了对国家统一体和中华民族更高的认同;并且学会用国家坐标、全球坐标来表达自己的政治利益诉求。在大众传媒镜像驱动下,不同民族村寨,同一民族不同村寨之间的关系缓和,在共同的对民族传统文化活动参与中,大家消解了历史矛盾,融洽了政治关系;但同时,我们不能忽视不同民族间,同一民族内部由于利益关系,仍然存在的矛盾;在传媒影响下不断高涨的民族意识也是需要加以科学引导的问题。大众传媒对侗苗少数民族村寨政治文化的影响表现在物态文化方面主要是对鼓楼和建筑民居的影响,在制度文化方面主要是对“款”的影响,在行为文化方面主要是对村民参与民族传统文化活动影响。而这一切体现在村寨观念心态文化方面是从传统的冲突型和服从型政治文化,向现代民主的协调型、参与型政治文化转变。总体来看,现代传媒技术发展,以及大众传媒在少数民族村寨的日趋普及,在潜移默化地影响着村寨的政治文明建设,有力地推动着“村民自治制度”在村寨的执行,使得政治不再是高墙王宫之事,使得民主在广大的少数民族乡村成为可能。但我们的大众传媒如何走出众声喧哗的“娱乐享受”,如何真正走进那广阔的乡村,回归“大众”本质,却是另一个比较沉重的话题。

【Abstract】 The extensive coverage and strong penetration of the mass media have an important impact on the political life of the ethnic minority villages in the contemporary society. Multi-ethnography is the main method used in the dissertation supplemented by literature, questionnaires, events-process of analysis, Oral history method, author had the survey, for more than a year, of mass media in three villages, i.e.ShangYanPing Dong village and MengCong Miao village,which located in the eight-villages of DuPo township, TongDao Dong Autonomous County, three villages dotted along the adjacent border of Hunan,Guizhou and Guangxi.Survey found that the relationship between mass media and the political life of three minority villages occur in a specific time and space conditions, eight-village, which is inseparable from the impact of region’s history and actual conditions. Mass media’s impact on the political life of these several ethnic minority villages is mainly reflected the following:national policy information for the villagers to learn and understand,the villagers’political participation, village governance, political elite’s medialiteracy of the village,political socialization of the village youth, etc; At the same time, mass media also has an important influence on the political and cultural environment,contacting with the political life of villagers, village politics relations.National and provincial mass media (TV, which is mainly growing popularity in the villages) provide macro-policy information for the survey villagers conveniently; interpretation of the local government the national policy and setting their own regional micro-policies information are often spread through the bureaucratic system of organization, the local media play an important supporting role. Local media is exploring the formation folk communication called "national festival spread" in the process of policy advocacy and implement.The effective information communication created a kind of conditions for the villagers political participation. Villagers’political participation,including the mobilization and active political participation, presents the characteristics of collective participation, the regional elite are the delegates. Mobilization participation often has consistency with the issues set up by mass media; active participation presents as follows:village ethnic elite establish institute,making use of the publication of association, impact policy making to the development of a favorable direction of the village. Villagers’participate in the national political system actively under the push of the mass media. The participation of the villagers’day-to-day political life, mainly behave participation in the activities of the national culture, mass media play a publicity promoting and facilitating role in it.Village elite played an important leading role in the political life of villages,survey found that political elite in the minority villages, whether it is traditional or modern, and even the potential, have a good media literacy, more positive in political participation, and also make full use of mass media resources to carry out the creeds.Survey found that minority youth’s access to political information is not affluent,their attitude of political life is indifferent; their limited mass media exposure and use more reflect in the enjoyment of entertainment consumer culture. In the process of their political socialization, teachers of "free skies" as leaders of public opinion, have a positive impact on the two and multi-level role communication.In the governance of village, the villagers use the information obtained from mass media as a game tool and often bring some passive to the jobs of village cadres. At the same time, the village cadres will also use the advantage of the mass media resources in their possession, as well as the unique resources of the organization communication, to expand the information chess with the villagers. Minority village’s governance needs to make full use of the role of mass media, strengthen information communication between village cadres and villagers.Under the influence of mass media, the perspective of villagers become broader, the form of national unity and the more conscious and higher Chinese nation recognition come into being in the global recognition,and express their political interests aspirations through learning how to use the national and the global coordinates. Under the mirrored drive of mass media, relations between the villages of different ethnic groups and different villages of the same nation are easing in the common participation of traditional cultural activities of the nation,they digestion the historical contradictionsand, own harmonious political relations;however, we can not ignore the different between peoples within a nation because of the interest, there are still contradictions existing; media should take a scientific guide of the influence rising national consciousness.Mass media’s influence on the political culture of the Dong and Miao minority villages focus on the following:physical state aspect, the Drum Tower and building residential; the system,"paragraph";the behavior, villagers’participating the traditional cultural activities, which all reflected the change in concept of mentality culture of villagers, from the traditional conflict and obeying the political culture to the coordination type of the modern democratic and participatory political culture.In a word, with the development of modern media technology, the mass media in ethnic minority villages has become increasingly popular, should influence the political civilization of the village imperceptibly, a strong impetus implementation to Chinese "villager autonomy system", which makes politics no longer the matter of athe walls and the palace, making democracy become possible in the vast rural areas.Mass media how to sep out of the hustle and bustle of "entertainment", and democracy how to really walk into the vast rural areas, return to the essence of the "public", it’s still another serious topic.

  • 【分类号】G206.3;D633
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】3969
  • 攻读期成果

