

Research on the Influence Mechanism of Fairness Perceptions in Performance Appraisal on Counterproductive Work Behavior

【作者】 张永军

【导师】 廖建桥;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 工商管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,各类反生产行为在工作场所中变得越发普遍,并成为现代组织亟待解决的现实问题之一。如同其他行为一样,反生产行为不会无端产生,外界因素的刺激以及由此所引发的行为动机才是推动反生产行为的前提条件。作为组织最重要的管理工具之一,绩效考核可能对反生产行为具有一定的推波助澜作用。然而,绩效考核本身是中性的,对绩效考核的体验与感受才是影响员工工作态度和行为的关键,而这其中又以绩效考核公平感最常见、最重要。当前,中国正处于社会转型期,绩效考核不公平现象在组织中大量存在。那么,是不是当绩效考核不公平时,就会引发员工的反生产行为呢?如果可以,这其中的作用机制又是什么呢?为了回答这些问题,本文系统研究了绩效考核公平感对反生产行为的影响机制,并在此基础上提出了相应的反生产行为管理建议。本文主要研究了四个问题,即绩效考核公平感对反生产行为具有何种影响,反生产行为动机与反生产行为的关系,反生产行为动机在绩效考核公平感与反生产行为之间的中介作用,以及上述关系发生的边界条件。基于理论构建和475名员工有效调查数据的实证分析,本文得到如下结论:(1)绩效考核公平感对反生产行为具有显著影响。具体而言,绩效考核分配公平感对生产性反生产行为和财产性反生产行为具有显著负向作用,绩效考核互动公平感对生产性、财产性反生产行为和人际攻击行为具有显著负向作用,绩效考核程序公平感对生产性和财产性反生产行为具有负向作用但不显著。就影响效果而言,绩效考核互动公平感对反生产行为的影响最大,其次为绩效考核分配公平感,最后才是绩效考核程序公平感。(2)反生产行为动机对反生产行为具有显著影响。具体而言,表达性动机对生产性、财产性反生产行为和人及攻击性具有显著正向作用,工具性动机对生产性、财产性反生产行为和人及攻击性也具有显著正向作用。表达性动机和工具性对生产性、财产性反生产行为具有显著的的交互作用,但对人际攻击行为的交互作用不显著。(3)反生产行为动机在绩效考核公平感与反生产行为之间具有中介作用。具体而言,表达性动机和工具性动机在绩效考核分配公平感与生产性反生产行为之间具有完全中介作用,在绩效考核分配公平感与财产性反生产行为之间具有部分中介作用,在绩效考核互动公平感与生产性、财产性反生产行为和人际攻击行为之间具有部分中介作用。表达性动机揭示了绩效考核公平感对反生产行为产生影响的情感机制,工具性动机则体现了绩效考核公平感对反生产行为产生影响的认知机制。(4)绩效考核程序公平感、互动公平感对绩效考核分配公平感与反生产行为动机的关系具有调节作用,自我控制对表达性动机与反生产行为的关系具有调节作用。具体而言,绩效考核公平感对反生产行为动机具有显著负向作用,影响效果依次为绩效考核互动公平感、分配公平感和程序公平感。绩效考核程序公平感、互动公平感对绩效考核分配公平感与表达性动机的关系具有正向调节作用。自我控制对三类反生产行为具有负向作用,对表达性动机、工具性动机与生产性、财产性反生产行为的关系具有负向调节作用。本文的研究结论对组织管理反生产行为具有一定的启示作用。首先,组织应确保绩效考核公平公正,在中国文化背景下,管理者更应该重视绩效考核的互动公平。其次,管理者应该正确识别员工的反生产行为动机,明确不同的反生产行为可能同时受不同的动机所支配。最后,组织对反生产行为应该采取“堵”“疏”分开、“堵”“疏”并重的管理策略。文章最后归纳和讨论了主要研究结论,并指出研究的不足之处和未来的研究方向。

【Abstract】 In recent years, counterproductive work behavior (CWB) was so prevalent in workplace, and becoming a serious problem to resolve for the modern organizations. Like the other behaviors, CWB will not occur by accident, contextual variables promoting and the motivations which been triggered by these variables are preconditions of CWB. As an important management tool, performance appraisal maybe has an "add fuel to the fire" on CWB. However, performance appraisal is neutral in itself, the experiences and perceptions in performance appraisal are key points that can influence employees’ job attitudes and behaviors, and fairness perceptions in performance appraisal is very important among these experiences. At present, China is during the social transformation, and unfairness perceptions in performance appraisal are so common in organization. In that way, we want to know whether when individuals perception unfairness in performance appraisal, they will committ CWB? If it is true, what are the influence mechanisms behind them? In order to answer these questions, this paper will research the influence mechanism of fairness perceptions in performance appraisal on CWB systemic, and put forwards some suggestions for managing CWB.This paper just focus on four problems:The relationship between fairness perceptions in performance appraisal and CWB, the relationship between CWB mitivations and CWB, whether CWB motivations have the mediating effect between fairness perceptions in performance appraisal and CWB, and what are boundary conditions about these relationships? We get several conclusions based on theory analysis and emprical test on 475 validly samples.(1) Fairness perceptions in performance appraisal have significant effects on CWB. Distributive fairness perception in performance appraisal has a significant negative influence on prodution CWB and property CWB, interactional fairness perception in performance appraisal has a significant negative effect on prodution CWB, property CWB, and personal aggression, procedural fairness perception in performance appraisal has a negative effect on prodution CWB and property CWB but not significant. Interactional fairness perception in performance appraisal has greatest effect on CWB, then distributive fairness, and procedural fairness at last.(2) CWB motivations have significant effects on CWB. Expressive motivation has a significant positive effect on prodution CWB, property CWB, and personal aggression respectively. Instrumental motivation also has a significant positive effect on prodution CWB, property CWB, and personal aggression respectively. Expressive motivation and instrumental motivation has an interactive effect on prodution CWB and property CWB, but the interactive effect on personal aggression is not significant.(3) CWB motivations have the mediating effect between fairness perceptions in performance appraisal and CWB. Expressive motivation and instrumental motivation has a full mediating effect between fairness perception in performance appraisal and prodution CWB respectively, they also have a partial mediating effect between fairness perceptions in performance appraisal and property CWB, and a partial mediating effect between fairness perceptions in performance appraisal and prodution CWB, property CWB, and personal aggression. Expressive motivation proclaims the affective mechanism that fairness perceptions in performance appraisal influence CWB, and instrumental motivation means the cognitive mechanism that fairness perceptions in performance appraisal influence CWB.(4) Procedural fairness, interactional fairness perception in performance appraisal has a moderating effect on the relationship between distributive fairness and CWB motivation, and self-control has a direct effect on CWB, and a moderating effect on the relationship between CWB motivation and CWB. Fairness perceptions in performance appraisal have a significant effect on CWB motivations, and interactional fairness has greatest effect, then distributive fairness, and procedural fairness at last. Procedural fairness, interactional fairness has a positive moderating effect on the relationship between distributive fairness and expressive motivation. Self-control has a significant direct negative effect on CWB, and it also has a negative moderating effect on the relationship between CWB motivation and prodution CWB and property CWB, but not personal aggression.This paper has some suggestions for managing CWB. First, organizations must ensure fairness when conducting performance appraisal, and especially pay great attention to interactional fairness in China. Second, managers should distinguish CWB motivations, and clearly know that different CWBs have different motivations. At last, organizations should adopt "steming","dredping" separating tactics, and also pay equal attention to them to managing CWB.Finally, the main conclusions were summarized and discussed, and the research limitations and future directions were also put forwarded.

  • 【分类号】F272.92;F224
  • 【被引频次】26
  • 【下载频次】2631
  • 攻读期成果

