

A Study on Husserl’s Late Genetic Phenomenology

【作者】 栾林

【导师】 王振林;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 外国哲学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文以胡塞尔后期发生现象学为研究课题。1921年胡塞尔在《被动综合分析》(胡塞尔全集第11卷)中正式提出了一种与之前静态现象学不同的新现象学形式——发生现象学,至此胡塞尔开始思考发生现象学问题,并转向使用发生现象学方法。本文的目的就在于深入到关于胡塞尔发生现象学的文本,梳理胡塞尔在发生现象学问题上的内在线索,逐步展现出胡塞尔后期发生现象学的产生原因、自身特点和发展过程,以及这种发生现象学方法对胡塞尔后期思想的作用和影响。全文共分为七章。第一章为绪论,引出本文所要论述的主题。学术界对胡塞尔思想划分具有不同标准,但根据《静态的与发生的现象学方法》这篇短文,胡塞尔依据前、后期构造方法的不同把现象学方法分为静态现象学和发生现象学,这就提供了一个研究胡塞尔思想发展的新角度。本文便从这种划分方式出发,重点研究胡塞尔后期所提出的发生现象学。第二章论述从静态现象学到发生现象学的过渡。胡塞尔在静态现象学中采用了“立义——立义内容”平行论分析模式,在这种分析模式中,胡塞尔使用的是共时性的平面分析,并有意地排除了历时性的纵向分析,由此,静态现象学被认为是缺乏时间维度的。而对时间维度的深入思考使胡塞尔转向发生现象学,在发生现象学中直观被理解为宽泛意义上的直观,这种直观具有视域的特征。鉴于意向性的这种特点,胡塞尔在发生现象学中抛弃了“立义——立义内容”平行论的分析模式,开始使用“统觉”这种历时性的纵向分析模式。第三章论述发生现象学的被动构成阶段。被动构成在胡塞尔那里意味着在意向活动之前的一种原本的构成,或者说,是在我思、我的主动思维活动之前的一种被动构成。在被动性领域中自我是不起任何作用的阶段,这时主体还没有进行任何对象化活动,知觉的被动性是自我之所以能主动朝向对象,主动把握对象的前提条件,并且被动构成为主动认知过程提供了前提和保障。第四章论述联想和触发。联想是被动发生的原则,这种联想能在自我未参与的情况下把被动性领域中的感觉材料形成一个统一的对象。但这还没有达到自我参与的主动构成阶段,这个统一的对象要想进入主动构成阶段,还需要一个契机或动因,胡塞尔称这种使我开始朝向对象的动因为“触发”。可以说,触发是由被动构成过渡到主动构成的直接原因,正是触发使这种过渡成为可能。第五章论述发生现象学的主动构成阶段。主动构成是建立在被动构成之上的阶段,与被动构成中自我不参与到认识活动不同,主动构成中自我会主动参与到认识活动中。知觉的“主动性”表现在对一个对象的积极主动的“观看”,胡塞尔把主动性观察分为“素朴的把握和观察”、“摆明性的观察”、“关系性的观察”三个阶段,由此,自我可以达到对知识的占有。曾经和持久占有的东西保留在我的意识中,成为自我的一种积淀,这种积淀被保留在意识中,这种积淀可以通过回忆或其他方式重新回到直观之中。如果按照这种意义增值和意义积淀的方式进行下去,胡塞尔对自我的理解也会从纯粹自我发展到具有习性的单子式自我。第六章论述发生现象学与交互主体性。内时间意识所具有的发生性质是唯我论向交互主体性转变的一个契机,由此,胡塞尔首先悬搁出本己性领域,并从本己性领域出发,运用了造对、共现、原始的设立这些具有发生性质的概念最终建立起交互主体性领域。第七章论述发生现象学与观念的历史。胡塞尔认为对意识发生现象学的研究必将导致对发生现象学历史维度的思考,这种历史是一种具有内在意义结构的历史,它具有其先天的结构。正由于历史具有它自身的结构,而这种结构就决定历史具有向其起源回溯的可能性,对原初意义的追溯最终必将达到这样一种不能再还原的领域,即生活世界,科学和其他历史文化都必须建立在生活世界之上,只有在对生活世界正确理解的基础上,才能使对科学的正确理解成为可能。由此可见,胡塞尔在后期转向使用发生现象学,他不仅在意向性领域使用了发生现象学的分析方法,而且在交互主体性和历史维度上也都使用了发生现象学的分析方法,发生现象学方法成为胡塞尔后期使用的主要方法。

【Abstract】 This article is a study on Husserl’s late genetic phenomenology. Husserl raises genetic phenomenology which is different from static phenomenology in Analysen zur passiven Synthesis of 1921. Husserl starts to think about genetic phenomenology, and turns to use the method of genetic phenomenology. The purpose of this article is to find the clue of genetic phenomenology by Husserl’s text, show its causes and feature, and phenomenology’s method affects Husserl’s late thoughtThe article is divided into seven chapters.The first chapter is the introduction, leading the theme of this article. The divide of Husserl’s thought has different standards. According to Static and Genetic phenomenology method, which divide Husserl’s thought into static and genetic phenomenology, this is a new perspective to study on Husserl’thought. This article is a study on Husserl’s late genetic phenomenology from this point.The second chapter discusses the transition from static to genetic phenomenology. In static phenomenology, Husserl uses analysis model of "Auffassungsinhalt-Auffassung", excluding the investigation of time dimension. Husserl turns to genetic phenomenology because of thinking about time dimension. In genetic phenom-enology, intuition has the feature of horizon, and Husserl starts to use longitudinal analysis model of apprehension instead of "Auffassungsinhalt-Auffassung".The third chapter discusses passive constitution of genetic phenomenology. Passive constitution is before active thinking activities. Ich has no effect in passive constitution, passive constitution is the reason of ich toward the object. Passive constitution is the premise of active constitution.The fourth chapter discusses association and affecting. Association is a passive synthesize in perception of passive, which senses form object unity, but it is not the stage of active constitution. We need make further investigation about how object unity which is formed by association attracts me, and made me pay attention to it. It needs an opportunity. Husserl calls this opportunity affecting which is the direct cause of the transition from passive constitution to active constitution. Affecting mades this transition possible.The fifth chapter discusses the active constitution of genetic phenomenology. Perception of the "initiative" manifests in the active "watch". Husserl divides Initiative observation into"Simple apprehension and simple contemplation", "The activity of explicative contemplation and the explicative synthesis ", "relational contemplation" three stages. Thus, we can reach the possession of the knowledge. Knowledge remain in my consciousness, this accumulation can be recalled or otherwise back to intuition, if proceed in accordance with this sense. Husserl will change from purely ich to monad ich which has habit.The sixth chapter discusses the relationship between intersubjectivivity and genetic phenomenology. The character of genetic phenomenology of Internal time consciousness mades inter subjectivity possible. Thus, Husserl Identify Primordial-sphare. From Primordialsphare beginning, Husserl uses Paarung, Apprasentation and original establishment which have genetic character to establish inter subjectivity.The seventh chapter discusses the relationship between genetic phenomenology and the history of ideas. Husserl thinks that the study on genetic phenomenology about consiousness must lead to study on genetic phenomenology about history of ideas. History has a structure of the inner meaning, thus, it is possible to trace back to the origin. Eventually we will reach such a field which can not be reducd. It is the life world. The life world is the basis of the scientific world and culture. The correct understanding of science is basis on the correct understanding of the life world.Thus, Husserl turnes to use genetic phenomenology in his late years. He use the method of genetic phenomenology not only in the field of intentionality but also in intersubjectivivity and history of ideas. The method of genetic phenomenology is the main method used by the Husserl in his late years.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期

