

Council Elections at Three Provinces in Notrheast China in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic of China

【作者】 吕雪飞

【导师】 刘会军;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 历史学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 清末,历时两千余年的封建经济逐渐趋向解体,动摇着以此为基础的专制君主政体;伴随着资本主义经济的侵入,为中国人闻所未闻的包括民主、共和、议会这类与资本主义政治文化相应的政治制度知识,被介绍到中国来。从此西方资产阶级议会民主制,成为中国资产阶级追求的政治目标,中国政体的转轨变型,开始了艰难的起步。19世纪40年代议会选举制传入中国,逐渐被中国上层政治精英认识并接受。无论是洋务派中少数人的赞扬和关注,还是早期改良派和维新派的极力追捧,都预示着选举制度在中国晚清的政治实践即将开始。上层政治精英对西方议会选举制度的探索为中国实施选举提供思想支持,晚清政局和社会状况为议会选举制度在中国的实践提供了必要条件。1911年资产阶级革命派领导的辛亥革命推翻了两千多年的封建专制统治,建立民主共和国——中华民国,中国经过了民主大革命的洗礼,资产阶级革命派取代了封建君主成为中国政坛的主流力量,所以中国是否应该实行民主制度已经不是讨论的重点,问题的关键在于中国如何实现民主。代议制政体是革命派为新建立的中华民国选择的最好道路,清末民初的统治者希望用代议制达到各自的政治目的,在这样的历史背景之下,东北三省与全国其他各省一样拉开了代议制选举的序幕。长久以来虽然没有对于清末民初东北三省议员选举的研究专著问世,但是有关这方面的论文还是有的,这说明一直以来都有人关注清末民初东北三省的民主进程。这些成果有助于我们对近代中国政治变迁进一步深入研究,但是单从东北三省近代政治制度特别是选举制度研究方面看,仍存在许多值得探讨的地方。首先,上述的研究成果绝大部分是在研究清末民初政治及其他问题的时候,附带提及了对东北三省选举情况,此类成果因侧重点不尽相同,对东三省选举制度的论述不够系统或仅点到为止,只有刘会军、吕雪飞的文章对奉天省第一届国会的选举情况进行了具体考察论述,尚没有文章或著作对东北三省的选举制度进行全方位的研究。其次,研究方法比较单一,除少数文章外,绝大多数仍采用传统的历史学研究方法,缺少对比较史学、计量史学、人类学、社会学、民族学等相关研究方法的运用。再次,史料陈旧是清末民初东三省选举研究的一个难题,以往对与这方面的研究限于当时、当地的报纸和《辛亥革命资料汇编》等常见的文献史料,大量的县志、档案、奏折、外文资料和口述史料没有被很好的利用。总之,目前学界关于清末民初东北三省宪政选举过程的研究仍然十分薄弱,多为一些零散的研究,到目前为止还没有一部系统的专著问世,所以为笔者的研究留下较大的探索空间。在绪论部分主要介绍了论文选题的缘起以及当前国内外相关研究现状,并且阐述论文研究主旨与意义、论文研究参考的理论和运用的方法等问题,叙述论文研究的空间、时间范围与研究对象的界定以及对论文的整体框架结构进行概括,最后是对论文研究资料的搜集与整理等问题进行说明。以上内容为后面论文的全面展开做好学术铺垫。清末东北三省咨议局、资政院议员选举是论文的主体之一。这部分首先从清末资政院、咨议局议员选举的社会背景入手,阐述了清末议会制选举思想在中国的传播和发展,清末政局与实施议会制选举的关系,清末东北三省议会制选举的历史条件,然后分析了资政院、咨议局议员选举法制定过程、内容及特点。对于东北三省咨议局、资政院议员选举过程以及对清末东北三省咨议局、资政院议员选举述评作为重点论述了以下内容:选举前的准备、选举过程及结果、选举的经验与不足、选举中社会团体与个人的作用、议员的特点。民国初年东北三省国会、省议会议员选举是论文的另外一个重点。首先从民国初年国会、省议会议员选举的历史条件及选举法令入手,阐述了民初政局既资产阶级革命派民主思想在东北三省的传播及国会、省议会议员选举法令分析。然后进入第三部分的主体东北三省省议会、国会议员选举过程及对其进行评析。主要是六个大问题:选前准备、选举过程及结果、民初选举的先进性、选举中的问题、选举中的政党、议员的特点。本文旨在以东北三省议会制度选举作为研究对象,进行全面系统地研究,对该时期东北三省议会选举制度实行的社会历史条件、选举机构的设置、选民状况、选举制度的具体运行状况和选举结果进行具体的考察,从而分析和论述其特点,从而通过对一个地域的选举制度的研究来折射当时中国选举制度的情况,丰富中国选举制度的研究成果,从一个侧面推进中国近代政治制度史、中国近代政治史的研究。本文的主要观点是,清末民初议会制选举是中国处于社会转型时期的产物,具体来说是中国的社会及政治结构发生变化、全国及东北三省政治形式、传统模式向现代政治模式裂变、中西政治文化交汇等多方面原因共同作用下的结果。东北三省清末民初代议制选举有着鲜明的地方特色,是社会大转型之下,建立与之相适应的社会政治关系的必要组成部分,是适应当时社会发展需要的政治实践活动,为后人积累了政治经验、提供了借鉴。

【Abstract】 China started from a feudal society into a semi-colonial, semi-feudal society.Lasted more than two thousand years of feudal economy gradually disintegrate,shaking on the basis of the autocratic monarchy; accompanying capitalist economicinvasion, as the Chinese have never even heard of it include democracy, Republic,Parliament this category with capitalist political culture corresponding politicalknowledge, was introduced to china. From the western bourgeois democracy, tobecome China’s bourgeois pursuit of political goals. The Chinese governmenttransformation, began the hard start. Eighteen forties parliamentary electoral systemwas introduced to China, has been the recognition and acceptance of China politicalelite. Either the Westernization of minority in praise and attention, or early reformistsand reformists and highly sought after, adumbrative parliamentary electoral system inthe late Qing Dynasty of China ’s political practice is about to begin. The political eliteon the Western parliamentary electoral system exploration for China to implementelectoral support to provide ideological, political and social conditions in the late QingDynasty as the parliamentary electoral system practice in China to provide thenecessary conditions. The 1911 bourgeois revolution faction led the revolution of 1911overthrew the feudal autocratic rule of two thousand years, the establishment of aDemocratic Republic -- the Republic of china. After the Chinese democratic revolution,the bourgeois revolution faction replaced feudal monarchy to become China’s politicalmainstream force, so China should implement democracy had not discussed, the keyproblem is how to achieve democracy in china. Representative government wasrevolutionary for new and established the Republic of China to choose the best path.At the end of the Qing Dynasty rulers hope for the representative to the respective political purpose, under such a historical background, three provinces in NortheastChina and the other provinces like opened representative election.For a long time although not for Northeast China in late Qing Dynasty and earlyRepublic Senate election research monograph come out, but this aspect thesis or some.This shows that there have been people in Northeast China in late Qing Dynasty andearly Republic Democratic process. These results are helpful for us to further study thepolitical changes in modern China, but from the three provinces in Northeast Chinapolitical system in modern times especially on the electoral system aspect, there arestill many places worth exploring. First of all, the research results are mostly in thestudy of late Qing Dynasty politics and other issues, incidental mention in the threenortheastern provinces of the election results, such as vary, to the electoral system notonly discusses the system or to date, only Liu Huijun, Lv Xuefei ’s essay on the firstCongress of Fengtian Province the election was a concrete investigation on, there is noarticles or books in the three northeastern provinces of the electoral system to carry outa full range of study. Secondly, single research approach, with the exception of a fewarticles, most are still using the traditional historical research methods, lack ofcomparative history, anthropology, sociology, quantitative history, ethnology andrelated research methods. Once again, the historical old is the late Qing Dynasty theNortheast electoral studies a problem, previous to this study was limited to, localnewspapers and" the revolution of 1911 data assembly" and other common historicalliterature, many records, files, memorials, foreign materials and oral history has notbeen very good use. In short, at present academia about the end of the Qing Dynastynortheast 3 provinces constitutional election process research is still very weak, manyscattered research, so far there is no systematic monograph come out, so the authorstudies left a larger search space.In the introduction part mainly introduced the research origin and the currentdomestic and foreign research related to the status quo. The paper explains the researchpurpose and significance and reference; study the theory and application of themethods of problem. Narrative research space, time limits and the definition of research object and the overall framework of the structure are summarized. Finally theresearch data collection and collation of description. The above content behind thepaper spread out in the round to academic groundwork. The Northeast ConferenceBoard, the Advisory Council of Representatives electoral is the main thesis of. Thefirst part from the Advisory Council, consultative council members elected the socialbackground of the parliamentary election thought wrote its spread and development inChina; the political situation and the implementation of parliamentary elections; thethree provinces in Northeast China parliamentary election history condition. Thenanalyzed the Advisory Council, consultative council members election law formulationprocess, content and features. To the Northeast Conference Board, advisory councilcouncilman election process as well as on the Northeast Conference Board, advisorycouncil election of members as key wrote about content : before the election toelection; election process and result; the experience and deficiency of social groupsand individuals; the election of MR characteristics. In the early Republic of China,Northeast China Congress, Provincial Parliament elections is the another key. Firstfrom the Republican Congress, members of the provincial council elections historicalconditions and the elections act with the Bureau wrote both bourgeois revolutionarydemocratic thought in the three northeastern provinces spread; Congress, members ofthe provincial council election law analysis. Then enters the third portion of the mainbody of northeast 3 provinces provincial parliament, parliamentary election processand evaluates it. Mainly six big problems: the selection of preparation; the electionprocess and result of the election; the advanced nature; election; election of politicalparties; Mr characteristics.This article aims to northeast 3 provinces parliamentary election as the researchobject, to conduct a comprehensive systematic study, the period of three provinces inNortheast China parliamentary electoral system implementation of the social andhistorical conditions, institutional settings, voters in election, electoral systemoperation status and the election results were specific investigation, to analyze anddiscuss its characteristic, which based on the a regional election system of refraction when China modern electoral system, electoral system of Chinese rich research results,from one side to advance political system in modern China, political history of modernChina studies. The main point of this paper is the parliamentary elections at the end ofthe Qing Dynasty, China is in the period of social transformation products, specificallyto Chinese social and political structure change, the three northeast provinces andpolitical form, the traditional mode to modern political mode fission, Chinese andWestern political culture etc the results under the interaction between. Northeast 3provinces in late Qing and early Republican Representative elections have distinctivelocal characteristics, is the social transition, the establishment of corresponding socialand political relations necessary part, is to adapt to the need of social development inthe political practice. Later gained political experience, provide a reference.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期

