

The Mass Mobilization Policy and the Transforming of Kuomintang (1924-1927)

【作者】 徐晓飞

【导师】 刘会军;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国近现代史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 国民革命期间,国民党的民众政策经历了一个由动员民众到压制民众的转变过程。对于国民党在民众动员政策之下民众动员工作的考察,可以揭示出国民党民众动员政策转变的轨迹,并由此来探究这一转变形成的深刻根源。在外部条件变化与内部压力的双重影响之下,以孙中山为首的国民党人认识到民众中蕴含的巨大力量及动员民众参加国民革命的重要性,在一大时确立了以扶助农工为重心的民众动员政策,对国民党来说,制订动员民众的政策标志着国民党逐步成为群众型政党。国民党制定民众动员政策以后,首先在广东广泛开展相关的动员工作,尤其注重在农民与工人中的组织动员,并取得了很好的动员效果。国民党在广东动员民众的过程中,已出现了大量的阶级利益冲突与斗争,这些阶级斗争问题,都是国民党极力避免的,只是此时这一问题尚在国民党的容忍范围之内,因而国民党对民众动员仍持支持态度。国民党在广东的民众动员,使广东的国民革命中心地位得以形成和巩固,为国民党进一步开展以北伐为主要内容的国民革命运动打下坚实基础。同时,国民党在北方积极开展民众动员工作。关税会议期间,国民党明确主张废除不平等条约,召开国民会议,并以此为号召,一方面发表宣言通电派出外交代表团进行宣传鼓动,另一方面进行党团运作,领导民众团体发起集会游行,取得了很好的动员效果。国民党在北方进行的民众动员,是整个国民党动员民众的一部分,也是国民党作为一个革命政党,将国民革命进程不断推向前进的有力途径,随着国民党在北方影响力的扩大,国民革命深入人心,南北呼应的国民革命形势由此形成。北伐开始以后,国民党调整其民众动员政策,逐渐呈现出左右两种趋势。广东作为革命后方与根据地,国民党强调其政治稳定,以保障对北伐军事行动的各项支持,其民众动员政策向右收缩。与之相对应的是,武汉时期随着北伐军事行动的推进,国民党的民众动员政策也渐趋左倾。国民革命军北伐的胜利进军,使国民党获得了深入推进其民众动员政策的合法政治环境,这些地区的民众运动,也得到了进一步发展。民众运动的深入发展也暴露出许多问题,国民党在应对这些问题的过程中,也在不断的调整其相关动员政策。而民众运动与相关即得利益集团的矛盾发展,最终使国民党陷入了两难的境地。对打倒土豪劣绅口号下的湖南农民运动以及武汉店员工会的考察可以发现,武汉时期民众运动深入发展的同时,民众运动与相关即得利益集团的矛盾也逐步激化。一方面民众的革命性进一步提高,另一方面,则是相关即得利益集团的顽强反抗,双方的矛盾发展影响着国民党民众动员政策调整的方向。四·一二与七·一五政变的发生,是国民党民众政策全面转向的标志,国民党由动员民众转而压制民众运动,甚至不惜镇压民众。国民党民众政策的转变,有着一定的过程,其中蒋介石个人对民众动员的态度变化颇具代表性。蒋介石由早年的支持民众动员,肯定民众动员在国民革命中的重要性,转而压制民众摧残民众团体,其原因是多方面的,而其中最关键的则是,蒋介石根本立场发生了变化。国民党由动员民众而压制民众,其终极原因仍在于国民党根本立场的变化。国民革命中出现的即得利益集团,与民众利益相冲突,国民党转而站在即得利益集团立场上,对民众运动进行压制。对国民革命时期国民党的民众动员政策及其转变进行评析,离不开特定的几个方面。包括民众动员与国民革命、民众动员与三民主义、民众动员中国民党的发展壮大与不足、国共合作下的民众动员以及社会历史视角下的国民党民众动员几个方面。总的来说,国民革命时期,国民党确立民众动员政策有其必然性与必要性,也是其能否取得革命胜利的关键性因素。而对于四·一二与七·一五后国民党民众动员政策的全面转变,则应从国民党根本立场的转变来探究其根源。国民党动员民众、依靠民众的力量获得了国民革命的胜利,并迅速建立了有效的统治,但在其压制甚至镇压民众的同时也就决定了它势将成为民众下一步革命的对象,因此,它在压制、镇压民众的同时,也就是在培育推翻自身统治的力量。

【Abstract】 During the National Revolution, mass policy of Kuomintang experienced a process of transform from mobilizing to suppressing. Observing the mobilization work did by Kuomintang, the orbit of transforming can be revealed, and move a further step to explore the deep roots of the transform.Under the double impact of the external conditions change and the internal pressure, Kuomintang led by Sun Yat-sen had realized the tremendous strength in the people and the importance of mobilizing the mass to participate in the National Revolution. The policy of mobilizing the mass was established in the first national congress of Kuomintang. For Kuomintang, formulating policies to mobilize the mass indicated that Kuomintang had gradually become the party of the masses.The extensive mobilization wad first launched in Guangdong Province, with particular emphasis on organizing and mobilizing farmers and workers, and achieved good effects. At that time, a lot of class conflict and struggle had appeared. These class struggle issues were strongly avoided by Kuomintang, only as it is still within the tolerance range of Kuomintang at that time, Kuomintang still supported the policy of mobilizing the mass. The mobilization effects made Guangdong Province to be the center of the National Revolution, and laid a solid foundation to advance the National Revolution for Kuomintang.At the same time, Kuomintang actively launched the mass mobilization in the northern area. Kuomintang advocated clearly that the unequal treaties be cancelled and convene the national conference. Kuomintang spread this appoint in different ways such as declarations, correspondences and sending a diplomatic mission, in the same time, Kuomintang operated the organized system of the party and league, to control and lead the mass leagues in Beijing to assemble the masses and demonstrate to the government. These actions achieved some good results. As one part of the whole mass mobilization, this is also the important way for Kuomintang to launch the process of the national Revolution to the northern area. And as revolutionary party, Kuomintang expanded the influence in the northern area, the idea of National Revolution deeply rooted in the mass, formed the situation that the south and north connected together to launch the National Revolution.After the Northern Expedition, Kuomintang adjusted the mass mobilization policy, gradually showing two trends. As the revolutionary rear and base, Kuomintang pulled back the mass mobilization policy in Guangdong Province to emphasize the political stability and guarantee the variety of support for the Northern Expedition. Corresponding to this, with the development of military action in Northern Expedition, Kuomintang pushed the mass mobilization policy to the leftist radical during the Wuhan period.Due to the victory march of the Northern Expedition, the legitimate policy environment was provided to further promote the policy of mass mobilization for Kuomintang. The mass movement in these areas has been further developed, and a lot of issues were exposed. In the process to deal with these issues, Kuomintang constantly adjusted its mobilization policy. Because of the development of the contradictions between the mass movement and the related benefits group, Kuomintang finally fell into the dilemma. Observing the farmer movement in Hunan Province which was developed with the slogan of defeating the tyrants and evil gentry, and the labor union of store employees in Wuhan, it was found that the contradictions between the mass movement and the related benefits group gradually intensified. On the one hand, the revolutionary of the mass increased, on the other hand, the related benefits group tenacious resisted, the contradictions affected the direction of Kuomintang mass mobilization policy adjustments.The coup on April12th and July15th, was the sign of the mass policy of Kuomintang overall shifted. Kuomintang turned mobilizing to suppressing the mass, even crackdown the mass. This transforming was a process, and Chiang Kai-shek’s personal attitude change of the mass mobilization can be fairly representative. He supported the mass mobilization in the early years, confirmed the importance of the mass movement in the National Revolution, turned to suppress the mass and destroy the groups. The key was his fundamental position had changed. The transforming of Kuomintang was based on the change of fundamental position. The benefits groups conflicted with interests of the mass, Kuomintang took the position of the benefits groups, and suppressed the mass movement.To comment the mass mobilization policy and the transforming of Kuomintang during the National Revolution, several specific aspects should be concerned, including mass mobilization and National Revolution, mass mobilization and the three doctrines of proposed by Sun Yat-sen, the development and deficiency of Kuomintang, the cooperation of Kuomintang and the Communist Party, the social and historical perspectives. Generally speaking, during the National Revolution, there was inevitability and necessity for Kuomintang to establish the mass mobilization policy, and this is the critical factor to obtain the victory of the revolution. And speaking of the comprehensive transformation of Kuomintang, the fundamental position should be the point to explore the roots. Kuomintang obtained the victory of National Revolution by mobilizing the mass and relying on the strength of the mass, and established the effective rule rapidly. While suppressing the mass, Kuomintang had set itself as the next revolution object. Therefore, it was actually cultivated the strength to overthrow the rule of Kuomintang, while suppressing the mass.

【关键词】 国民党民众动员转变
【Key words】 Kuomintangthe mass mobilizationtransform
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

