

The Study on the Rites of Sacrifice in Jin Dynasty

【作者】 徐洁

【导师】 赵永春;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 专门史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 金朝雄踞北方百二十年,继承了中原王朝的礼制文化,形成了具有本朝特色的礼制体系,与南宋共同发展着中华礼仪文明。祭礼在王朝礼制中所占分量最重,而金代祭礼几乎是无人拓荒的学术领域,本人以此为研究对象,在具体研究中以祭礼中最重要的郊、宗庙、社稷、孔庙等几项进行重点考察,并结合金代祭礼的特点,将女真旧有的礼俗纳入本文的研究范畴。本文除绪论之外,分六大部分:一、阐述金代祭礼建设及演变过程,指出金代祭礼经历了金前期的初创、金中期的发展及金后期的衰落三个阶段;明确了其中的关键阶段和重要事件,全面展示了金代祭礼演化的概貌。二、在祭天礼部分,对金代极具民族特色的俗与礼接合的祭天方式进行考察,将金代女真传统的朝日、拜天与汉化的郊天三种祭天礼纳入一个祭祀体系,进行探索性研究,纠正了有些学者关于金代“没有采纳汉族的祭天礼”的错误认识,指出金代不仅继承了华夏的祭天礼,而且在重要仪节上,往往比唐宋等朝代更加注重直承古礼,这是金代祭天礼的一个显著特点。三、在祭地礼部分,主要考察方丘祭皇地祇、社稷祭礼和山林川泽之祭,纠正了目前某些学者认为金代未设北郊方丘祭地礼的错误认识,考清金代有很规范的北郊礼;在学界已有成果基础上,又发现并纠正了《大金集礼》中的几处史料错误;另外,笔者对金代长白山祭礼进行了专门考述,得出金代长白山祭礼规格隆于五岳的结论。四、在皇家宗庙祭礼部分,对史乏详载的金代庙制进行具体考辨、解读,提出整个金代基本实行“七庙”礼制名义下的“七世之庙”的观点,并指出金代帝王对中原礼制不是全部照搬,而是根据本朝实际需要“缘情制礼”,太庙制度也曾出现过八世十二室的局面;明确了金代太庙、原庙的制度渊源及二者的区别,并对金代原庙制度进行了具体考实,认为金代“原庙”有别于“太庙”,原庙是太庙之外的另一种皇家祭祖的宗庙体系,与太庙共同构成金王朝的祭祖系统,二者在皇帝倡导孝治天下的政治文化中,发挥着重要作用。五、对金朝先代帝王庙、武成王庙及孔庙祭礼,尤其孔庙祭礼进行重点考察,认为金朝在相对落后的北方推行尊孔祭孔礼,实施礼义教化,不仅有利于建立理想化的礼制秩序,而且还加速了“蛮夷之地”各族人的文明进程。六、阐述金代祭礼的管理与功效,考察礼部与太常寺这两个祭礼的专门管理机构的职能,同时对礼官的选任情况加以简介;从祭礼的制度观念和行动实践两个层面揭示其实际功效;阐述金朝统治者为强化君臣等威,实施民众教化,对违礼者采取的惩戒措施。总之,本文通过追溯金代各种祭礼的思想渊源,梳理其沿革损益,解读其实践功效,探究其精神内涵,力图使读者对金代祭礼形成较为全面的认识,这不仅有利于深入了解金代祭礼的演化过程及全面认识金代社会,还有助于从祭礼的视阈来审视我国北方地区文明发展的历史。

【Abstract】 Occupied the north areas of China for nearly 200 years, the Jin dynasty not alsoinherited the central plains dynasty’s rites of sacrifice but also formed its unique ritualsystem, which together with the Southern Song Dynasty developed Chinese rites. Upto the present, scholars paid little attention to the rites of Jin dynasty, however, it is notexaggerate to say that the rites of Sacrifice take an important part in the rites of adynasty. As for this, the thesis would give a comprehensive investigation to the rites ofsacrifice in Jin dynasty, in this research, it would focus on the rites of suburb, thetemples of ancestors, the temple of god and land, the temple of Confucius and so on.Moreover it would take the characters of rites of sacrifice in Jin dynasty intoconsideration and bring the traditional rites of Jurchen(女真)discussion.Besides the introduction, the thesis mainly divided into six chapters. The firstchapter clarifies the course of rites’evolution and its development in Jin dynasty, thiscourse consists of three stages, the initial stage is in the earlier days of Jin dynasty, thedevelopment stage is in the middle age of Jin dynasty and the last days of Jin dynastycontributed to its decline. Furthermore, it gives an overall evolution of rites of sacrificein Jin dynasty and points out the crucial stages and key events.The second chapter discusses the rites of sacrifice to the god. On the ethicaldistinguishing feature extremely popular and engaging manner of worship ceremony,the Jin Dynasty Jurchen traditional Asahi, worship days and Chinese rural day threeworship ceremony into a sacrificial system, research, corrected some scholars on the"did not adopt the Han worship ritual" wrong understanding, pointed out the JinDynasty not only inherited the Chinese worship ceremony, but also in the main section,often in Tang and Song Dynasty more than straight bearing ceremony, this is thesacrificial ceremony of a notable feature.The third chapter basically confined to the study of sacrifice to the god ofimperial territory on the earth mound, the god of forest and mountain. Some scholarsbelieve that the corrected current without North of the city to the suburbs Hill offeringto ceremony wrong understanding, test the Qing Jin a standardized North of the city to the suburbs ceremony; in the academic circles have made on the basis of the results, hefound and corrected <Scroll of Rites in Jin Dynasty > in several historical error; inaddition, the author of the cult of Changbai Mountain special in the Jin Dynasty, theChangbai Mountain cult specifications long Five Sacred Mountains conclusion.The fourth chapter discusses the sacrifice of the imperial ancestral temple. In theroyal temple cult part of history, lack of details of the Jin Dynasty temple for specificresearch, analysis, put forward the basic implementation of the" seven temple is underthe name of" etiquette" Seven generations Temple" point of view, and points out thatthe emperor on the central ritual not all copy, but according to the actual needs of"feelings towards make a gift", the Imperial Ancestral Temple system has alsoappeared in Eight generations The twelve rooms(八世十二室); clear the originalTemple, the system origin and the difference between the two, and the original templesystem for a specific test is, that the" Temple" is different from" ancestral Temple", theoriginal temple is a temple on the a royal ancestral temple system, and the ImperialAncestral Temple together constitute the Jin Dynasty sacrificial system, in twoemperor advocate Filial Doctrine in ruling the world political culture, plays animportant role in.The fifth chapter explains the sacrifice to the temple of parting emperors’, templeof king of military’s and especially discusses the sacrifice to the temple of Confucius.The author considers that it is very important for Jin Dynasty to carry out the policy ofConfucianism in the uncivilized region, it not only contributes to build the ideal ritessystem but also accelerates the development of north-China.The sixth chapter, in the first place, the author analyses the supervision and thefunction of rites of sacrifice, discusses the functions of Ministry of Rites and theofficial who controls ritual, moreover the author will give a brief introduction to theelection of officials who control ritual. In the second place, the author analyses theeffect of rites in systematic concept and concrete practice, narrates the emperors’policies on educating the common people as well as punishment to the convict in thecourse of strengthen his authority.To sums up, in order to make a full understand to the rites of sacrifice in Jindynasty, this thesis reviews the origins of ritual thoughts, summarizes its’benefits anddrawbacks, analyses its’actual effects, makes a thorough inquiry to its’spiritualessence. The author belief that the thesis would made a concise understand to theIV evolution of rites of sacrifice in Jin dynasty and give a comprehensive knowledgeabout the society in this period, what’s more, it would be helpful for us to investigatethe historical development of civilization in north-China in the field of rites ofsacrifice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期

