

The Research of Changchun Modern City Architecture Culture

【作者】 刘威

【导师】 赵英兰;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国近现代史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 长春是近代在中东铁路和南满铁路修建之后而兴起的城市。从十九世纪末期为防御马贼而出现的小城堡,到中东铁路时期的城镇,经历南满铁路时期的发展,在九一八事变后成为伪满洲国的首都,改名新京。长春在短短的几十年里迅速从一个小城镇发展到一个国际化的大都市。在长春发展的背后,除了铁路贸易的带动,更多日本扶植的傀儡政权伪满洲国的建设。长春在近代发展的时期,也是东北近代的重要时期,而建筑文化是反映这一时期城市发展的重要标志。本文以长春近代建筑文化为主线,研究在长春近代城市发展过程中,建筑文化的发展特点,引入了历史学、城市学、建筑学、规划学等多种研究方法,在梳理城市规划和建设过程史实的基础上,对近代长春的建筑文化进行较为系统和全面的分析,并从中发掘出建筑文化背后的殖民文化因素,通过对长春近代建筑文化的分析,进而来揭示沙俄、日本侵略中国的野心。近代铁路的出现,造就了长春这个城市的发展,铁路贸易的繁荣推动了城市的进步,傀儡政权的出现,促成了长春城市的蜕变。中东铁路的出现,带动了铁路沿线的城市发展。东北许多城市、城镇都是在中东铁路修建的过程中出现并发展起来的。长春在中东铁路修建的过程中,在宽城子铁路附属地出现了近代城镇的雏形,开始出现第一批近代建筑。日俄战争后,长春成为南满铁路、中东铁路的交汇点,日本重点建设南满铁路长春附属地,自行开埠后,长春地方政府也开辟了商埠地,在附属地和商埠地内出现了大批近代建筑,这些建筑不再拘泥于传统中式建筑,而是更多的融入了西方古典建筑和新艺术形式,长春地区初步形成了近代的城区并出现了近代建筑群。中东铁路的修建,使长春出现了第一个近代意义上的城区。在宽城子中东铁路附属地,俄国将近代的市政工程引入,进行了初步的规划,并修建了一批近代建筑。这些建筑不同于中国传统样式,更多的采用俄式建筑样式,和新艺术运动样式,建筑也更接近西方国家。沙俄修建中东铁路附属地的目的在于分割中国领土,修建与俄国相呼应的城镇,因此,这一时期的近代建筑还停留在照搬西方,特别是俄国本土,没有太多的改变,建筑材料也停留在传统的石材、木材上,没有广泛的使用近代建筑中普遍意义的钢筋、混凝土。日俄战争后,长春成为日本控制的南满铁路和沙俄控制的中东铁路的交汇点。为了扩大日本在华的地位,并取代俄国,日本重点修建南满铁路长春附属地。在长春附属地,满铁进行了大规模的规划和建设,这是长春出现的第一个近代意义的城区。在城区中,引入欧洲流行的的规划,并修建了大批的近代建筑。这些建筑在建筑样式、建筑材料和建筑工艺上,已经同近代接轨。附属地的建筑流露出近代文明的样式,西方古典建筑样式、新艺术形式和巴洛克艺术被广泛的应用于建筑中,钢筋、混凝土的使用使建筑的样式更加丰富,建筑更为经久耐用。这时的附属地建筑,是日本在近代化过程中,融合了日本文化和西方文化的折衷,通过附属地的建筑,将日本文化融入到其中,将附属地与传统的中国城区隔离开。自行开埠后的长春在铁路附属地的冲击下,旧城不断衰落,为了应对变化,长春修建了商埠地。受到附属地的影响,长春商埠地采用了部分近代化的规划,修建了一批近代建筑,但这一时期的近代建筑,只是模仿西方近代建筑的外形,修建成中西杂糅的建筑,外来建筑文化已经开始融入到长春建筑文化中。日本发动九一八事变占领东北之后,为了掩盖其侵略的本质,扶植了傀儡政权伪满洲国,并对伪满洲国进行大规模的建设,试图掩盖其侵略的真相。将长春定为伪都,改名新京。定都之后即对长春进行规划和建设,并制定了《大新京都市计划》,通过几个阶段的建设,把长春建设成为国际化的大都市,用以掩盖傀儡政权伪满洲国的本质。在建设的过程中,长春出现了大批的近代建筑,这些建筑一改传统中国建筑的样式,在建筑中大量的融入了日本建筑文化,出现了西方建筑样式和日本建筑样相融合的和洋式建筑,以日本建筑文化融合中华传统建筑文化的满洲式建筑,这些带有亲日特征的建筑样式被广泛应用到伪满洲国的官厅建筑、公用建筑和民用建筑中。日本在伪满洲国的建筑中采用了日本传统的建筑样式,或是添加近代建筑特征,用以彰显日本在伪满洲国的特殊地位。在长春规划和建设的过程中,日本将殖民文化强行的融入到长春的近代建筑中,使出现的近代建筑流露出浓重的日本文化特点,并严格的控制建筑材料,特别是建筑材料中的战略物资。日本一方面建设伪满洲国,妄图永久占领东北,一方面又大肆掠夺资源,维系其侵略战争。从长春开始的伪满洲国城市建设,先后扩展到奉天、哈尔滨、大连等伪满洲国其他城市,根据不同的城市特点,日本对其建设因城而异。通过对建筑文化的分析,不仅可以看出近代长春乃至整个伪满洲国的建筑文化变化,更能看到背后日本对东北地区的资源掠夺和长期占领东北的目的。

【Abstract】 Changchun is the modern cities and the rise of the Chinese Eastern Railway andSouth Manchurian railway construction. Castle, appears from the late nineteenthcentury as a defensive Horse Thief to the railway during the town in the Middle East,through the South Manchurian Railway and the large intersection with the ChineseEastern Railway, until Japan to foster in the September 18 Incident, the puppetManchukuo capital Changchun,renamed the New Beijing, Changchun, in a shortperiod of decades from a small town quickly developed into an internationalmetropolis. Behind the development of Changchun, in addition to the railway tradedriven, more Japan foster the development of the Changchun modern city is also thenortheast of the results of the Japanese invasion.Changchun in the modern period of development, but also an important period ofthe Northeast Modern architectural culture is an important symbol to reflect this periodof urban development. In this paper, the main line of the Changchun modernarchitectural culture research in the the Changchun modern urban development process,the characteristics of the development of architectural culture, the introduction of thehistory, urban studies, architecture, planning a variety of research methods, combingthe city planning and construction process on the basis of historical facts, a moresystematic and comprehensive analysis of the modern architectural culture inChangchun from which to explore behind the architectural culture of the colonialcultural factors, Changchun modern architectural culture to reveal the tsarist Russia,Japan invaded China’s ambition.The emergence of the modern railway, creating a development of the city ofChangchun, the prosperity of the railway trade to promote the progress of the city,special historical events contributed to the transformation of the city of Changchun. All this makes Changchun be became important to the northeast of the city. The emergenceof the railways in the Middle East, driven urban development along the railwayline. Northeast cities, towns are in the process of railway construction in the MiddleEast and developed.Changchun in the process of railway construction in the MiddleEast, in the the Kuan child Railway subsidiary to appear prototype of the modern town,began the first batch of modern buildings. After the Russo-Japanese War, Changchunbecame the South Manchurian Railway, the railway node in the Middle East, Japan’sfocus on building the South Manchuria Railway subsidiary Changchun to own earlyyears, Changchun local government also opened up a commercial port to thesubsidiary to and within the commercial port to a large number of modern construction,these buildings are no longer adhere to the traditional Chinese architecture, but moreintegrated into the Western classical architecture and a new art form, the Changchunregion the initial formation of the modern city and the modern buildings.Railway construction in the Middle East, Changchun appeared in a modern senseof the city. Kuan sub-subsidiary of railway land in the Middle East, Russia will be theintroduction of modern municipal engineering, carried out the initial planning and theconstruction of a number of modern buildings. These buildings is different from thetraditional Chinese style, more Russian architectural style, and the Gothic and the newart form, the building is also closer to the Western countries. Tsarist Russia built theChinese Eastern Railway subsidiary aimed to split China’s territory, the construction ofthe town echoes with Russia relative to modern building of this period still remain inthe copy the Western, especially Russia native, there is not much change, buildingmaterials stay on the traditional stone, wood, extensive use of modern building in theuniversal significance of the reinforced concrete.After the Russo-Japanese War, Changchun has become the Japanese-controlledSouth Manchurian Railway and the control of tsarist Russia in the Middle East railwaynode. In order to expand in China, Japan, and replaced by Russia, and Japan focus on the construction of the South Manchuria Railway Changchun dependent. Subsidiary inChangchun, the South Manchuria Railway Company, a large-scale planning andconstruction, Changchun appeared first in the modern sense of the city. In urban areas,the introduction of the popular European planning and the construction of a largenumber of modern buildings. These buildings in the architectural style, buildingmaterials and construction techniques with modern standards. Subsidiary to thebuilding showing the style of modern civilization, Western classical architectural style,a new form of art and Baroque art in the construction of a wide range of applications,the use of steel, concrete style of the building richer, more durable construction. Thesubsidiary to construction, is in the process of modernization, the integration of thecompromise of the Japanese culture and Western culture, through the construction ofthe subsidiary to the Japanese culture into the traditional Chinese city which will besubsidiary to isolate.Own after opening Changchun subsidiary of the impact of railway, the old citycontinue to decline, in order to cope with change, Changchun construction of acommercial port to. By subsidiaries of the impact of Changchun commercial port touse part of the modernization plan, the construction of a number of modern building,but this period of modern architecture, but to imitate the shape of the modern Westernbuilding, built into the construction of Chinese and Western hybridity, foreignarchitectural culture has begun into the in Changchun building culture.After Japan launched the Mukden Incident occupied the northeast, in order toconceal the nature of their aggression, and propped up the puppet Manchukuo puppetregime, and the puppet Manchukuo large-scale construction, trying to cover up thetruth of its aggression.Changchun pseudo are renamed to the newBeijing. Catharanthus its capital planning and construction, Daxin Beijing UrbanPlanning and develop through several stages of construction, Changchun become aninternational metropolis, used to cover up the truth of the puppet Manchukuo puppet regime. In the process of building, Changchun large number of modern buildings,these buildings have changed the traditional Chinese architectural style, the integrationof Japanese architecture and culture in the building, the integration of Westernarchitectural styles and Japanese architectural styles and Western-style and Manchuriatype fusion of traditional Chinese architectural culture, Japanese architecture andculture with the characteristics of pro-Japanese architectural style has been widelyapplied to the puppet Manchukuo the Guanting building, public buildings and civil,while the construction of the Japanese puppet Manchukuo used Japan’s traditionalarchitectural style, or add modern architectural features to highlight the special statusof the Japanese puppet Manchukuo.Changchun planning and construction process, the Japanese colonial cultureforced into the modern building in Changchun, the modern building showing strongJapanese cultural characteristics, and the strict control of building materials, especiallybuilding materialsstrategic materials. Japan on the one hand the construction of thepuppet Manchukuo, an attempt to permanent occupation of the northeast, on the onehand, and plundered the resources to maintain its war of aggression. PuppetManchukuo from Changchun urban construction, has expanded to other cities ofMukden, Harbin, Dalian and the puppet Manchukuo, according to the differentcharacteristics of the city, its construction of the city.Through the analysis ofarchitectural culture, not only can be seen that the modern Changchun and the whole ofthe puppet Manchukuo country’s architectural culture change, and can see behindNortheast resource exploitation and long-term ambition of the occupation of thenortheast.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】K25;TU-0
  • 【被引频次】57
  • 【下载频次】3142
  • 攻读期成果

