

The Year 1993: the Transition and Saltation of Literature

【作者】 王艳荣

【导师】 孟繁华;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 中国文学进入20世纪90年代,以迥然于80年代的风貌而呈现出一种全新的气象。在这转型期间,1993年成为80年代和90年代文学的一个分水岭。1989年的政治风波和随之而来的商品大潮,改变了中国人的政治心态,也使文学与文化发生了根本性的改变。文学开始出现新的格局、新的审美形态和新的精神风貌。文学不再产生主流鲜明的社会轰动效应,而进入到一个多元化发展的文学时期。1993年像是一个历史坐标,集结了许多影响深远的文学事件:“人文精神”讨论,王朔走红,陕军东征,《废都》争议,商业化写作,大众文化勃兴,先锋文学转型,诗人之死等。本论文研究的出发点是通过对1993年前后文学与文化现象的研究,来考查80年代文学是如何终结、90年代文学又是如何开始的,在这个转型的过程中,1993年成了文学的分水岭,从1992年开始,中国市场经济快速发展,人们的热衷点从社会政治转向商品经济。在这个转型过程中,知识分子心态的变化很能说明问题:他们从启蒙话语的代言者变成了社会的边缘人,整个知识界弥漫着一种精神幻灭感。从1989年到1992年间,中国学界基本处在一个文化真空的状态。这种现象直到1993年开始有了转机。1993前后发生的重要文学与文化事件,使这一年文学的转型与突变成为可能,并影响和奠定了世纪末乃至新世纪的文学格局。本文包括绪论在内,一共七个部分,其中主体部分六章。绪论分为三个方面,分别介绍了论文写作的意义,1993年文学整体情况,研究的方法。第一章“大背景与小语境”,介绍1993年文学转型的社会时代背景。1992年春邓小平南巡,中国全面实施改革开放、发展经济,人们的思想意识和价值观念发生变化。在社会时代的大背景下,文学开始出现新的变化和形态,经过89政治风波后的中国知识分子身份发生改变,他们从广场回到书斋,沉浸到对中国思想史和文化史的学术研究中。这是学界在世纪末的一次集体转型。本章主要通过对民间刊物《学人》创刊以及终结的过程,来论证90年代初社会政治环境对文学的影响。第二章“知识界的思想裂变”,在第一章的基础上,进一步考察进入时间隧道中的90年代初期中国文学与文化的发展状况。在社会时代变化的大背景下,知识界出现了动荡和裂变,表现出张皇与不适,甚至精神上的“恐慌”。“人文精神”大讨论是影响颇大的一次集体性活动,从1993年到1995年,当时中国学界各路人马纷纷加入到这场讨论中,一批资深人文报刊——《读书》、《文艺争鸣》、《文艺自由谈》、《文艺理论与批评》、《理论与创作》、《上海文学》、《文汇报》、《光明日报》等成为这场讨论的重要平台与载体,从中心城市的上海、北京到文化重要城市南京、长春、济南等,上演了一场世纪之交蔚为壮观的话语盛宴,同时这也是中国百年文学发展的最后一场集体演奏的大型交响乐。这场讨论及讨论中出现的种种声音集中显示了中国知识分子的反思精神、批判精神,社会责任感与使命感。第三章“大众文化的勃兴”,在前两章的基础上,论述大众文化的发展情况。大众文化是工业/后工业社会兴起的文化现象,是经济时代的必然产物。当中国进入经济发展时代时,大众文化的出现和流行,就成为无法避免的事实。进入90年代,随着中国新一轮商品经济时代的到来,大众文化便以其无法抵御的审美诱惑力得到空前的发展,在纯文学不断遭到边缘化的时候,大众文化却长驱直入进入人们的视野,一时之间,文学的发展似乎进入了真空期。第四章至第六章,具体论述了1993年出现的重要文学现象及其历史意义:陕军东征创作团队的出现,强有力地分割了当时中国已然乱象丛生的文学地图,填补了自89年以来中国纯文学创作的空白区,标志着在商业时代现实主义文学精神的强大生命力。刘恒、刘震云的创作开拓了历史写作的另外一种形态,在他们的笔下,知识分子的启蒙力量在减弱,历史变得荒诞不经。在历史书写的背后,隐喻的是极明显的现实诉求:知识分子在社会转型中的微薄力量以及历史政治的非理性。先锋作家在1992—1993年间发生了“集体哗变”。先锋文学曾经致力于打破过度意识形态化的文学传统和文学秩序,开拓了文学本身的审美价值;但其过度的形式追求和语言实验,使先锋文学丧失了生存的现实土壤。先锋作家们创作风格的转变,印证了文学语境对创作主体的制约和束缚。王安忆创作于1992-1993年的几部中篇小说是对新都市文学的贡献,她有着对都市生活的细腻感受和对人物的精确把握,她提供了关于城市外来者对于现代都市生活的想象。王朔在1993年前后走红,他的写作解构和颠覆了精英文化,在严肃文学外开设了一个“玩文学”的戏谑模式,同时,他也提供了一个写作上的参数。顾城1993年10月在新西兰杀死妻子后自杀,终结了童话诗人的梦境,顾城非情理的举动,不仅仅是一个人格缺陷的问题,更可能是一个文化颓败的事件。1993年,对于它之前和之后的文学史,都有着重要的价值和意义。它化解了80年代末因政治原因带来的文学语境的冷寂与紧绷,同时也促成了世纪末多元文学时代的到来。它是一个分水岭和界碑石,划开了80年代和90年代的文学格局。

【Abstract】 Coming into the 1990s, the Chinese literature appeared a new look widelydifferent from that of 1980s. During the period of transition, the year 1993 became awatershed of the literature between 1980s and 1990s. The political disturbance in1989 and the consequent commercial tide changed Chinese people’s politicalmentality, which also fundamentally changed literature and culture. Literature notonly began to emerge new pattern, new aesthetic form and new look but also cameinto a period of diversified development without the sensational effect with the brightmain stream. The year 1993 seemed a historical coordinate and many significantliterary incidents happened in 1993: the discussion of“Humanism”, Shuo Wang invogue, the Eastern Aggress of the Shan Group, the controversy of The DesolateCapital, the commercial writing, the mass culture vigorous growth, the transition ofthe vanguard literature, the death of the poets, etc.The starting point of the paper is the research of how the literature in the 1980scame to an end and how the literature in the 1990s began through the study of theliterary and cultural phenomena before and after the year 1993. During the period oftransition, the year 1993 became the watershed of literature. From the year 1992, theChinese market economy developed rapidly and the zeal of people focused more oncommodity economy instead of social politics. During the period of the transition,the mentality of the intellects changed a lot: they became the marginal men of thesociety instead of the spokesmen of the enlightenment utterance. The wholeintellectual circles were full of the spiritual disillusionment. From 1989 to 1992,TheChinese educational circles are basically in the state of the cultural vacuum. Afavorable turn of the phenomenon appeared until the year 1993. The significantliterary and cultural incidents before and after the year 1993 made it possible for theliterary transition and saltation, which influenced and established the literary patternin the end of the 20thcentury, even the 21thcentury. The paper covers seven parts including the introduction and the main bodyconsists of six chapters.The introduction falls into three aspects and introduces the significance of thepaper, the general situation of the literature in 1993 and the study methods.Chapter one is the big background and the small context that mainly introducesthe social background of the transition of literature in 1993. Xiaopoing Deng made theSouth Cruises in spring of 1992 and the Reform and Open was in full operation thatsoon changed people’s ideology and values. Under the background of the socialchanges of the age, literature began to change. The Chinese intellects came back tothe study from the square after the political disturbance in 1989 and devotedthemselves to the academic research of the Chinese intellectual history and culturalhistory. This is the collective transition of the educational circles at the end of the 20thcentury. This chapter is to expound the influence of the social and politicalenvironment on the literature through the process of the initial and ultimatepublication of the folk publication IntellectsChapter two is the ideological fission in the intellectual circles. Based on chapterone, the development of the Chinese literature and culture in the early 1990s is furtherdiscussed. Under the big background of the change of the social times, the upheavaland fission of the intellectual circles began to emerge with the characteristics of thealarm and discomfort, even the spiritual panic. The big discussion of the human spiritwas one of the influential activities. From 1993 to 1995, the Chinese intellectualcircles took part in the discussion in succession. And a batch of cultural newspapers,such as Guangming Daily, Shanghai Literature, Theory and Creation, etc. became theimportant platform and carrier of the discussion. There appeared the splendidutterance banquet from the central cities such as Shanghai, Beijing to the culturallyimportant cities such Nanjing, Changchun, Jinan, etc.. At the same time, it’s also thelast collective large-scale symphony of the Chinese one-hundred-year literarydevelopment. The discussion and the different voices in the discussion showed theintrospection spirit, the critical spirit, the sense of social responsibility and mission ofthe Chinese intellects. Chapter three is the vigorous growth of the mass culture. Based on the previoustwo chapters, the development of the mass culture is discussed. The mass culture isthe cultural phenomenon arising from the industrial or post-industrial society. It’s theinevitable product of the economic times. When China came into the age of theeconomic growth, the appearance and the popularity of the mass culture becameunavoidable. With the coming of the Chinese new-round commodity economy, themass culture developed greatly with the aesthetic allure. The mass culture came intopeople’s vision when the pure literature is constantly marginalized. The literarydevelopment came into the period of vacuum.Chapters four to six expound the literary phenomena and its historicalsignificance of the literature in 1993: the appearance of the Eastern Aggress of theShan Group divided strongly the Chinese literary map that had already beendisordered, filled the vacancy of the pure literature creation since 1989 andsymbolized the powerful vitality of the realistic literature in the commercial times.The creation of Heng Liu and Zhenyun Liu opened up another form of the historicalwriting. The intellects’enlightenment strength began to weaken and history becameridiculous under their pens. Behind the historical writing, there hid the obviousrealistic appeal: the humble strength of the intellects during the social transition andthe irrationality of the historical politics. The collective mutiny happened to theVanguard Writers during the year of 1992 to 1993. The vanguard literature oncedevoted itself to breaking the literary tradition and order opened up the aesthetic valueof literature. But the excessive pursuit for form and the language experiment made thevanguard literature lose the realistic soil for survival. The vanguard writers changedtheir creative style, which confirmed the constraint of the literary context on thecreative subject. The novelettes created by Anyi Wang made contribution to the newunban literature. She had the fine and smooth feeling towards unban life and thespecial grasp of the characters. She provided the city outsiders’imagination of themodern unban life. Shuo Wang was in vogue in around 1993. His worksdeconstructed and overturned the elite culture, set up a banter form of“playing withliterature”and provided a parameter for serious literature. Cheng Gu’s murdering hiswife in New Zealand on October, 1993 ended the dream of the poet and his unreasonable behavior was not only the problem of personality defect, but also anincident of cultural declining probably.The year of 1993 is of great value and significance for the history of literaturebefore and after it. It defused the quiet of the literature context which was caused bypolitics in the late 1980s. At the same time, it also helped to bring about themulti-literature times at the end of the century. It’s a watershed and broke theliterature between 1980s and 1990s.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期

