

In the Republic of China: Cultural Mentality and Poetry Writing of Qing Adherents

【作者】 刘洋

【导师】 王学谦;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国现代文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文以逊清遗民的文化心态与诗歌书写为研究对象,探讨清遗民作为末代士人的独特历史文化处境,以及他们在民国里退为“遗民诗人”的文学活动与创作实绩。作为士人,清遗民所面对的是皇纲解纽、“政教”系统崩溃的“三千年未有之大变局”,他们在生命选择与身份认同上已经无法再参照前代士人的经验。历史的复杂性在于,中国文化的现代进程正是晚清以降的士人们所竭力推动的。他们致力于洋务运动、维新变法与清末“新政”,推动体制改革,发起立宪运动,兴办民生实业,革新教育系统,终结士人进取途径的科举制度也是在士人自身的努力推进与自我转型中得以废止的。民国肇建,制造了一大批的逊清遗民,这一群体几乎涵盖了清王朝末期的士大夫精英,他们中的许多人在晚清的改革时代不惟不“老旧”,反而是得风气之先者,有些曾是维新党、立宪派,有些曾致力于思想的更新、政教的革新。他们最终与辛亥革命分道扬镳,除了自身的文化保守主义立场与士大夫文化积习,也与具体历史事件的偶然性以及个人的非理性因素等不无关联。他们的文化心态与处境在中国历史的发展进程中具有独特的性质,他们与现代中国的关系具有复杂的内涵。民国的建立,使得“遗民”这一群体逐渐退居边缘的位置,甚至成为“保守”、“反动”的象征,而有“遗老”之谓。时势的翻覆、世运的消长使遗老们对文化与政治困惑的探讨,渐渐从公共和社会领域转向了个人领域与内心世界。一些人回避了以直接的方式讨论政治等公共话题,而进一步退回到文学书写的话语空间,以书写形式象征性地彰显自己的文化立场。“遗民诗人”这一身份,成为象征政治、文学与时间等多重意义的文化身份,体现着这一文人群体在新时空中的生存状态。他们结成诗社,雅集唱和,赓续着古老的文人活动形式,延续着传统文化的命脉。遗民中不乏文坛耆宿与出版传媒界的先驱,他们凭借着旧有的威望与所掌握的文化资源,借助报章杂志等现代媒介的平台,发表、出版自己的诗文作品,表达着自己的诗学与文化主张,并实现了旧文人群体的新式聚合,形成自身具有持续性、广泛性的影响。一个社会中的艺术生产方式——是在公共领域成千本印刷,还是在风雅圈子里流传——对于生产者、消费者及其与社会之间的关系具有重要的决定性作用。在民国,现代文化形式不仅被新式文人所凭借,遗老们也通过现代传媒手段形成着自己的话语空间,这是他们与传统文人的重要区别之所在。旧式的雅集唱和与借助现代的传媒空间,共同地体现在遗老的文学活动中,是这一文人群体之时代过渡性与复杂性的表征。清遗民独特的生命体验,使其诗歌书写形成了独特的意象与主题。“毁灭”,作为一种心理印记,常常显现在遗民的诗歌与诗学之中。在曾经的文化系统中,他们毕竟是与家国命运、文化脉搏密切相扣的知识分子,很难像普通百姓一样等闲面对历史的变迁。外在的毁灭伴随着心理性的毁灭,“劫余灰”与“鬼”趣便是这种毁灭性心理印记最为直接的象征。在毁灭性的内心体验的笼罩下,遗民们竭力坚守着自己的文化理想,进而提出熔铸学理与思想的“学人之诗”,发挥“比兴”的诗歌传统,将诗歌写作推向极端艰深的、精英化的境地。另一方面,他们复杂的遭际与深刻的感受又使他们同时坚守“诗人之诗”,标举“性情”,形成强烈的个人风格特征,并对“温柔敦厚”的儒家诗教传统形成了极大的偏离,实践着诗歌传统的内在性转化。文学史的研究,是观察人类意志与想象如何被环境模塑的一种历史,是分析广泛的人类生活目的与命运的载体。本文力求深入历史内部对逊清遗民的历史文化处境与文学活动形式进行详细的考辨,结合文本细读深入分析遗民诗人诗歌书写的诗学特征与现代性意涵。

【Abstract】 The object of this paper is the Qing adherents of cultural mentality and poetrywriting for,unique historical and cultural situation of Qing adherents as the lastScholars and their adherent poets in the retreat where the Republic of literary activitiesand creative performance.As a scholar, the Qing adherents faced of a big change in the collapse of theimperial system,and their life choices and identity can no longer refer to the experienceof the previous generation of scholars.The complexity of history is the process ofmodernization of the Chinese culture is the since the late Qing taxi people pushinghard.They had committed to the Westernization Movement, Reformation Movement inthe Late Qing "New Deal".They used to promote reform, initiated by theConstitutional Movement, set up Minsheng Industrial innovation in the educationsystem.The end of Scholars’ enterprising ways the imperial examination system is alsoin the literati’s own efforts to promote and self-transformation to be abolished.Thefounding of the Republic, creating a large number of the Qing Adherents of this groupcover almost the end of the Qing Dynasty literati elite.Many of them in the late Qingreform era, not only do not "old", but is the trend of the first persons, some of theRestoration Party, constitutionalists, and some worked on the update of thought,political and religious innovation.They eventually parted ways with the Revolution,conservatism position in addition to their own culture and literati cultural habits, andthe contingencies of specific historical events, as well as the irrational factors are notunrelated.Their cultural attitude and the situation in the Chinese history in thedevelopment process to the unique nature of their relationship with modern China hascomplex connotations.The establishment of the Republic, "Adherents" of this group gradually relegatedto the edge of the location, and even become a "conservative", a symbol of the"reactionary".Times the rollover, the ebb and flow of the World Games in the remnant of their culture and political confusion of the personal sphere and the inner world,gradually shifted from the public and social spheres.Some of them avoided the directway to discuss political and other public topics, while further back to the literaturewritten discourse space, written in the form of a symbol to highlight its own culturalstandpoint. Adherent poets in this capacity has become a symbol of the multiplemeanings of politics, literature and time cultural identity, reflects the survival status ofthe literati groups in the new space.They form poetry societies the Aristo sing,continue scholar of ancient forms of activities, and continuing with the lifeblood oftraditional culture.Adherents of many literary Nestor and a pioneer in publishing media,by virtue of their old prestige and understanding of the cultural resources, with theplatform of modern media such as newspapers and magazines, published, publishingtheir own works of poetry to express their own poemslearning culture advocates, andachieve a new aggregate of the old literati groups to form itself has sustained extensiveimpact.Art production methods, in a society is in the public domain thousands ofprinted or circulated in the elegance of circle - for the relationship between producers,consumers and society has important and decisive role.Not only by modern scholars inthe Republic of the modern cultural forms by virtue of the remnant of their owndiscourse space formed through the modern media player, which is where theimportant difference with the traditional literati.The old Aristo sing with the help ofmodern media space, commonly reflected in the literary activities of the survivors ofthe era of transition and complexity of the characterization of this literati groups.The Qing adherents of a unique life experience, to poetry writing, unique imagesand themes."Destruction" as a psychological imprint, often appear among theadherents of poetry and poetics.In the culture system,they are after all closelyinterlocked with the fate of the home and country, the cultural pulse of intellectuals, itis difficult to be taken lightly, like ordinary people to face the changes ofhistory.External destruction along with the psychological destruction, "robbed of morethan ash" and "ghost" symbol of the devastating psychological imprint of the mostdirect interest is this.In the shadow of the devastating inner experience, adherents aretrying to stick with their own cultural ideals, and then cast the theoretical andideological "school poem" play "BiXing" poetic tradition, poetry writing into theextreme difficultelite position.On the other hand, their complex and encounter deepfeelings, they also adhere to the "poet of the poem" standard move "temperament" to form a strong personal style characteristics, and "gentle" traditional ConfucianDoctrine formed verylarge deviations from the practice of the internal conversion ofthe poetic tradition.The study of literary history is a history of how the observation ofthe human will and imagination molded by the environment and analyze a wide rangeof human life purpose and destiny of the carrier.This article seeks to in-depth history ofinternal detail of the Dynasty of the Qing adherents of the historical and culturalsituation and form of literary activity, combined with text to read in-depth analysis ofthe characteristics of adherent poets poetry writing poetry and the modern meaning.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

