

Research about Mechanism of Regional Image Impacting on Purchasing Behavior of Its Characteristic Products

【作者】 成荣敏

【导师】 许正良;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 区域形象是区域众多资源中极为重要的无形资源,作为区域价值的载体之一,它给其特色产品的消费者购买行为所带来的作用机理研究,不仅有助于该领域市场营销研究理论的拓展和深入,同时,对于特色产品营销策略的具体制定实施也有着重要的借鉴意义。消费者购买行为的核心是满足自身的需求,为了达到这一目的,消费者会在产品感知所得和感知所失之间进行评价和权衡,最后做出决断。特色产品感知价值的评价来自于产品的内在和外在信息线索,区域形象属于特色产品的外在信息线索。特色产品由于自身的特殊性,区域形象对其感知价值的影响作用更为明显。本文在相关理论回顾、思辨和假设的基础上,从消费者感知的视角将区域形象划分为自然禀赋形象、产品形象、社会公信形象和可持续发展形象,将感知质量和感知风险作为特色产品的感知价值权衡变量,探讨区域形象对其特色产品购买行为的影响作用机理,并将产品信息掌握程度和购买行为涉入度二个变量纳入作用机理模型,更加全面地对消费者的购买行为做出分析。从整合的角度提出了借由区域形象提升路径促进特色产品购买行为的营销策略方案,并将区域形象传播过程纳入到整体营销策略中,为政府、行业、生产者和社会公众提供可执行度高的营销策略。

【Abstract】 Characteristic products are the unique resources of every region,whosedevelopment and utilization can accelerate the upgrade of regional economicdevelopment and comprehensive competitiveness. In conditions of market-orientedeconomy,marketing of any product must be directly or indirectly focus on consumerbehavior. And products are provided to satisfied consumers further to meet their materialand spiritual desire. Only the characteristic competitive advantage is created, the shareof product sales could be enhanced effectively.As one of the regional value carrier,regional image affect the characteristicproducts purchasing behavior. Research on that is both important to staff engaged inmarket surveys and corporate marketing strategy and static formulation.Research on consumer purchasing behavior is about the course of perceiving,selecting,purchasing and using products or services to meet the needs of individuals orgroups. Purchasing decision is the most directly expression of recognition and acceptanceof the product. The reason why consumers decide to choose a product is the belief that itcan bring him more utility or value than competing products. And that depends more onthe consumers’perception of the product. The key of consumer purchasing behavior iscomparison among perceived values, and the trade-off between perceived gains andlosses.Characteristic products consumer purchasing behavior is the result from theassessment between perceived quality and risk. They can be influenced by externalfactors, and interactions are also exist between them. Regional image is external clue ofthe product. This conclusion has been recognized by the scholars and also been proved bythe emprical research results. The affection of regional image to perceived value andrisks is more obvious for the specificity of characteristic products.Characteristic product is assumed as an isolated unit in most researches aboutcharacterstic product purchasing behavior. Their angle of view is mostly based onproduct marketing, which results in that present research of characteristic productpurchasing behavior focuses too much on assessing the product itself and neglects theinfluence of regional image to the product assessing and purchasing behavior. All above cause the deviation between research conclusion and the real market situation.This study reviewed the literatures about regional image,characteristic products andconsumer purchasing behavior firstly,and then cleared up the researches of effects ofregional image on product purchasing behavior. Based on a great lot of literaturesreviews and concludes,the study put forward the research frame,included several facetsas follows:1. the factors of regional image based on consumer perceivedThe factors of regional image based on consumer perceived is the facets what theregional image exhibit based on consumer perceived,and this is differ from the regionalimage based on the function department of government and the decision-maker.2. the mechanism of regional image on characteristic products perceivedHow does regional image effect on perceived quality and value of characteristicproducts?What is the intension differ from validity of the factors of regional imageeffect?3. the strategy of advancing characteristic products purchasing behavior by regionalimageHow to shape and advance regional image?How to spread the information toconsumer perceived by the proper channel?How to institute the integral strategy andtactic?Aim at the three facets,the study plots out the factors of regional image,buildsthe mechanism model of regional image to characteristic products perceived,and putsforward the measures of shaping the regional image,actualizing the marketing strategy,spreading the regional image.Comparing the former studies,the paper shows the following innovation:1. The current study lack of the plotting out the factors of regional image fromconsumer perceived views. Based on the secondary data,the study plots out the regionalimage to natural gift image,continuous improvement image and society citizen trustimage. This is the first time that the standard come forth and extend the connotation ofregional image.2. Different from the past study,the study introduce perceived value and risk to theresearch on the effects of regional image to the characteristic products purchasingbehavior,and attempt to find out the effects of the factors of regional image on consumer perceived and purchasing behavior. The study introduces the consumerinvolvement and information mastery to the mechanism model aim to forecasting theconsumer purchasing behavior.3. The study put forward the fundamental and marketing tactics of advancing theconsumer perceived characteristic products by regional image,the content is morecomprehensive than before. It introduces the regional image communication to integertactic. Meanwhile, its integrated marketing tactic research about the characteristc productpurchasing behavior is with more pertinency and provides executable suggestions togovernment,industry,producer and public.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期

