

Study on the State Criminal Victim Compensation System

【作者】 吴淼

【导师】 李洁;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 刑法学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 对刑事被害人进行保护的思想和实践,西方社会早已有之。现代法治国家更是高度重视对刑事被害人的权利保护。从二十世纪六十年代起,很多国家和地区陆续建立了国家对刑事被害人的特殊保护制度—刑事被害人国家补偿制度,即国家对符合法定条件的刑事被害人,依照法定程序,对其因犯罪遭受的损失给予弥补。近年来,我国理论界对刑事被害人国家补偿制度给予了高度的关注,展开了广泛、深入地研究。实务界也相应地进行了一系列地有益探索,许多地方相继开展了对刑事被害人进行国家补偿的试点。从目前各地试点的情况来看,现有规定在保护被害人权利、改善被害人生活、维护社会和谐稳定等方面发挥了重大作用。但是,由于缺乏统一的法律规范,该制度在实践中多有掣肘,难以发挥出其全部功效。为了推动刑事被害人国家补偿制度法制化进程,构建具有中国特色的刑事被害人国家补偿制度。在树立被害人权利保护新理念的基础上,本文试图从六个方面,对刑事被害人国家补偿制度进行全面分析。第一章,我国刑事被害人国家补偿制度的现状审视。理论研究和制度构建,必须从实际出发。笔者从刑事被害人国家补偿制度的本土实践入手,通过对理论研究、政策导向与具体试点情况的梳理,归纳了我国刑事被害人国家补偿实践的特点、效果与不足。并深入分析了该制度在我国发展不利的四方面原因:传统法律文化的排斥;强调国家利益、忽视个人利益;犯罪人与被害人权利保护失衡;被害人问题研究的薄弱。第二章,域外刑事被害人国家补偿制度的分析和借鉴。从宏观立法技术和微观法律规定两方面,对域外刑事被害人国家补偿制度进行了比较。提出我国建立该制度时,应对域外的先进经验进行积极地借鉴,吸取其法律规定中的几个优点:国家推进和立法引导为主导、具体规定与本国国情相结合、法律制度从简单走向完善、辅以多种配套措施和制度。第三章,我国刑事被害人国家补偿制度的立法评估。立法评估不仅是保证立法科学性的重要环节,更是提升法律实施效果的有效手段。对刑事被害人国家补偿制度进行立法评估,是构建该制度的必要前提,也是本文讨论的核心问题之一。在简要梳理了立法评估的开展情况和基本内容的基础上,提出从立法形式、立法背景以及立法事项的重要性三个方面对刑事被害人国家补偿制度进行立法必要性评估;从立法实施后的积极效果预测、立法实施后的消极效果评价及对策、立法时机是否成熟和为有效执行立法需要解决的问题四个方面对刑事被害人国家补偿制度进行立法可行性评估。第四章,我国刑事被害人国家补偿制度的理论基础和价值取向。在对国家责任说、社会福利说、社会保险说和刑事政策说等刑事被害人国家补偿制度理论学说进行介绍和阐述的基础上,提出在坚持社会福利说为基础理论支撑的前提下,吸收其他学说的合理成分,强调国家责任说提倡的国家责任原则以及社会保险说提倡的风险分担法则。提出我国刑事被害人国家补偿制度的价值取向,应是恢复公平和正义以及全面、均衡保护人权。第五章,我国刑事被害人国家补偿制度的立法构建。这是本文讨论的另一个核心问题。对我国刑事被害人国家补偿制度的立法原则、立法模式、立法设计进行了详细地论证。针对我国实际情况,提出以宪法、法治、民主和科学为基本立法原则,以必要、限制和高效为特殊立法原则;采取单一的补偿法立法模式;对补偿对象和条件、补偿资金、补偿机构以及补偿程序进行了具体设计。第六章,保障刑事被害人权利的多元化途径。解决刑事被害人的实际生活困境,切实保障被害人合法权益,仅靠一两项法律制度是不够的,需要多元化的配套措施协调发挥作用。一方面,强化预防性措施,培养被害预防意识、被害人责任追究制度和建立犯罪被害调查统计制度;另一方面,强化补救性措施,完善犯罪人赔偿和社会救济。

【Abstract】 The thinking and practice of protecting criminal victim have a long history in China and other countries. Modern legal state pays more attention on protecting the right of criminal victim. From 60th in 20 centuries, many western countries have set up a special mechanism for protecting the criminal victim, The State Criminal Victim Compensation System, which provides compensation for the criminal victim on the loss incurred by crime. In recent years, China’s theoretical circles have been paying a great attention on The State Criminal Victim Compensation System and making a wide and deep research on this subject. Practical circles as well have been making a series of meaningful research and many places have been chosen to have a test on it. Regarding the feedback from these testing places, the current protecting system has taken an important role on protecting the right and improving the life of the victim, as well as stabilizing the society. However, due to lacking of a unified legal framework, the full measure of this system has been limited to a large extent.For promoting the legitimization process on The State Criminal Victim Compensation System and setting up this system of China, this paper, based on establishing the spirit of protecting criminal victim, will try to make a comprehensive analysis on The State Criminal Victim Compensation System in six aspects.Chapter 1, The State of Criminal Victim Compensation System in China. Theory research and system construction should base on the reality. So in the beginning, I focus on the local practice of Criminal Victim Compensation System and summarized the characteristics, effects and the insufficiencies in its practice in china. Furthermore I found the four mainly factors which make the Criminal Victim Compensation System going not so well in china. The first factor is the traditional legal culture rejection, the second factor is the emphasis on the interests of the state and ignoring the personal interests, the third factor is the last factor is the unbalance of Offenders and Victims rights protection, the last factor is the Lacking of Victims Protection Research.Chapter2, comparison on and learning from oversea The State Criminal Victim Compensation System. I will compare China’s system with other countries system from macro legislative technique and micro legal regulation, finding that oversea state criminal victim compensation system is a good reference for setting up China’s system and also need to learn the several virtues from other countries legal regulations, such as state oriented legislation, regulation complied with national conditions, gradually improving legal system and proving supporting measures.Chapter3, legislative evaluation on The State Criminal Victim Compensation System in china. Legislative evaluation is not only the stage of insuring science of legislation, but also the efficient measure on promoting the executive performance of law. Setting up the legislative evaluation mechanism is the premise on constructing The State Criminal Victim Compensation System and also the key discussed issue of this paper. Based on summarizing the development and content of legislative evaluation mechanism, I will discuss the necessity of this mechanism according to legislative form, legislative background and legislative item; then make a projection on the post positive and negative performance and put forward the corresponding policies, providing a feasibility evaluation on the legislation of The State Criminal Victim Compensation System.Chapter4, the theoretical foundation and value orientation of The State Criminal Victim Compensation System in china. Based on introducing and analyzing the following theories, such as the state responsibility, the theory of welfare society, the theory of social insurance and the theory of criminal policy, as well as fully absorbing the benefits of other theories, I will focus on the theory of state responsibility and the theory of social insurance which advocating the principle of risk sharing and then bring out the value orientation of The State Criminal Victim Compensation System, protecting the comprehensive and equilibrium human right, as well as recovering fare and justice.Chapter5, legislation on The State Criminal Victim Compensation System in china. Legislation on The State Criminal Victim Compensation System is another key discussed issue of this paper. In this chapter, I will make a comprehensive discussion on the legislation principle, legislation form and legislation design. According to China’s practical conditions, I put forward that this legislation should be based on Institution, legal system, democracy and science, as well as necessity, limitation and efficiency; Take a single Compensation Act legislation; Specific design objects and conditions of compensation, compensation funds, compensation agencies, and compensation procedures.Chapter6, the diversified methods of protecting the rights of criminal victim. It is not enough to protect the legal rights of criminal victim just depending on one or two laws and it is necessary to diversify the solving measures to meet this issue. On one side, we should enhance protecting measures to prevent crime in advance and strengthen The Crime Victimization Prevention. Training Crime Victimization prevention awareness, establishing The Crime Victimization Survey System and The Victim Responsibility Investigation System. On the other side, we should strengthen the compensating measures and further improve the victim compensation and social assistance measures.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

