

The Study of Ecological Right

【作者】 王开宇

【导师】 霍存福; 徐显明;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法学理论, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 生态权是一个新兴的权利形态,虽然尚未得到学界的普遍认同,但是由于其对生态环境危机问题的解决提出了新的理论视角和研究思路,以及对人与自然关系的协调具有重要意义,所以对该权利的研究已成为学界,尤其是环境法学界的一个热点和前沿问题。18世纪以前,人类生产生活产生的污染物基本上可以通过生态系统的自净能力而消除的。随着工业生产的发展,机器的广泛使用,人口的增加,生态系统的自净能力已经不能消化人类生产生活所排放出的污染物了。因此生态环境问题赫然呈现在人类面前。自20世纪四五十年代频繁地出现公害事件后,人类发现生态问题已经在慢慢地演化成生态环境危机,且这种危机在日益加重。这不但影响了人类的正常生活,甚至威胁到人类自身的生存。因此,人类开始不断地探索解决生态环境危机的办法。并且随着经济的不断发展和科技水平的提高,人类对资源的需求量也大大增加,因此在如何利用生态资源的同时对资源予以保护也成为摆在人类面前的又一难题。为此发达国家首先行动起来,尝试各种各样的防治污染的措施和保护资源的方法。实践的发展必然促使理论的更新,以促进人类健康和保护自然资源为目的的理论探索勃然兴起。经过国际社会的共同努力,环境法成为解决生态环境危机的新的法律部门,而其基本权利——环境权也成为理论研究与实践探索的热点问题。然而由于环境权是在污染严重威胁人类健康和生命安全的条件下产生的,因此环境权理论构成中不可避免地具有人类中心主义的倾向,而生态伦理学的研究表明要解救生态环境危机人类不能只关注人类自身,还应关注生态系统的其他生物的存在现状。因为环境危机的产生不仅仅是人类自身的生存问题,也关系到整个生态系统的平衡和安全问题。因此,在生态环境危机已然发展为全球化的今天,环境权由于其人类中心主义的倾向对生态环境危机的解决有些力不从心,并不能完全实现保护生态环境的重任,而应由新的权利来发展它的内涵,以适应人类解救生态环境危机的需求。国内外环境法学界的一些同仁将这一新的权利称之为生态权。本文所要研究的主题即依此展开。本文首先对生态权产生的背景进行了分析。从伦理学背景看,生态权的产生经历了从动物解放运动到生物中心论再到生态中心论最后到可持续发展伦理观的转变。这些伦理学思想的发展抛弃了狭隘的人类中心主义倾向,以整体论的方法来界定生态权,使生态权从产生之初就具有了大气、宽容的精神。这种精神在肯定传统法理学所倡导的法的调整对象是人与人之间关系的同时,对人与自然的关系进行了新的审视与反思。也正是在这种精神的引领下,生态权在更广阔的意义上对环境权予以补充和发展:一是由于环境权内容庞杂,被学者们想象成一个权利箩筐,将所有与环境保护相关的权利都放入到环境权的权利束中,这也导致了环境权理论内部的不统一。二是因为环境权的主体尚未明确,这也是环境权虽然被学者们所广泛研究但仍未形成定论的原因。主体的不统一直接影响了环境权作用的发挥。因此有必要将环境权进一步发展,以适应生态环境危机的变化。那么何为生态权?其属性又如何?这些问题应当进行清晰的阐释。毕竟清晰的概念表达可以为理论研究奠定良好的基础。作为一项权利,生态权只有具备了权利的要素,才能切实地成为能被法律所规定并体现生态伦理思想的权利。生态权既要解决环境权主体不统一的问题,也要明确回答究竟非人生物体是否能够成为生态权主体的问题。本文认为,生态权的主体只能是人,而绝不能是非人的生物体。因为生态权既要具有生态伦理思想也要具有法律实效,因此生态权应当具有应然性和法定性的属性。同时,生态权由于是人类在尊重生态系统自然规律的基础上形成的权利,因此生态权天然的具有权义复合性。生态权的存在同其他权利的存在一样是需要有前设的。生态权是对生态规律予以尊重的法律表达,因此生态权的存在是以生态系统具有自然价值和自然权利为前设的。自然界的权利这一理论前设要求要将自然界的权利进行道德与法律的双重保护,最为重要的是,自然界的权利是人类必须尊重的,因为自然界在具有权利的同时也具有生态权力,后者就是自然权利被尊重的原因,自然界的任何一员都不可能违背自然规律,否则会受到生态权力的惩罚。自然界除了本身具有权利外,其自身还具有价值。因为自然界并不仅仅是为了人类的生存和发展提供条件或物质基础,也不仅仅是为生物的生存创造条件,而是因为自然界具有自身的价值,自然界的价值使自然界按照自身的规律发展,不受其他条件的限制。从法理学的角度而言,我们在肯定生态权的主体只能是人,而绝不能是非人的生物体的同时,还必须要承认和肯定自然的权利和自然的价值,这样才能从理论上解决生态权存在的合理性和正当性问题。但生态权的存在是否具有合理性和正当性,还有待理论的论证和时间的检验,还需要其他理论的佐证。如我们可以从“天人合一”思想、可持续发展思想、生态公正思想、公共信托理论、协同进化理论中为生态权存在的正当与合理找到理论支撑。“天人合一”的思想是我国古代的先哲们尊重生态规律的自然流露,为生态权提供了本土的思想本源。可持续发展思想体现了人类在生态系统中特殊地位与作用,确立了人的主体地位。生态公正思想既体现了人对其他物种的公正也体现当代人类对子孙后代的公正。协同进化理论要求自然界物种要协同进化,与生态公正理论一样强调对自然规律的尊重,是生态权的思想来源。公共信托理论则是对政府作为生态权主体的理论支撑。“天人合一”的思想、生态公正的思想、协同进化的理论可以论证生态权为何要以尊重生态规律为前提,可持续发展思想、生态公正思想可以论证生态权主体行使权利的正当性,而公共信托理论在可以论证政府在生态权诸多主体中的重要作用,同时也为其他主体监督政府权利的行使提供理论支撑。笔者期望生态权的设置能够在尊重与坚持现有法理学理论体系的前提下,在尊重生态规律的基础上为切实解决生态环境危机问题提供新的思考路径,为现行法律制度的完善提供新的理论支持。在对生态环境危机的原因进行分析的基础上找出解决危机的理论对策,进而将理论对策转化为法律制度。本文以生态补偿制度、排污权交易制度、公益诉讼制度作为范例,尝试用生态权的思想引领法律制度的构建,使生态权这一新的权利形态在法律实践中能有所作为。

【Abstract】 Ecological right as a new form right, has not yet been generally recognized bythe academia. But because of its solution to the ecological crisis,it has put forward anew theoretical perspective and research ideas, as well as the coordination betweenman and nature. So the rights of research has become academic, in particular, is ahot topic of the environmental law academics and cutting-edge issues.18 th century ago, the pollutants of the production of human life can be basicallyeliminate by ecological system, but with the development of industrial production, thewidespread use of the machine and the increase of the population, he pollutants of theproduction of human life has not eliminated through the ecological system, soecological problems present in before the human beings. Since the 20th century, 40’sand 50’s the pollution event, the human discovered ecological problems have slowlyevolved into an ecological crisis, and increasingly heavier. This affects not only thenormal life of mankind, and even threatens the survival of mankind itself. Therefore,humans began to explore the way to solve the ecological crisis. With the constantdevelopment of economy and science and technology, to increase the level of humanresource demand also greatly increases, so how to use ecological resources at thesame time to protection has become an another problem before human. Thereforedeveloped countries first action, try all kinds of measures to prevent and controlpollution and protect the resources method. Practice will inevitably promote thedevelopment of the renewal of the theory, the theory of protecting the health of humanbeings and natural resources exalted. Through the joint efforts of the internationalcommunity, environmental law has become a new legal department to resolve theecological crisis, and their basic rights - the environmental rights has also become ahot issue for theoretical research and practical exploration.However, due to the environment right produced in serious pollution threat tohuman health and life safety conditions, therefore it has the tendency of humancentralism. But the ecological ethics study shows that you want to save the ecologicalcrisis humanity can not beonly concerned with human beings, but also concernedabout the presence of other organisms of the ecosystem status quo. Because theenvironmental crisis is not only human survival but also fragment the entire balanceof the ecosystem and safety issues. Therefore, in today’s ecological crisis is alreadythe development of globalization, environmental rights bloated because of its anthropocentric tendency to solve the ecological crisis, and is not fully realized theimportant task of protecting the environment, but by the new right to development itsmeaning, to adapt to the needs of mankind to save the ecological crisis. Domestic andinternational environmental law academic colleagues call this new right to ecologicalright. The theme of this paper is to study and so started.In this paper, first, the background of ecological rights is analyzed. From theethical background, ecological right experienced from animal liberation movement tobiological theory to the sustainable development of ecological theory to the change ofethics. These ethics development abandoned the environment right narrow humancentralism tendency, with the theory of the whole of the method to define the right,make the ecological right from the beginning of the produce has the atmosphere,tolerance of the spirit. Ecological right concept is put forward on the development ofenvironmental right on the results.The environment right to be developed, one reasonis the environment right content is a confused, be scholars to imagine a rights case, alland related environmental protection rights into the environment right bundle, this ledto the environment right theory of internal unity; another reason is the environmentright although scholars have extensive research but still not form the verdict. Themain body of unity and directly affect the environment right function. So it isnecessary to the environment right further development, so as to adapt to the changeof the ecological crisisWhat is the ecological right? Where is the development of the environment right?What is the attribute? These problems should be clear explanations. After all, theconcept of the clear expression can be as the theoretical lay the good foundation. As akind of right, ecological right only to have the right to ecological factors, to becomeavailable to make for the law and regulations reflect the rights of ecological ethics.Ecological right to solve the problem both of the subjects of the right of unity, also thenonhuman organisms can be a right of the main body of the ecological. This paperargues that, the main body of the ecological right is only human beings must notnon-human organisms. Because ecological right will have both the ecological ethicsthought and the legal effect, and therefore ecological right is to have the right tosexual and legal rule. At the same time, because of ecological rights are based on therespect of the ecological system of natural law, ecological right naturally has right-obligation composited.The existence of the ecological right with the existence of other rights is as needto have a before. Ecological right is the ecological law to respect the law, so theexpression of the existence of ecological right on ecological system has natural valueand natural right is the presupposition. The theory of the rights of nature, requirements set before the right to nature on the dual protection of the law and morality, and mostimportantly, the rights of nature is human must respect, because of the nature of theright in with also have the power, the latter is the natural right to be respected reason,a member of any nature could not have go against nature, otherwise will be affectedby the natural power punishment. Nature has the right, also has the value. Becausenature does not only to human survival and development to provide conditions ormaterial foundation, also is not only for biological survival create conditions, butbecause the value of nature that has its own, the value of the natural that according tothe law of nature itself from other conditions, the development of the restrictions.From the perspective of jurisprudence, in the main only sure ecological rights is,and must not non-human organisms at the same time, also must be acknowledged andaffirmed the natural rights and natural value, so as to the oretically solve the problemof the rationality and legitimacy of ecological right to exist. Ecological existence ofthe right rationality and legitimacy, remains to be the theory of argumentation and thetest of time, you also need other evidence of the theory. We can see from the idea of"Nature and humanity" ,development thinking, ecological justice ideology, the theoryof public trust, sustainable, co-evolutionary theory of ecological right to the legitimateand reasonable to find theoretical support. "Nature and humanity" thought in ancientChina thinkers respect the natural language of the ecological law, provide the localecological right for the ideological source. Sustainable development thought embodieshuman in ecological system special position and function, establish the subject statusof the people. Ecological justice reflected the thought of other species of justice alsoreflect contemporary human to future generations of justice. Collaborative evolutiontheory demands nature species to collaborative evolution, and ecological justicetheory is the respect of the laws of nature, is the idea of ecological right source. Thetheory of public trust is the right government as the main body of the ecologicaltheory support. "Nature and humanity" thought, ecological justice ideas, cooperativeevolutionary theory can be proved right with respect to ecological why the ecologicallaw for the premise, and sustainable development thought, ecological justice thoughtcan be proved right exercise their rights of ecological main justification, and publictrust can be proved in theory, the ecological right many of the important role of mainbody, but also for other body supervision of the government’s power to providetheoretical support of exercise.I expect ecological right’s settings under the premise of respect and adhere to theexisting jurisprudence theoretical system on the basis of respect for the laws ofecology to practically solve the ecological crisis issues new thinking path, theimprovement of the existing legal system to provide a new theoretical support. On the basis of analyzing the causes of ecological crisis to find a theoretical solution to thecrisis response, and thus the theory of countermeasures into the legal system.Ecological compensation system, the emissions trading system, public interestlitigation system as an example, try to lead the legal system with the idea ofecological right to build the ecological right to this new right shape can make adifference in the practice of law.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

