

A Research of the Interaction between the International System Transformation and China’s Rise

【作者】 刘文波

【导师】 刘清才;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 国际政治, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 冷战结束后,国际体系发生重大转型,和平与发展成为时代主题,世界呈现出经济全球化、世界格局多极化、国际关系民主化发展潮流。从1978年底中共十一届三中全会开始,中国实行改革开放政策,积极融入国际体系,使中国经济迅速发展、综合国力不断增强,中国的国际地位和国际影响力日益提升。中国崛起引起世界的高度关注。上述背景,使国际体系转型与中国崛起成为21世纪国际关系的两个重大变量;使国际体系转型与中国崛起互动关系研究成为国际关系学中重大的研究课题。本文从国际体系转型与中国崛起互动的视角,探讨国际体系转型与中国崛起的相互建构问题。本文深入研究了冷战后,特别是进入21世纪后,国际体系发生的历史变革;论述了中国崛起的和平目标、进程与发展道路;全面分析了国际体系转型与中国崛起的相互影响和建构关系。在上述研究过程中,本文一方面提出了一个国际体系转型与中国崛起互动关系的理论分析框架,探讨了国际体系转型与中国崛起的建构关系性质与互动机理;另一方面,研究了中国实现和平崛起的国际角色定位问题,探讨了中国作为国际体系的建设者,随着中国崛起,如何发挥负责任大国的作用,推动建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界,积极建设公正合理的国际新秩序,为中国实现全面崛起创造和平稳定的国际体系环境。

【Abstract】 International system transformation and China’s rise are two important variables ininternational relationship of the 21st century which not just determine the process ofChina’s rise,but also have an effect on the orientation of contemporary internationalsystem transformation.The research of the interaction between contemporaryinternational system transformation and China’s rise is of great importance to studies ofinternational relationship which has important theoretical and empirical meaning forholding the process and orientation of international system transformation,adjusting tothe trend of the world’s development,promoting the reform of internationalsystem,creating a benign international environment for China’s peaceful rise.This dissertation includes preface,text and conclusion three parts.In text,I researchon the historical transformation of contemporary international system in the frameworkof international system theory,analyze the peaceful development strategy of China’srise,elucidate the mutually constituted relation between international systemtransformation and China’s rise,discuss the role of China in the process of internationalsystem transformation.In chapter one,I expound the contemporary international system transformationtheory.International system means the entirety constituted by mutually interactedinternational bodies according to certain structural formation to put them togetherduring particular historical period,including some elements of international actionbodies,international power construction,international institution and international culture and so on.International system has the character of power politics,institutionalcooperation and conception interaction.Correlating with this,international system hasthree kinds of structural forms,such as power structural form,institutional structuralform and conception structural form.International system transformation is defined asthe great changes of international system about the above structural forms.Internationalsystem transformation usually performs as the body and elements transformation of thesystem.Therefore,international system transformation is a process of sorts of elements’reform and a process from quantitative changes to natural changes.The main motiveforce of contemporary international system transformation are the development ofeconomic globalization,the overall rise of new dominated countries and the challengesof global problems.The main signal of contemporary international system’s greattransformation is the trend of multipolarity of the word’s pattern,the strengthenedfunction of global governance system and renewal of international cultural conception.In chapter two,I scrutinize the strategy of China’s rise.A country’s rise accounts to aprocess of the increase of a dominated country’s relative force on the base of the rapidincrease of absolute force,which imposes a great effect on international system.From thereform and open policy on,the economic develops swiftly,the integrated forcestrengthens overall and the international influences promote day by day.China’s rise hasbecome an important variable of contemporary international system.China’s rise is agreat goal to make Chinese nation’s renaissance come true,is a permanent chase ofChinese people to build a high-level democratic and civilized country.China’s rise isdifferent from some dominated countries whose rises are by aggression andexpansion,rather,China has chosen a strategy of peaceful development,opendevelopment,cooperative development and mutually beneficial development.In chapter three,I show the relation between international system transformation andChina’s rise.International system transformation and China’s rise are mutuallyconstructed in the process of interaction.On the one hand,international systemtransformation brings about a historical opportunity for China’s rise,creates the2 international strategic environment and development platform for China’s rise andexpands the strategic place for China’s rise.On the other hand,China’s rise is animportant motive of international system transformation.China’s rise is promotinginternational system transformation from the aspects of internationalrelationship,international pattern,international institution and international culturalconception.The interaction of China’s rise and international system lies in the interactionof China’s rise and the dominated countries in the international system and theinteraction of China’s rise and international institution as well.The interaction mode ofChina’s rise and international system is a kind of competitive and cooperativeinteraction.In chapter four,I explain international system transformation and China’srole.International role refers to the recognition of the identity of a country ininternational system.International role determines the identity,rights and responsibilitiesof a country in international system.The role of a country in international system restson the common conception formed by the coincidence of the self-cognation of thecountry and the recognition to the country by international system.The commonconception is built in the interaction of the country and international system.In theinteraction of China’s rise and international system,the role of China in internationalsystem undergoes the change of the status as a dissociation,participator and constructorof international system.China adheres to the responsibility conception of positiveaction,advocates and implements the concept of harmonious world,promotes theinternational order to develop towards a more just and reasonable orientation.As adeveloping dominated country responsible in international system,China isimplementing the international responsibility of a participator and constructor ofinternational system positively in the competitive and cooperative interaction withinternational system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期

