

Support of Kindness

【作者】 李华忠

【导师】 高文新;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 中西传统道德由于逻辑起点不同,存在诸多差异,道德的信仰基础是其中一个比较突出的方面,具有很强的可比性。西方传统道德以宗教信仰为基础,中国传统道德立基于“天人合一”信仰之上,不同的信仰模式凸显了各自不同的特点。无论是西方宗教信仰的外在超越,还是中国“天人合一”信仰的内在超越,实质上都为人的心灵找到了最终归宿,使人的道德有了终极的价值依据,为善提供了支撑。反观我国现当代社会道德与信仰离合之进程,不难发现一个共同的现象:当道德与信仰联系密切,以信仰作为其形上支撑价值时,人们的道德素养就比较高;相反,信仰与道德疏离或者信仰走向极端化,那么,道德也必然走向反面。当前伦理道德领域出现的一系列问题与人的信仰缺失有着直接的关系,没有了信仰,精神无处寄托,心灵得不到安顿,道德也就没有内在的精神生活上的根据。历史之镜鉴,必然要求我们对当前社会道德问题进行深入反思,以找到解决问题的根本出路,从而推动社会主义道德建设取得实质性进展。因此,加强信仰建设是今后道德建设的一个重要立足点。对于信仰问题,在中国这样一个人口众多、信仰薄弱而又相对复杂的国家,解决起来的确比较棘手。我们不可能让所有的人只有一种共同的信仰,那样无异于没有信仰。信仰本身就应该体现着多样化以及人的自由选择性。不论采取哪种信仰形式,关键在于它能否给人以精神的寄托与灵魂的安顿,能否赋予道德以崇高与神圣,能否符合社会发展进步的潮流。结合当前我国信仰的状况,论文从马克思主义信仰、儒学与马克思主义的结合以及宗教信仰三个方面探索社会主义道德建设的逻辑进路。基于此论文共分为以下五章:第一章,绪论。该部分阐明了论文选题的缘起、意义、前人研究成果以及研究思路、方法等。结合当前社会主义道德建设的实际情况,文章分析了加强道德的信仰基础比较研究的必要性与可行性,并在对前人的相关研究成果及其特点综合分析基础上,提出研究的基本思路和研究方法,研究难点、创新尝试与不足之处等。第二章,道德与信仰基本理论。论文从厘清道德与信仰基本概念入手,对道德、信仰、道德的信仰基础等相关概念进行界定和分析。在此基础上,明确道德与信仰的内在联系,进而阐明信仰对道德的基础作用,为中西传统道德的信仰基础比较做理论铺垫。第三章,西方传统道德的宗教信仰基础。任何传统道德都起源于人性论上的看法和观点。西方在人性论问题上占主导地位的观点是性恶论,性恶论与宗教文化交织在一起,因此,性恶论预设成为西方传统道德的逻辑起点。在西方宗教文化背景下,宗教信仰成为传统道德的根基,由此形成了外在超越性的特点。康德道德宗教思想的启示以及现代与后现代社会宗教发展变化的态势,更进一步印证了西方宗教对道德的基础性作用。第四章,中国传统道德的“天人合一”信仰基础。中国传统道德的逻辑起点是性善论文化预设,人性源于天性,正所谓“天命之谓性”。由天道、天德、天理论人道、人德、人理,形成了“天人合一”信仰。“天人合一”的心性学,成为中国传统道德的形上价值基础。与西方外在超越性特点相对应,中国形成了内在超越、知行合一的道德实践模式,人在道德实践的同时,自然能够获得超越性的体验与精神满足,这是中国传统道德的精髓所在。第五章,历史之镜鉴与现实反思——社会主义道德建设的信仰逻辑进路。在比较分析的基础上,论文归纳总结得出比较结论并对其作价值评析,重在阐释对社会主义道德建设的启示意义,为解决当前存在的道德问题提供借鉴的窗口和方法论的指导。通过对中西传统道德的信仰基础比较分析,我们对中西传统道德发展的内在逻辑理路及其立论基础有了更深刻的认识和把握。结合现当代我国道德与信仰离合之现状,进一步反思当前社会主义道德建设的根本出路。为此,论文提出了社会主义道德建设的信仰逻辑进路,从马克思主义信仰、儒学与马克思主义的结合以及宗教信仰三个方面作了深入探析。结语:彰显善的支撑力量。通过对全文的回顾总结,再次申明信仰作为道德形上支撑价值对于社会主义道德建设的迫切性与重要意义。内容虽然简短,却是直面现实道德问题思考的结果,更是一种祈望。

【Abstract】 Due to the difference of logical starting points in the Chinese and western traditional moralities there are lots of differences in the two set of moralities. The difference in belief foundation is one of the obvious points in such difference and conveniently subject to comparison. Traditional morality in the western world is based on religious belief, whereas Chinese traditional morality is evolved from the belief of "nature and man the one”. Each of the different modes of belief has its own characteristics. Both of the two sets of beliefs, regardless of the external transcendence of the western religious belief or the internal transcendence of the Chinese belief in "nature and man the one”, enable their believers find the ultimate settlement in minds. Besides, both bestow the ultimate basis for moralities and kindness. From the case of the gap between social moralities and the belief, we find a universal phenomenon that the general moral quality will be high when moralities are closely connected with belief or takes belief as its foundation; on the contrary, the social morality will come to the other end when belief is disengaged from morality or comes to an extremity. Currently, some of the problems in social moralities are directly connected with the lack of belief. Without belief, the mind cannot rest or get settled. Accordingly, morality has no basis in the internal life.Taking lessons from history, we have to reflect on the current social moralities so as to find the way out and contribute to the Chinese socialist morality building up. For this purpose, we should take the strengthening of belief as a chief foothold. The strengthening of belief is a rough problem in China---a country with such a large population, so weak a belief and complicated social status. It is impossible that all the people have an identical belief because that is equivalent to the case there is no belief. Belief should demonstrate variety and free selection. Regardless the forms of beliefs, the point is that belief should settle the mind and soothe the heart, bestow nobleness and sacred quality to morality and accord with the development of society. Starting from the status in belief in China, the present author explores the logical process from three aspects:the belief in Marxism, the merge of Confucianism and Marxism and religious belief. The dissertation is composed of five chapters.Chapter one is the preface.In the part, author states the reasons, significance of the subject, the previous studies and the fundamental way, etc. Starting from the status of socialist morality building up, the present author analyzes the necessity and feasibility of the comparison of belief. Based on the previous studies and an analysis of these studies, I lay out the fundamental way of study, the difficulties, the creative points and the defects of the dissertation.Chapter two is devoted to the basic principle of morality and belief. Starting from the difference of the concepts of morality and belief, the present author defines and analyzes related concepts of morality, belief and belief foundation. Furthermore, the inner connection between morality and belief as well as the significance of belief to morality are expounded. This part also serves as the preparation for the comparison of Chinese and western traditional moralities.Chapter three is focused on the foundation of western traditional morality. Any traditional morality is evolved from the opinion and idea about human nature. In the western world, a basic idea about human nature is the "evil nature of man”, which is combined with religious culture. As a result, the assumption of evil nature becomes the starting point logically in western traditional morality. Under the background of western religious culture, religious belief becomes the root of traditional morality and accordingly forms the external transcendence. The inspiration of Kant’s religious thought as well as the development and change tendency of religion in modern and postmodern society testifies the significance of belief to morality.Chapter four concentrates on the belief of "man and nature the one”---a basic assumption in Chinese traditional morality. The logical starting point in Chinese traditional morality is the kindness of human nature. Human nature is originated from the nature, just as a Chinese saying goes "god’s will is human nature”. Man’s way, man’s morality and man’s principle are expounded from the foundation of nature’s way, nature’s morality and nature’s principle. In fact, the doctrine of "nature and man the one”becomes the philosophical foundation of Chinese traditional morality. In contrast with the external transcendence in the western world, an internal transcendence and a moral practice of "knowledge and action the one” come into existence in China. When one is the morality practice, he or she will naturally obtain transcendent feeling and spiritual comfort. This is the very essence of Chinese traditional morality.Chapter five is devoted on historical lessons and reflections on current situation---the logical way of belief in socialist morality building up. Based on previous comparison and analysis, the present author comes to a conclusion and makes an evaluation with the emphasis on the explaining of the inspiring effect on socialist morality building up. Supports and methodological guide for the settlement of current morality problems are provided. A comparison of the belief foundations of Chinese and western moralities ensures us a better understanding of the logic rules governing the development of Chinese and western traditional moralities. In combination with the current situation of morality and belief in China, we make further reflections on the basic way of socialist morality building up. For this purpose, in this dissertation, the present author puts forward the logical way of belief as the foundation of Chinese socialist morality building up. An intensive analysis is made from three aspects:Marxism belief, the combination of Confucianism with Marxism and religious belief.Conclusion is an advocate of kindness. Through a summary of the whole dissertation, the significance of belief in Chinese socialist morality building up as a philosophical support is stressed for a second time. Despite the brevity of the dissertation, it indicates the courage of reflection in face of reality; meanwhile this is also an expectation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

