

Research on the Reception of Nalan-ci in Qing Dynasty

【作者】 孟洋

【导师】 木斋;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国古代文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文以纳兰词在清代的接受为研究对象,考察纳兰性德之人格精神,纳兰词之文学张力、词史地位、接受维度等在清代接受的整体情况。借助接受的观照视角,进一步全面深入考察纳兰词全貌及其词史地位确立的动态过程。同时,在清代词史发展的宏观背景下进行具体细致的作家作品个案研究,以期将湮没于清词洪流中的优秀词人适当予以抉幽显晦之表章,有助于考察清代词风播迁嬗变的整体面貌。本文的撰写采用“一维历时结构”的接受史模式,即按照时间顺序综合性地评述纳兰词在后世的接受情况,又根据纳兰词在清代的影响范围和力度,将考察时间划分为三个阶段,分别为纳兰词风在康、雍、乾、嘉四朝的发轫和影响,纳兰词接受在道、咸、同、光四朝的多元与高潮期,以及纳兰词接受在民国时期的成熟与转型期。同时,单独梳理并阐释了晚清女性词人对纳兰词风的接受情况。本文立论建立在大量文献史料基础之上,建构了纳兰词接受史宏观背景下的批评格局,对清词别集、选本予以定量考释和定性分析。研究方法上以批评家言论为考察对象的阐释接受研究和以词人词作为考察对象的创作接受研究为本文的两条历时性主线。相较于清代苏、辛、姜、张词接受研究较为明显的历史背景、社会风气、地缘文化等影响因素,清代纳兰词接受研究更倾向于个体心理的认同感,包括生命历程、审美经验等方面的影响因素,展示中华民族文化心理结构、审美经验和观念发展演变的历程。

【Abstract】 "A generation to a generation of the literature", said Wang Guowei.Thephenomenon of the style and the development of internal vitality in literature by theappeal, also for time lifting of the law will be. Qing Dynasty is set for a large part ofliterary style before, integrating and promote various literary form of power and speedto explosive prosperity again. Among them, born in the cut red moment of hotbed andits growth course is always difficult welcome.In the Qing Dynasty "honour Ci style"awakening, the "big topic, the big shall the meaning", "the history of poetry, Ci alsohave" history mission summon ranked in the ranks of the orthodox literature,makescountless created for the literati to bow down.It also became the Qing Dynasty inChinese history of writers quantity, word set type, the most diverse form of schoolsabundant the period.Nalanxingde has been Qing Dynast-Ci of the popular research fields.Nalan-Ciwith the "emotion" primarily, this is has always been the consensus of critics. Nalan tofully describe as "emotion" for its creation of integrity, insist on the principles andwillIn the early qing dynasty, with Chen Wei-song and Zhu Yi-zun, independent of the"Yangxian School", "Zhexi School" two big schools outside,and to get the praise offamous people, also attracted a group of words with his thoughts and words to learnthe same creation admire and follow.Making Nalan words in the whole history of qingdynasty word background consideration, its value and influence is more and moreimportant.To explore the causes, and quote to Yan Di-chang’s evaluation of QingDynasty-Ci as evidence,"Ci in the qing dynasty, has been used in fact in the fullydeveloped, lyrical function the stylistic reveals that had no is’ lean on sound ’skills,Notonly the shallow pour sings, only for the entertainment of the emerald ’vulgarfamilies’.""The word ’prosperity’, according to its essence is the lyric of functionwords again into full play of a revival,Word is heavy and get a vigorous newprosperity. "Mr.Yan thinks the word is a history of the development of the nature ofmind literati history, so with the "emotion" as the core on the path to the poetics of Ciof the Renaissance.And in many of the Ci in qing dynasty, Nalan is actively advocate"emotion" to take the lead in the model, it is qing dynasty of Ci to create a "emotion party" pioneer.But Nalan, deaths, and creation is not like "Zhexi School" as skills canlearn, is becoming so weak, did not have success.However,“the achievement personmay not better than not achievers”as one of the early qing dynasty, the leader of theinvisible sent word, as the spirit of Nalan’s strength and the word of the artistic charmnever faded,It is a dormant strands in the ground undercurrent, softly slowly surges,waiting for people thought the awakening of the plate, shaking it split, until theundercurrents fracture permeability overflowing mind jumps out.And in fact, theundercurrents of search results is people subjective, is in the dry culture in the desertto dig out of a stream vibrant spring.To a certain extent, on Nalan impacts of poemand share with "emotion" for the reflection of the inquiry and stimulate the creation ofdesire and passion to short Ci.In art style, Nalan-Ci the main with pure and freshnature and sad is famous, and the two kind of aesthetic trait is of Chinese nationalculture and their aesthetic experience long-term development and the art ofaccumulation down essence is the basic characteristics of the classical literarycontext.Therefore, in the words of the Qing Dynasty history the custom will change,word sent the evolutionary process of alternately as Nalan exalted the flag of"emotion" and"natural" but is still standing,The important thing is that Nalan for"emotion" poet those who live in the word of the middle school competition broughta guide line and the dawn of the mind,So the Qing Dynasty, the modern andcontemporary critics have been the high praise and readers to enjoy.Thus, in thispaper the main reorganization and exploring Nalan-Ci on accepting history of QingDynasty, which is expected to become a concern of the study of the qing dynastyword new focus.The early qing dynasty is the key and consolidate stage that the thought andcultural by the opposition to conflict to unified and fusion of the Manchu and the Hannationality.Also,that is the beginning and influence period of Nalan-Ci’s style.With 15years of emperor Kangxi to the start time of Nalan-Ci’s accept,and in the same year,Nalanxingde met Gu Zhen-guan and made fellowship in Beijing ,and rescue break"examination hall case" about Wu Zhaoqian with regard two songs of the "gold wispof song "for mark.From then on, Nalan known in the north and south of Cidomain.Kangxi sixteen years, Nalan and Gu Zhenguan edited together on "The earlyset of present Ci",the main purpose is to eradicate vulgar, express emotion, to collectfour party works, and become the scroll in 30 years to write lyrics standards." Nalan, through "The early set of present Ci"had communicated with the" emotion "for Cilearning concept,Become kangxi toward the "30 years to write lyrics standards," itsinfluence spread broad scope, into the deep heart, thus can know a little.Almostfamous with Nalan while, Chen Weisong as a representative of the "YangxianSchool"that achievement is sent top, and Zhu Yizun as the leadership of the "ZhexiSchool"to send its momentum of development also presents the tendency of theprosperous gradually.Kangxi to take a series of rule policy of scholars,through whichthe north and south of people "communication" is the implementation of thechannel.Nalan, with his political status and prestige attract the two celebrity on thealtar undoubtfully.On Ci learning idea, Nalan and Chen Weisong had mutualrecognition and sure, but there are differences and questioned with Zhu Yizun.Butthis time,Nalan as the spread of "emotion" seed has rooted in this vast fertile soil ofearly Qing Dynasty,conceived slowly, waiting for an opportunity to uptrend.Later,Shen Haori and Guo Lin all show signs of change in thought and in creation.In the period of emperor Qianlong, emperors praise culture highly, and a largenumber of scholars by government control to turn their attention to the classics, thefocus on learning, showing off his intellect as a guarantee the wise way to safety.Andthis period, and the court ruling ideological and cultural adaptation of the "ZhexiSchool" art wind, to the top moment of influence of Ci history, is of overridingimportance and a leader. But in the period of emperor Qianlong of ci of the north andsouth also presents the diversify trend.With "Xiaoshan-Ci club" as an example, WangShi-xiang and Wang Ce inherits the Tang Dynasty and North Song Dynasty-Ci,largely thanks to the big driving force produced by Nalan-Ci thought and creationpractice of achievements in sensation effect in early Qing Dynasty.To end of emperorQianlong, "Zhexi School" simulation of the culture of more and more serious,TanXian evaluated: "creation to Jiaqing; , the shortcomings of red tape have disappeared,the imitation of the culture of the South Song Dynasty, a wise man already know itsdefects."Tan Xian so-called "wise man" is mainly refers to Zhang Hui-yan and createa "Changzhou School". But in period that "Zhexi School" and "Changzhou School"alternate transition, there have been a number of knowledge of the people ofdiscontent "Zhexi School" rule.First in poetry by Yuan Mei raise "spirit" banner, andthen "Suiyuan" group of ci gradually in a response."Suiyuan" spiritual people were inand out of the most "Zhexi School", such as Yuan Tong, Qian Mei, the interaction of the songs with as Yang Fang-can, Yan Yuan-zhao, in their thoughts, the creation, thetemperament, etc, deeply influenced by Nalan.This period of an attention to the"spirit" appeal which the universality of the awakening, and for the recovery andprosperity of Nalan-Ci has provided the favorable opportunity.Daoguang,Xianfeng,Tongzhi,Guangxu, the four period is to be toward Nalan-Ci’saccept of the diversified and climax time.Daoguang period Opium War and theTaiping Rebellion broke out,inside and outside difficult.Yan Di-chang "the modern-Ciorder "said:" Ci is the carrier of the heart or emotions, one of its inherentcharacteristics can hold up the bottom of heart of ripples or overwhelming."Becausethe war is to bring people’s fright, pay attention to life, respect the voice of the humannature in this period is particularly loud. Sad voice of Nalan-Ci plucked numerousscholars fragile and lonely heart, and different background can not producesegregation for the period people’s spirit and Nalan-Ci.Tan Xian said: "The author notso, but readers can so." Because "sad" all have the same heart appeal, make the echoof Nalan-Ci, under the background of unrest has been make public.GongZi- zhen,ZhouZhi-qi,Xiang Hong -zuo,XieZhang-ting, Liu Jia-mou,Tan Xian,Feng Xu,ZhouXing-yu, respectively from the criticism and in creation, explore what contained inNalan-Ci that the peculiar romantic, sorrow of gorgeous art, "integrity" and the spiritof moral strength and profound traditional culture resources.Show that Nalan-Ci isstrong vitality and vigorous of the spirit of the times. In a particular historical period,the people of the same aesthetic value orientation, makes them to Nanlan-Ci ofinterpretation to see side deep and hidden of "mind mirror ".For the period of the republic, accept of Nalan-Ci is mature and transformationperiod.The stage is an special time point that the Chinese literati tradition and themodern transition intellectuals spirit and thought of the fusion and conflict. AsWang Guo-wei, Liang Qi-chao, as a representative of the literature pioneer acceptedthe western literary and artistic ideas baptism, but in from the "tender and gentle"poetics chains rules, and meanwhile complicity to return to traditional critical form,Inorder that they are skilled literature in the heaven and earth for ancient poetry to endwith society to find a new life line.Wang Guo-wei, Liang Qi-chao use of scientificresearch method making Nalan-Ci into the rigorous theory system, as a pure aestheticeyes,Nalan-Ci express feelings natural true,realize aesthetic value of Nalan-Ci that thedepth of the word mining and the height of the life experience sublimation, also laid a modern and contemporary Nalan-Ci on further deepening the fundamentals.At thesame time, in creation of Ci, in addition, Wang Guo-wei’s obvious learning Nalan,"South Slub" the revolution of the literary group in the air to the creation alsocontinued the Nalan-Ci lasting appeal.Liu Ya-zi "the community relations and South":" In the end of Qing Dynasty, is prevalent North Song Dynasty poetry and SouthSong Dynasty Ci, but i adhere to the difficulties. thought about poetry should takethree Tang Dynasty,Ci should be of Five Dynasty and North Song Dynasty. "But thereal learning, the creation of Nalan-Ci is "aristocratic literature" representative PanFei-sheng and "spirit world poet" Su Man-shu of "South Club", their poems is naturalpermeated with a kind of beautiful sentimental style and pure spiritualtemperament.When the revolutionary literature tide swept the chinese literary andrefreshes them, in which the complaint, we seem to be a faint feeling of "pueremotion" Nalan pictured the distribution of lasting appeal.This article by the witness, an in-depth study further Nalan-Ci and its term as thefull extent of the dynamic process.At the same time, in the Qing Dynasty word historyof development of the background to the specific detailed case studies of work to bedrowned in the word in the current outstanding Ci to watch and praise ,and to examinethe development of the Qing Dynasty-Ci in the evolution of the overall outlook.Inaddition, the Qing Dynasty Nalan-Ci to accepttion, is a more comprehensive andin-depth attention and clarifications were accepted by the Qing Dynasty Ci to theobject of research papers.Broke through the long time Ci on the field of the TangDynasty, the five Dynasty and two of Song Dynasty writer and work to the frameworkand mode of thinking, to some extent the word of the research field of vision andspace, activates the classical scholarship system. the new academic growing point.

【关键词】 纳兰词清代接受
【Key words】 Nalan-CiQing Dynastyreception
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期

