

Study of the Political and Judiciary Commission In Contempory China

【作者】 刘涛

【导师】 姚建宗;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法学理论, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 中国共产党党委政法委员会(简称政法委员会或政法委)是当代中国法治建设实践和法治理论论域中一个无法回避的重大问题,但同时也是一个没有得到充分解释的现象。一方面,中国共产党的领导地位和中国特色的法治建设道路,决定了作为党委职能部门的政法委在我国法治建设中的重要作用。另一方面,政法传统和法治传统、政法体制和法治体制交会对接中的矛盾和障碍造成了政法委在法治建设中的运行困境以及学术界关于政法委在法治建设中定位问题的诸多争议。基于这一问题的设定,笔者以L省Z市X县政法委为参照,着重考察了政法委的组织结构、运行机制和政治功能,并在此基础上,通过政治体系自身维持和发展的动态过程去理解政法委与中国法治建设的内在关系和政法委在法治建设中的改革趋向。政法委在中国法治建设中发挥着重要的作用,但它首先是一个政治机构。要想客观全面的理解政法委,就需要把它纳入到中国的政治体系和政治实践中来考量考察。只有弄清楚了政法委的结构和功能情况后,才能准确把握政法委与我国法治建设的内在关联。目前各级政法委已经成为县以上各级党委内部专门领导和管理政法工作的职能部门,同时借助综合治理网络延伸了自己的组织结构,在我国政治体系中占有重要的地位。政法委的运行过程是我国政治过程的一个重要组成部分,对于法治建设、社会稳定和社会综合治理方面要求和支持的输入以及政治决策的作出和实施具有重要的意义。从政治体系的维持和发展来看,政法委具有政治录用和政治社会化的功能。从政策层次来看,政法委的主要活动反映了我国政法政策由强制性向容纳性、由治安领域向社会管理领域、由运动式向常态式的发展变化。政法委的重要地位决定了它在我国法治建设中的的推进作用。在中国共产党的领导下,在政法传统和政法体制的基础上建设中国法治,是我们不可能摆脱的“路径依赖”。但是当代中国的政法和法治两种传统并没有实现完全契合,两种传统的悖逆与冲突集中反映在了政法委的运作过程中。政法委在积极推进中国法治建设的同时,也面临着体制上的困境。为了充分发挥政法委在我国法治建设中的积极作用,推动传统政法体制与现代法治框架的融合,政法委自身的改革就成为我国法治建设和政治体系自我完善过程中至关重要的环节。基于以上考虑,笔者将全文分为导言、正文和结语三个部分。其中正文由“政法委员会的组织体制”、“政法委员会的运行机制”、“政法委员会的政治功能”、“政法委员会在中国法治建设中的推进作用”、“政法委员会在中国法治建设中的体制困境”和“法治建设中的政法委员会改革”六章组成。前三章主要是从政法委作为政治结构的属性出发,通过白描的手法对政法委的结构和功能状况进行勾画;后三章则是对政法委与中国法治建设关系以及政法委改革趋向的分析。第一章主要是根据政治社会学和组织社会学的理论,将政法委的组织结构作为描述的切入点,首先在政治体系的框架中明确政法委在县级以上党组织内部的结构定位,并从政法委的职能延伸和拓展中去把握其在社会治理网络中的结构关联。在此基础上结合政法委形成和运作的外在环境,分析了政法委组织结构的两个基本特征:党对政法工作的绝对领导,治理资源的集中运用。第二章借鉴比较政治学结构功能主义学派的研究框架,以政治体系的过程层次为视角,分析了政法委的运行机制以及其在政治运行中所担负的过程功能。结合对X县的实证考察,可以明确政法委的运行机制由输入机制和输出机制构成,对于政法、综治和维稳政策的形成和输出具有重要影响。政法委在执行输入和输出功能时与政治体系的其他结构以及政治体系的外在环境发生关联互动。第三章继续采用比较政治学结构功能主义学派的框架,对政法委的体系和政策功能进行分析。就体系功能而言,政法委在政法干警录用方面发挥着指导、协调、领导干部任用协管和激励功能,并通过政治忠诚教育、纪律作风教育和法治(制)观念教育推进政法干警角色社会化。就政策功能而言,政法委的主要活动反映了我国社会管制政策的发展变化,对此可以通过“严打”、“综治”和“维稳”三个关键词进行把握。第四章转入对政法委与中国法治建设内在关联分析的第一个方面,探讨政法委在中国法治建设中的推进作用。对此可以从法治认同、权力制约和权利救济三个视角去把握。政法传统中的宗旨观念和群众路线有助于弥补我国旧传统中“时间/经验维度”的缺失,奠定法律法律信仰培育的生活根基。国家功能的政治与行政二分理论和马克思主义的人民监督思想构成了政法委执法监督的理论基础,政法委的执法监督中的实际作为可以为此提供实证支持。政法救济机制有效弥补了不完善法治状态下的权利救济漏洞,为转型时期我国的权利救济提供权威支撑、实质矫正和结构整合。第五章是政法委与中国法治建设内在关联分析的第二个方面,探讨政法委在中国法治建设中的体制困境。政法委在法治建设中的体制困境是我国政治现代化建设内在矛盾的综合反映。以亨廷顿的政治现代化理论为框架,对此可以从权威转型、结构分化和民众参与三个方面予以把握。权威重塑中的权威弱化、结构分化中的功能混同和法治动员中的参与拥堵共同构成政法委在中国法治建设中的体制困境。第六章从微观、中观和宏观三个层面对政法委在法治建设中的改革问题予以探讨。从微观层面看,基本权利保障既是政法委改革中必须坚守的底线,也构成了政法委改革的有力支点。从中观层面看,政法委自身组织形式和运行方式的制度化建设是政法委改革的中介环节。从宏观层面来看,应当从我国法治建设的内在矛盾入手,积极主动地发挥政法委作为党委职能部门的宏观统筹和协调作用,化解我国法治建设的深层问题。

【Abstract】 The Political and Judiciary Commission (PJC) under the Committee of the CPC isa unavoidably important question in the practice and theory of the construction of ruleof law (ROL)in the contempory China, but it is a no-fully-explained phenonmen. Onthe one hand, the leadership of CPC and the constrction of rule of law with Chinesecharacteristics decide the important role of the PJC. On the other hand, thecontradiction and obstacle in the connection between the political and judicial (P&J)traditon and the tradition of ROL, the P&J framwoke and the ROL framwork plungethe PJC in dilemma of the ROL construction, and trigger more disputes on theorientation of the the PJC.With this as a premise, the PJC of X county Z city Lprovince as preference, efforts have been directed to the orgnization structure,operating mechanism, political function of the PJC, and the internal relation bewteenthe PJC and the ROL construction under the dynamic political system.The PJC is a political department in the very first place, and then has importantfunction in the Chinese construction of ROL. To completely comprehend the PJC, itshould be restored to Chinese political system and practice. Only after finding out thestructure and function of the PJC, can we acurately grasp the internal relation betweenthe PJC and Chinese construction of ROL. Today, all classes of the PJC have been thefunctional departments of CPC committee above the county which lead the politicaland judicial work, and they extend their organization structure relying on thecomprehensive governing net, possessing important status in our political system. Theoperational process of the PJC is an important constituent part of our political process,which has significant function in inputing information of the construction of rule oflaw, social stability and social comprehensive governing, and in the making andimplementing policy. From the perspective of the maintenance and development of thepolitical system, the PJC plays the role of political recruitment and politicalsocialization. On the policy level, the main activities taken by the PJC reflect a new change of China’s political and legal policy---from mandatority to capacity, frompublic order to social management, from dynamic condition to ordinary state. The PJCis the propeller of China’s construction of ROL because of its importance. It is theunavoidable path dependency that the construction of ROL should be characterizedwith Chinese feather, based on P&J legal tradition and institution system, and beenunder the leadership of CPC.However, these two-type traditions don’t correspondperfectly, and their rebellion and conflicts are intensively reflected in the process ofPJC operation. The PJC also faces institutional dilemma during the active promotion ofChinese construction of ROL. In order to give full play to the positive role of the PJC,and to promote the integration of traditional P&J system and modern framework ofrule of law, it becomes a central point that the PJC should be reformed in ourconstruction of ROL and the self-improvement process of our political system.With the above thinking as a basis, this paper has been divided into three parts,namely introduction, main body and conclusion, in which, the main body is furtherdivided into six sections, the organization structure of the PJC, the operationalmechanism of the PJC, the system function and the policy function of the PJC, thepropelling function of the PJC in our construction of ROL, the predicament of PJC inour construction of ROL, and the reforms of the PJC in our construction of ROL.Theformer three chapters mainly draw the outline of the sructure and function of the PJCwith the technique of sketch, from its attribute of political department; the latter threechapters are analysis of the interal relation between the PJC and our construction ofROL and the reform trend of the PJC.Chapter one mainly on the basis of theory of political sociology andorganizational sociology, the organizational structure as the entypoint for shetch, thestructural orientation in CPC organizaton above county within the phas been madeclear,together with its structural relation in the socail governing net from its functionextending.With this as basis, combining with the environment in which the PJC hastaken shape and runs, two basic characteristics of the PJC have been analysed: theabsolute lead of CPC to the P&J work, and the comprehensive applying of thegoverning resource.Chapter two employs the analysis frame of the structural functionalism school inthe comparative politics, the process level of the political system as the angle of view,the operating mechanism and the process function in the political opration of the PJC have been investigated. Combinig with the empirical investigation of X county, it canbe made clear that the oprating mechanism of the PJC consist of inputting mechanismand outputting mechanism, whicn has important effect in the making and outputting ofpolicy of P&J, comprehensive governing, and stability maitaining. The PJC interactwith other departments in the political system and the environment outside the politicalsystem.Chapter three continually employs the analysis frame of the structuralfunctionalism school in the comparative politics, to analyse the systematic and policyfunction of the PJC. In terms of the former, the PJC has more functions in theadmisson of judicial and public security officers, which includs guiding function,coordinating function, assisting function in the appointing and dismissing of the P&Jleading officials, and incentive function, and impels the role socialization of judicialand public security officers by the means of political loyal education, disciplnary styleeducation, and ROL ( legal ) concept education. In terms of the latter, the activity ofthe PJC has reflects the development and change of our social regulation policy, whichcan be grasped by three keywords:“striking-hard”,“comprhensive governing”and“stability maintaining”.Chapter four switches to the very first aspect about inner connected analysisbetween the PJC and the construction of rule of law, and puts forward the promotingrole acted by the PJC, the connotation of which could be grasped from rule of law andrecognition, power constraints, and right relief. The concept of purpose in the Traditionof Politics and the mass line do help to compensate for the missing dimension of time /experience“in our old traditions, and to establish the foundation of life of legal faithformation. Supervision by People in Marxism and the Political- AdministrativeSplitting Theory constitute the theoretical basis for the PJC supervision over lawenforcement, while its action could provide empirical supports. The PJC right reliefmechanism makes up effectively for the right to remedy loopholes in the state ofimperfect rule of law, and to provide authoritative support for the Transition Period ofChina’s right to relief, the real correction and structural integrationChapter five is the second aspect, which gives inherent correlation analysis toexplore the Institutional predicament in the construction of rule of law. This dilemmacomprehensively reflects the inherent contradiction of China’s political modernization.This could be understood from transition of the authority, structural differentiation and the people involvement, taking Huntington’s political modernization theory as aframework. The so-called institutional dilemma is made up of the authorizedweakening in reshaping authority, the functional confusion in the structuraldifferentiation, and the participating congestion in mobilizing.Chapter six gives access to the reform of PJC, from the micro, meso and macrolevels. From the micro level, the fundamental rights guarantees must be adhered to thebottom line, which also constitutes a powerful fulcrum for the pJC reform. From themeso level, the systematic construction of the PJC’s own form of organization andoperation mode is the intermediary link of the reform. From the macro level, it shouldbe started from the internal contradictions of the legal construction of China, and itshould actively play as the macro - and co-coordinating role to resolve China’s deepproblems during the construction of the rue of law..

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

