

A Study on the Verbs in Lv Shi Chun Q/u(吕氏春秋)

【作者】 李铭娜

【导师】 武振玉;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 《吕氏春秋》是战国末期的一部重要著作,本文希望通过对《吕氏春秋》动词全面系统调查疏理,了解《吕氏春秋》这部书中动词的整体情况,为研究先秦汉语词汇系统提供一些材料,并且为上古汉语专书研究做些补充,为汉语史的发展贡献一点力量。本文主要分七章对《吕氏春秋》中的动词展开研究。第一章是绪论,分为四个部分。第一节介绍选题缘由,说明了《吕氏春秋》的语料价值和动词研究的意义。第二节介绍动词研究和《吕氏春秋》语言研究的相关研究现状。第三节介绍了本文的研究方法并对所用语料的版本进行了说明。第四节确立研究对象的判断标准、数量和类别。主要采用语法和意义相结合的标准,疏理出《吕氏春秋》中共有动词1111个,义项总数为1620项。其中,单音动词953个,义项总数为1459项,复音动词158个,义项总数为161项。采取语法功能和语义相结合的原则,把动词先分为能愿动词和基本动词。其中能愿动词又分为“表示可能性、可行性”,“表示意愿、态度”和“表示必要、应该”的三类。基本动词又分为特殊动词和普通动词两类。普通动词从语义角度分成身体动作类动词、社会行为类动词以及自然环境变化类三类。第二章是对《吕氏春秋》普通动词的义类聚合进行研究。我们根据语义内容对《吕氏春秋》中的普通动词进行分类,分为身体动作类动词、社会行为类动词以及自然环境变化类动词三个大类。身体动作类动词又分为手部动作类动词、脚部动作类动词、五官动作类动词、心理活动类动词四个次类。社会行为类动词又分为政教类行为动词、祭祀类行为动词、刑杀惩罚类行为动词、人际交往类行为动词、战争征伐类行为动词、生活娱乐类行为动词、交通出行类行为动词、农耕生产建设类行为动词、商业理财类行为动词九个次类。自然环境变化类动词分为动物活动类动词和自然变化类动词两个次类。《吕氏春秋》动词共分为三大类十五小类,对《吕氏春秋》中每个动词逐一进行疏理,每个动词都列出义项、例句和词频。通过对《吕氏春秋》动词的主题分类,可以了解到当时人们对于自己的身心关注程度以及人们的衣食住行和交往活动,当时的政治制度和战争的情况,这为更好的研究上古社会提供了重要信息。第三章在上一章对每个动词义项疏理的基础上,考察了动词词义间的纵向联系,疏理出词义的引申脉络。第一节对《吕氏春秋》中单义和多义动词的义项进行了举例分析。第二节对《吕氏春秋》中动词的本义和引申方式进行了研究。第三节,调查统计了《吕氏春秋》中反映的战国末期出现的新词和新义。第四章在动词义类聚合的基础上,对《吕氏春秋》中同义动词的聚合进行了研究。第一节明确了同义词的界定和构组方法,并对古汉语同义词研究概况进行了回顾。第二节对《吕氏春秋》同义动词语义场类型进行了介绍,并分析了同义动词的三种意义关系以及同义动词出现的语境。第三节对同一语义场中的动词进行了比较。第五章对《吕氏春秋》反义动词聚合进行了研究。第一节明确了反义词的概念,并对反义词研究成果进行了回顾,提出了反义词的具体判定方法。第二节介绍了《吕氏春秋》反义动词的数量,共有82对。分析了《吕氏春秋》反义动词的三种形成途径,并对反义动词的出现语境:连用、对用、单用作了讨论。第三节对《吕氏春秋》反义动词四种对应关系:双边单义反义词、双边多义反义词、多边单义反义词、多边多义反义词做了分析讨论。第四节对《吕氏春秋》反义动词相对性和不平衡性做了图示,以便更好的分析反义动词的两个特点。第六章对《吕氏春秋》动词的组合进行了分析研究,在动词的组合关系中把握动词的确切语义特征。第一节分析了《吕氏春秋》谓语动词组合。谓语动词可以与宾语、主语、状语、补语结合,形成不同的结构,其中动宾组合较为复杂,我们从语义关系、宾语的数量、语序关系三个方面分析动宾组合。又分析了动词与主语、状语、补语的组合,以及连谓和兼语等特殊的动词结构。第二节对《吕氏春秋》非谓语动词的组合进行了研究。分析了动词充当谓语动词以外的诸种情况:处于主语位置的动词已不再表示具有时空特征的动作变化,而是指称动作自身,绝大多数是当事主语。动词充当宾语有指称性宾语与陈述性宾语之分,如果动词出现在身体动作动词宾语的位置上,则临时转指具有该动作的事物,活用作名词。《吕氏春秋》中的动词充当定语修饰名词,名词可以是动词所表示的动作行为的逻辑上的施事、受事、当事,也可以是所表示的动作行为的工具。动词充当状语,其实质是非谓语动词修饰限制谓语动词,谓语和状语二者之间有主次之分,其作用是表明谓语动词实现时附着性的状态。动词充当补语尚处于萌芽阶段,起到补充说明动作的情态、结果、趋向的作用。第七章是本文的结语部分。通过对《吕氏春秋》动词的考察,呈现了《吕氏春秋》动词的总体面貌和特点。并从对动词语义的分析中,揭示了动词蕴涵的丰富历史文化内涵,了解到当时人们对于自己的身心关注程度、思维水平以及人们的衣食住行和交往活动、当时的政治制度和战争的情况等社会生活的各个方面,这为我们更好的研究上古社会提供了重要信息。同时还说明了文中对一些问题的观点和看法的不足和不完善之处,有待于今后进一步去研究。

【Abstract】 Lv Shi Chun Qiu (吕氏春秋)is an important work of the late Warring Statesperiod, with its large vocabulary and colloquial language style, can roughly reflects theglossarial features of late Old Chinese and is one source of later standard documentarylanguage and numerous colloquial words, thus having a great value of research. Inspecific research, the paper not only absorbs the achievements of traditional criticalinterpretation of ancient texts, but also makes full use of the viewpoints andapproaches of modern linguistic theory, so as to combine diachronic with synchronicand static with dynamic, and to interpret some lexical phenomena on the basis ofoverall description. At the same time, the paper reflects on and explore multiplereading words, synonyms, antonyms, and some other issues in meaning study, and thepurpose is, by providing some materials for Old Chinese lexical research, to contributemore or less to the development of the history of both the Chinese language and itsglossary.The paper consists of seven chapters.Chapter One is the exordium, mainly introducing the spread of Lv Shi ChunQiu(吕氏春秋), and discussing the choice and the current research situation of thesubject and the corresponding studying methods. Besides, it also illustrates the divisionof the history of the Chinese language, the selection of linguistic corpus, and thedetermination of the expected version.Chapter Two is on the study of the verbs of Lv Shi Chun Qiu(吕氏春秋), in whichthe paper thoroughly takes statistics of the basic words of each category, and focuseson the analysis of nominal basic words. In the process of analysis, according to thenotional categories indicated by lexical meanings, the paper divides nominal basicwords into fifteen groups, and then analyses these different groups and Through such aresearch, it is fairly easy to notice the relationship between the different components ofbasic words, and to observe the influence of social, historical, and cultural factors onwords.Chapter Three mainly deals with the verb meaning study of Lv Shi Chun Qiu(吕氏春秋). Above all, three principles in the study are determined, and more profound research on the meaning of Lv Shi Chun Qiu(吕氏春秋) is carried out. Polysemy ofwords is first discussed, it is concluded that this phenomenon is much more commonin the late Warring States Period than in the early period, and not only was the numberof monosyllable polysemous words increased, but also there appeared polysemousmultiple reading words, which indicates that the development of multiple readingwords is clearly speeded up. Then the paper emphasizes on the evolution of theglossary of Lv Shi Chun Qiu (吕氏春秋) Here the paper first analyses the causes of theevolution from the aspects of society, human cogntion, and linguistic reality, and thendiscusses the channels of the meaning evolution, of which meaning extension typesand the consequent shifts of meaning are focused on. The above research more or lessbreaks through traditional contributions in this field.Chapter Four is intended to study the synonyms verbs in Lv Shi Chun Qiu(吕氏春秋). First of all, the general research situation of Old Chinese synonyms is looked back,and a number of focuses in this field are explored, thus determining such key issues astaking glosseme as the unit of studying synonyms verbs, and synonyms verbs being thesynonymous phenomena within the same glossarial system. Next, the paper,conforming to the practice of studying the synonyms verbs in Lv Shi Chun Qiu(吕氏春秋), puts forth the approaches of distinguishing Old Chinese synonyms, analyses thedistribution of the synonyms verbs in Lv Shi Chun Qiu(吕氏春秋) in terms of syllables,grammar etc., and carries out classified discrimination towards those synonyms verbs.Discrimination is the keystone in this chapter, and the distinctive features of synonymsverbs which is supported by illustrations so as to guarantee the sufficiency oftruthfulness.Chapter Five tackles the study of the antonyms verbs in Lv Shi Chun Qiu(吕氏春秋). The general research situation of antonyms verbs is first briefly introduced,several hot spots in this realm are also discussed, the necessity of observing thepractical usage of words in defining antonyms verbs is then made clear, and finally thecase of verbs constituting antonyms is analysed with a fairly appropriate explanation.After that, the paper proposes a few practical methods of determining Old Chineseantonyms, probes the distribution of the antonyms verbs in Lv Shi Chun Qiu(吕氏春秋). in terms of syllables, grammar etc., and analyses the types of those antonyms. Atlast, the paper discusses the semantic relationship and the corresponding relationship of the antonyms verbs in Lv Shi Chun Qiu(吕氏春秋)., and analyses the causes leadingto the imbalance of the corresponding relationship of those antonyms verbs.Chapter Six on the combination of characteristics of the Lv Shi Chun Qiu(吕氏春秋) verbs were analyzed in the combination of relations of the verb to grasp the exactsemantic features of verbs. The first section analyzes the combination of characteristicsof the Lv Shi Chun Qiu(吕氏春秋)Verb and object, subject, adverbial, complement cancombine to form a different structure, verb-object combination is more complexanalysis of verb-object combinations from three aspects of the semantic relations, thenumber of object word order relations, and the slave Bin four examples of thecombination to grasp the exact semantic features of verbs. Then it analyzes thecharacteristics of the combination of verb and subject, adverbial, complement, andeven that the chief language verb structure. Section II of the Lv Shi Chun Qiu(吕氏春秋) non-verb combination of characteristics. Unite outside the verb as a verb: the verbin the subject position is no longer expressed with temporal and spatial characteristicsof movement change, but alleged that the action itself, the vast majority of the partiessubject. Verb act as the object of the alleged sexual object and statement object points,if the verb appear in the position of the body action verb object, the temporary transferrefers to the things of the action, utilizing as a noun. The verb in the Lv Shi ChunQiu(吕氏春秋)verbs as an attributive modifier nouns, nouns can be the logic of theaction expressed by the verb acts on the agent, patient, and the parties can also beexpressed by the actions that the tool. Verb to act as adverbial, its essence non-verbmodified restrictions on the verb, predicate and adverbial between a primary orsecondary role in the adhesion of the state show that when the realization of the verbact as a complement to its infancy, involves only six words, play the modality of theaction supplement, the results tend to the role.In summary, on the basis of the textual collation and interpretation by previoussages towards Lv Shi Chun Qiu(吕氏春秋), the paper conducts overall investigation onLv Shi Chun Qiu(吕氏春秋) verb glossary, and reveals the features of the verbglossary and the traces of their change and development. While regarding the researchon the noumenon of the glossary of Lv Shi Chun Qiu(吕氏春秋), the paper investigatesthe social background of the glossary’s generation with the intent to uncover the richhistorical and cultural significance embodied in the glossary. As the foundation work to study the history of the Chinese language, the paper fills in a blank in the research ofOld Chinese special textual glossary, thus reaching a high academic level and at thesame time possessing a great academic value.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期

