

Research on the Mode,Mechanism and Economic Performance of Industry-education-research Cooperation

【作者】 赵京波

【导师】 张屹山;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 数量经济学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 我国产学研合作的经济绩效研究与模式、机制分析论文首先在产学研合作相关理论和文献梳理的基础上,从理论上分析产学研合作的模式、机制和经济绩效,并利用我国相关数据对产学研合作的经济绩效进行实证检验,最后提出促进我国产学研联盟健康有序发展的政策建议。具体而言,本文主要内容、结论和创造性工作包括:1.界定产学研合作的基本含义,认真梳理了国内外产学研合作的相关理论和文献,有利于确定本文研究内容及变量,便于对本文研究内容创新性的整体把握。2.利用全国产学研联系度、经济增长等数据及劳动、资本、专利数省际面板数据,借助面板数据模型、协整理论和VAR模型等计量方法研究了我国产学研合作对经济增长、区域经济发展、自主创新能力的影响。研究结果表明,产学研合作对GDP的促进作用较为持久,但影响幅度较低;产学研合作对我国经济竞争力较强的八个省份的经济增长具有正向促进作用,但由于我国产学研合作规模和机制问题导致产学研合作投入效率并不是很高,产学研合作对区域经济发展的推动作用不是太强;产学研合作与企业自主创新能力之间存在长期均衡关系,且产学研合作程度对企业自主创新能力具有正的影响效果,但效果并不是很显著,且长期效果比短期明显。最后本文根据研究结果给出相应政策建议。3.采用案例分析的方法来揭示产学研合作的经济绩效。这些案例主要涉及北京天元网络公司、浙江大学热能工程研究所、中国石油天然气股份有限公司、钢铁可循环流程技术创新战略联盟等。通过案例分析,再次证实,产学研合作是促进科技成果转化的重要途径,也即是使科技产生经济效益的重要途径。通过案例分析也可以得到更多启示,为产学研联盟的健康发展提供动力支持和参考依据。4.在理论分析和文献综述的基础上,梳理和总结我国产学研联盟已有模式,并对其进行分类,比较产学研合作不同模式的优缺点,在此基础上,对以大学或研究单位为牵头组织单位、以企业为牵头组织单位,以及共建模式的产学研合作模式进行分析和研究。5.在产学研合作模式研究的基础上,研究产学研合作机制。包括产学研合作机制的出发点、政府功能发挥机制、以大学或研究单位为牵头组织单位的产学研合作机制、以企业为牵头组织单位的产学研合作机制,以及共建模式产学研合作机制等内容。6.通过实地考察的方法研究美国、日本、韩国等典型国家的产学研合作,从中总结经验和教训。并针对我国产学研合作实践中存在的问题提出促进产学研联盟发展的政策建议,包括通过政府引导构筑产学研合作的市场化服务体系、加强政府部门在产学研合作中的作用、完善以企业为主体的产学研合作机制、加强服务体系建设、积极探索解决产学研合作中的纠纷,以及法律法规保障体系建设等内容。全文分为八章,具体结构如下:第2章概念界定与文献综述。本章主要界定产学研合作概念,梳理了产学研合作领域的已有研究文献脉络,包括产学研合作模式研究、产学研合作机制研究和产学研合作绩效研究等方面。第3-4章我国产学研合作对经济增长与技术创新效应的实证分析。本文利用全国产学研联系度、经济增长等数据及劳动、资本、专利数省际面板数据,借助面板数据模型、协整理论和VAR模型等计量方法研究了我国产学研合作对经济增长、区域经济发展、自主创新能力的影响。研究结果表明,产学研合作对GDP的促进作用较为持久,但影响幅度较低;产学研合作对我国经济竞争力较强的八个省份的经济增长具有正向促进作用,但由于我国产学研合作规模和机制问题导致产学研合作投入效率并不是很高,产学研合作对区域经济发展的推动作用不是太强;产学研合作与企业自主创新能力之间存在长期均衡关系,且产学研合作程度对企业自主创新能力具有正的影响效果,但效果并不是很显著,且长期效果比短期明显。最后本文根据研究结果给出相应政策建议。第5章我国产学研合作的单维度分类及综合类型。产学研合作是促进科技成果转化的重要途径,也即是使科技产生经济效益的重要途径。实践证明,产学研合作能够极大促进一国、地区,乃至企业的经济绩效。本章将在理论分析和文献综述的基础上,梳理和总结我国产学研联盟已有模式,并对其进行分类,比较产学研合作不同模式的优缺点,在此基础上,提出我国产学研合作的三种基本类型并结合实例分析每一类型的特点。这些案例主要涉及北京天元网络公司、浙江大学热能工程研究所、中国石油天然气股份有限公司、钢铁可循环流程技术创新战略联盟等。通过案例分析,可以得到更多启示,为产学研联盟的健康发展提供动力支持和参考依据。第6章我国产学研合作机制研究—以政府科技项目支持的产学研合作为例。本章在产学研合作模式研究的基础上,研究产学研合作机制。包括产学研合作机制的出发点、政府功能发挥机制、以大学或研究单位为牵头组织单位的产学研合作机制、以企业为牵头组织单位的产学研合作机制,以及共建模式产学研合作机制等内容。第7章典型国家产学研合作的经验启示。本章将通过实地考察的方法研究美国、日本、韩国等典型国家的产学研合作,从中总结经验和教训,为下文分析促进我国产学研联盟发展的政策建议提供了重要的参考依据。第8章促进产学研联盟发展的政策建议。本章将根据以上各章分析结论,针对我国产学研合作实践中存在的问题提出促进产学研联盟发展的政策建议,包括通过政府引导构筑产学研合作的市场化服务体系、加强政府部门在产学研合作中的作用、完善以企业为主体的产学研合作机制、加强服务体系建设、积极探索解决产学研合作中的纠纷,以及法律法规保障体系建设等内容。当然,本文结论还有待于理论和实践的进一步检验。

【Abstract】 The Thesis analyzes the mode, mechanism and economic performance ofindustry-education-research institution collaboration, then empirically test its influence oneconomic growth with data from China, according to the conclusions from which, we presentpolicy suggestions for the perfection of industry-education-research institution collaboration.Some contents and findings, as part of results for researching in this period, are listed below:1. We give the definition of industry-education-research institution collaboration in this paper,and present economic explanations of the existence of industry-education-research institutioncollaboration from perspectives of game theory, transaction cost theory and external theory.2. This article empirically test the effects of industry-education-research institutioncollaboration on economic growth and technological innovation with panel data model andmethods of time series analysis. The results show that the effect of industry-education-researchinstitution collaboration on economic growth lasts long, but it is small in extent.industry-education-research institution collaboration has a positive role in promoting economicgrowth in the eight more advanced provinces, but the input efficiency ofindustry-education-research institution collaboration is not very high, and the effect ofindustry-education-research institution collaboration on the regional economy growth is not toostrong because of the problems in the scale and mechanism of industry-education-researchinstitution collaboration. There is a between the long-run equilibrium relationship betweenindustry-education-research institution collaboration and the capability of independent innovation,level of cooperation has a positive effect on the ability of independent innovation of enterprises,but the effect is not very significant, and the ratio of long-term effects is more significant thanshort-term effect. Finally, we give some corresponding policy recommendations based on theresults3. Using case studies method, we uncover the economic performance of industry-education-research institution collaboration. These cases mainly related to BeijingTianyuan Networks, institute of Thermal Power Engineering in Zhejiang University, ChinaNational Petroleum Corporation. Through case studies, we once again confirmed thatindustry-education-research institution collaboration can promote technological achievements andgenerate economic benefits.4. We sort and summarize existing mode of industry-education-research institutioncollaboration on the basis of the theoretical analysis and literature review, then we analyze andcompare the advantages and disadvantages of different modes of industry-education-researchinstitution collaboration. on the basis of which, we study the modes ofindustry-education-research institution collaboration with the university or research institutions asleading organizational units, with the enterprise as the lead organization, and so on.5. We study the mechanism of industry-education-research institution collaboration on thebasis of the researches on cooperative mode, including the starting point of collaborationmechanism, the functioning mechanism government, the mechanism ofindustry-education-research institution collaboration with universities or research institutions asthe lead organization, industry-education-research institution collaboration with enterprises asthe lead organizations, and so no.6. We study the industry-education-research institution collaborations in the United States,Japan, South Korea, from which we can sum up experience and lessons learned. And we givesome policy suggestions including building a market research cooperation service system throughgovernment guidance, strengthening the government’s role in the cooperation, improvingcooperation mechanism with enterprises as the main unit, strengthening the service system, andactively exploring solutions to disputes in the cooperation, and perfecting the legal securitysystem and so on.The thesis includes 8 parts, and the concrete structure is as follows:Charter 2, Economy explanations of the industry-education-research institution collaboration.This chapter presents economic explanations of the existence of industry-education-researchinstitution collaboration from perspectives of game theory, transaction cost theory and externaltheory.Charter 3-4,Empirical test of the effects of industry-education-research institutioncollaboration on economic growth and technology innovation This article empirically test theeffects of industry-education-research institution collaboration on economic growth and technological innovation with panel data model and methods of time series analysis. The resultsshow that the effect of industry-education-research institution collaboration on economic growthlasts long, but it is small in extent. industry-education-research institution collaboration has apositive role in promoting economic growth in the eight more advanced provinces, but the inputefficiency of industry-education-research institution collaboration is not very high, and the effectof industry-education-research institution collaboration on the regional economy growth is not toostrong because of the problems in the scale and mechanism of industry-education-researchinstitution collaboration. There is a between the long-run equilibrium relationship betweenindustry-education-research institution collaboration and the capability of independent innovation,level of cooperation has a positive effect on the ability of independent innovation of enterprises,but the effect is not very significant, and the ratio of long-term effects is more significant thanshort-term effect. Finally, we give some corresponding policy recommendations based on theresultsChapter 5. The single-dimension classification of industry-education-research collaborationand its synthetic type. We sort and summarize existing mode of industry-education-researchinstitution collaboration on the basis of the theoretical analysis and literature review, then weanalyze and compare the advantages and disadvantages of different modes ofindustry-education-research institution collaboration. On the basis of which, we study thesynthetic modes of industry-education-research institution collaboration with the university orresearch institutions as leading organizational units, with the enterprise as the lead organization,and so on. To facilitate the analysis, case study was employed. These cases mainly related toBeijing Tianyuan Networks, institute of Thermal Power Engineering in Zhejiang University,China National Petroleum Corporation. Through case studies, we once again confirmed thatindustry-education-research institution collaboration can promote technological achievements andgenerate economic benefits.Chapter 6. Researches on the mechanism of industry-education-research institutioncollaboration. We study the mechanism of industry-education-research institution collaborationon the basis of the researches on cooperative mode, including the starting point of collaborationmechanism, the functioning mechanism government, the mechanism of industry-education-research institution collaboration with universities or research institutions as the leadorganization, industry-education-research institution collaboration with enterprises as the leadorganizations, and so no. Chapter 7, Experience implications of industry-education-research institution collaborationfrom some typical countries. We study the industry-education-research institution collaborationsin the United States, Japan, South Korea, from which we can sum up experience and lessonslearned.Chapter 8, Policy implications to promote industry-education-research institutioncollaboration. We give some policy suggestions including building a market research cooperationservice system through government guidance, strengthening the government’s role in thecooperation, improving cooperation mechanism with enterprises as the main unit, strengtheningthe service system, and actively exploring solutions to disputes in the cooperation, and perfectingthe legal security system and so on.Of course, the conclusion is subject to further test both from theory and practice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】F276.42;F224
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】2251
  • 攻读期成果

