

The U.S. Trade Policy Toward China Since the End of 1980s

【作者】 白大范

【导师】 项卫星;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 世界经济, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 中美贸易关系作为当前全球经济体系中最重要的双边贸易关系,其发展进程始于1979年两国选择结束对抗和中国的改革开放。而冷战结束后迅速发展的经济全球化,特别是中国积极融入这一进程,则推动了中美贸易关系迅速发展。随着中美贸易关系的迅速发展,美国对华贸易政策在其整个贸易政策中所占的地位也越来越重要。随着中国经济的持续高速增长和外向型经济的发展,特别是中国加入世界贸易组织以来美国对华贸易逆差的迅速增长,美国的对华贸易政策也出现了显著的变化。由2007年美国次贷危机引发的美国经济衰退,使美国国内的贸易保护主义进一步抬头,从而导致美国与中国的双边贸易摩擦频繁发生。贸易政策作为美国外交政策中最持久的内容之一,不仅涉及经济问题,而且还涉及同样多的政治问题。为此,研究20世纪80年代末以来、特别是中国加入世界贸易组织以来的美国对华贸易政策的变化、成因及其对美中贸易关系的影响,具有重大的理论意义和现实意义。其理论意义主要在于:从动态的角度研究美国对华贸易政策的变化及其对中美贸易关系的影响,不仅有助于推动国内学术界对美国贸易政策的研究;而且有助于我们进一步了解美国的贸易政治对美国对华贸易政策以及中美贸易关系的影响。其现实意义则主要在于:有助于中国政府正确地处理中美贸易关系,加强与美国贸易决策的相关机构的沟通与交流,为及时调整对外经济战略提供决策参考。全文由6章构成。第1章为导论。本章首先介绍了论文的选题背景与选题意义,并对相关文献作了梳理和评价;在此基础上,介绍了论文的研究重点、论文框架以及研究方法,并陈述了论文的主要创新与不足。第2章为美国贸易政策的制度框架与对华贸易政策的决定机制。本章为全文的分析框架。这是因为,美国贸易政策的形成和决策过程,具有相互制衡这一重要特征。了解美国贸易政策的制度框架与对华贸易政策的决定机制,是研究美国对华贸易政策的出发点和必要的前提。本章首先介绍和分析了美国国会的贸易政策权限和机制以及行政部门的贸易政策权限;在此基础上,介绍和分析了美国对华贸易政策制定中的各种决策力量(即国会、行政部门以及各种利益集团),并研究了美国独特的贸易政治及其对美国对华贸易政策的影响。第3章为美国对华贸易政策的历史演变。本章是对美国对华贸易政策变化的历史追溯。首先对1949年以前的美国对华贸易政策和1949—1978年的美国对华贸易政策进行了回顾和分析,并揭示了其主要特征;在此基础上,对1979—1989年的美国对华贸易政策进行了分析并揭示了其主要特征。第4章为1990年代以来的美国对华贸易政策。作为20世纪后半期国际政治格局的最大变化,冷战的结束使美国对华贸易政策发生了重大变化。为此,本章首先分析和论述了冷战结束后美国对华贸易政策的变化及其原因;在此基础上,对1990年代美中贸易关系中的两个最重大的问题即最惠国待遇与美中正常贸易关系以及美中有关中国加入世界贸易组织的双边谈判进行了分析和论述。第5章为美国对华贸易政策与美中贸易关系的发展。本章对1990年代以来的美中贸易关系、特别是中国加入世界贸易组织以来美中贸易关系的发展进行了研究;重点分析了两个彼此关联的重要问题,即美中贸易失衡以及由此产生的双边贸易摩擦和美国对华出口技术管制政策。第6章为全文的结论。本章首先介绍和分析了奥巴马政府的对华贸易政策;在此基础上,对美国对华贸易政策和美中贸易关系的未来走势进行了预测和判断。

【Abstract】 Being the most important bilateral trade relations in the global economic system,Sino-U.S. trade relations start from the year 1979 when the two countries decided toend confrontation and China begun to reform and open. Since the end of the Cold War,the fast evolving process of globalization in which China actively takes partstimulates the development of Sino-U.S. trade relations. Gradually, trade policytoward China becomes more and more important in the whole strategy of U. S. tradepolicy. However, with the fast growing of China’s export-led economy, especially thefast growing of China’s trade surplus against the U.S. since China entered WTO, thetrade policy of U.S. toward China changes significantly. The economic recessionwhich is due to sub-prime loan crisis stimulates the trade protectionism in the U.S.and aggravates Sino-U.S. trade frictions correspondingly. Being one of the longlasting parts of foreign policies of the U.S., trade policy contains not only economicissues, but also political issues. In this sense, research on the changes, reasons, andpotential effects of Sino-U.S. trade relations since the end of 1980s, especially sinceChina’s entrance into WTO, is of great theoretical and practical meanings. In theperspective of theoretical meanings, research on the changes and potential effects ofSino-U.S. trade relations in a dynamic perspective can not only strengthen domesticresearch of the trade policy of the U.S., but also deepen the understanding of the U.S.trade politics and its impacts on Sino-U.S. trade relations. In the perspective ofpractical meanings, the research has great policy implications for the Chinesegovernment.The dissertation contains six chapters. The first chapter is introduction. In thischapter, background and meaning of the research is introduced, and relevantliteratures are reviewed. On this basis, emphasis, framework, and methods of theresearch are given. The innovation and shortcomings are also listed.The second chapter is the institutional framework and decisive mechanism of theU.S. trade policy toward China. This chapter provides a framework of the wholedissertation. Because the formation and decision of the U.S. trade policy is a typical process of check and balance, which is the start point and necessity of our research.The chapter introduces the limitation and mechanism of U.S. congress and politicaldepartments on trade policy. On this basis, the chapter analyzes different kinds ofstrength in the formation of U.S. trade policy, and studies the unique U.S. tradepolitics and its impacts on the U.S. trade policy toward China.The third chapter is the historical evolvement of the U.S. trade policy towardChina. This chapter traces the history of the U.S. trade policy toward China. First, thehistory before the year 1949 and from 1949 to 1978 is reviewed and analyzed, and themain features are summarized. On this basis, the history from 1979 to 1989 is alsoresearched carefully.The fourth chapter is the U.S. trade policy toward China since 1990s. The end ofCold War, which is the biggest change of international political pattern in the latterhalf of the twentieth century, alters the U.S. trade policy toward China significantly.This chapter first analyzes the changes and reasons of the U.S. trade policy towardChina. On this ground, the Most Favored Nation Treatment clause, the issue ofPermanent Normal Trade Relations and the Sino-U.S. bilateral negotiation aboutChina’s entrance into WTO is analyzed.The fifth chapter is U.S. trade policy toward China and the development ofSino-U.S. trade relations. The chapter studies the development of Sino-U.S. traderelations since 1990s, especially since China’s entrance into WTO. Two inter-relatedimportant issues, which are the Sino-U.S. trade imbalance and the bilateral tradefrictions, are deeply discussed.The sixth chapter is conclusion. In this chapter, the trade policy of Obamaadministration is introduced and analyzed. On this basis, the future of U.S. tradepolicy toward China and Sino-U.S. trade relations is discussed and forecasted.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期

